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LCG Experiment Coordination Meeting



Coordination meeting between LCG service and LHC experiments, focussing on issues for the coming weeks / months.

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    • 14:30 15:00
      Experiments' plans over the summer as well as post-CHEP 30m
      baseline assumptions
      • ALICE

        Preparations on-going but FDR itself is expected Q1 2008.

        Impact of SRM v2.2 services to be considered.

        See Friday pm session on PDC & FDR
      • ATLAS

        • M4 cosmics challenge end August
        • SRM v2.2 testing early September?
        • FDR dates?
        Presentation from ATLAS Overview week in Glasgow
      • CMS

        Dates are September 10th for 30 days

        CSA07 goals and metrics
      • LHCb
        Main change is that some of the August production will be run using SRM v2.2 endpoints - see below.
    • 15:00 15:30
      Specific requirements, e.g. FTS 2.0 services at named sites (CMS Tier1s?), SL4 WNs at named sites (again CMS CSA07 sites) etc. 30m

      The status of the FTS 2.0 release is given below:

      Patch 1232 for FTS 2.0 in certification. This is the version of FTS 2.0 that will be given to Tier-1 sites in advance of CSA'07.

      • ALICE requirements
      • ATLAS requirements
        GFAL & lcg_utils that support SRM v2.2 to be deployed in production at all relevant sites.

        Production releases of these for SRM v2.2 have been made and a number of bugs found. (See here for an example.) It is to be expected that further testing - including experiment testing - will uncover some more.

        By definition.

      • CMS requirements
        • SL4 WNs at sites participating in CSA07
        • FTS 2.0 services at CMS Tier1s (and Tier0)
      • LHCb requirements
        storage requirements
    • 15:30 15:40
      Resource requirements for SRM v2.2 testing 10m
      ATLAS test details
      LHCb test details
    • 15:40 15:45
      AOB 5m