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EP Seminar

Measurement of B<sub>s</sub> mixing parameters from B<sub>s</sub> &rarr; J/&psi &phi; decays at CDF and D&empty;

by Guillelmo Gomez-Ceballos (MIT)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium (CERN)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


Show room on map
CP violation in B0 and B+ decays has already been extensively investigated at the B-factories over the last years, while the corresponding knowlege in the B0s system has been lacking so far. B0s mesons are produced with large cross section at the Tevatron collider. Following the measurement of the B0s to B0s oscillation frequency in 2006, the D∅ and CDF experiments have now investigated CP asymmetries in B0s meson decays. We report on the first flavor-tagged analyses from both experiments using B0s decays to J/ψφ. This channel is sensitive not only to the width difference ΔΓ in the B0s system but also to the (CP violating) weak phase βs.
Joint PP/EP seminar - 2008
Video in CDS