FOM (Facilities Operations Meetings)
Chairperson: Jose Alberto Rodriguez
Deputy Chairperson: Piotr Skowronski
Scientific Secretaries: Emiliano Piselli and Marlene Turner
Contact :
The FOM is responsible for coordinating the operation of the non-LHC accelerator complex and associated experimental areas, this includes machine and facility projects under commissioning.
Responsibilities for coordinating the operation include:
Establish and maintain short-term and long-term accelerator schedules;
Planning and coordination of hardware commissioning, cold check-out, beam commissioning and all periods of beam operation, including special runs;
Schedule interventions in the accelerators and experimental facilities during operational periods;
Ensure with the machine coordinators the readiness of the approved MD beams;
Follow-up and track regularly the performance of all operational beams, in order to ensure optimum performance and the best possible conditions for all users, through reports on Accelerator Fault Tracking (AFT), Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and performance dashboards;
Ensure implementation of new developments to improve the performance of operational beams;
Liaise with the technical coordination teams for the preparation of technical stops and the restart afterwards.
Provide an executive summary to the IEFC with particular emphasis on major issues, which affect operation;
Publish brief minutes, including actions and results on actions.
Machine coordinators, representatives of equipment and service groups, physics coordinators, MD coordinator, LHC coordinator, DSO, RP representative(s). EATM representative, User representatives. (detailed list under FOM membership on indico page)
Categories in FOM (Facilities Operations Meetings)
- FOM 2025
- FOM 2024
- FOM 2023
- FOM 2022
- FOM 2021
- FOM 2020
- FOM 2018
- FOM 2017
- FOM 2016
- FOM 2015
- FOM 2014
- FOM 2013
- FOM 2012
- FOM 2011
- FOM 2010
- FOM 2009