Introduction to gLite & RESPECT tools at EGEE'08 conference

Technical University

Technical University

Istanbul, Turkey
Gergely Sipos (MTA SZTAKI), Robin McConnell

This event will interest those who are seeking to develop applications and managing jobs and advanced workloads on EGEE. The event is held on the two days prior to the EGEE '08 Conference (Saturday 20, Sunday 21 September).

Topics and details of presentations will be finalised shortly, however, the focus of the course is primarily expected to be a brief introduction to gLite job management and RESPECT tools for creating, submitting and orchestrating workloads on EGEE.

  • GANGA tool to manage jobs
  • P-GRADE Portal to develop and manage fault tolerant workflows and parameter studies
  • GridWay metascheduler to broker resources and manage jobs
  • GRelC - Tool that aims to provide a set of advanced data grid services to transparently, efficiently and securely manage grid-databases

The course will provide a brief introduction session on the security and job management capabilities of the gLite middleware for those who are not familiar with EGEE and its gLite middleware. More advanced job management examples and higher level tools will demonstrate complex EGEE workloads. Participants should be familiar with editing UNIX commands and text files. Members of the EGEE Application Porting Support Group will also attend the event and will provide technical consultancy for those who wish to port applications to the EGEE Grid.


Speakers are from European research institutes that are members of the User Training and Induction and Application Identification and Support activities of the EGEE project.


The tutorial is outside of the main Conference program and additional registration is needed. Attendance fees apply- Registration fee for the training is €50. If you wish to register to the event, You should register for this at the same time as you register for the EGEE'08 conference. Please go to the EGEE'08 conference registration page. If you have any problem with the registration process or if you wish to register several people at the same time, please contact . . ..

Venue and getting there

The training event is held in the Macka Campus of the Istanbul Technical University. This document provides map and description about the venue and about how to get there.


Set menu lunch will be provided for participants in one of the social buildings of the Technical University near the Macka Campus. It takes 5-10 minutes on foot to get there from the computer room.


  • Saturday 20 September
    • 09:00 09:15
      Welcome, introduction from trainers and attendees 15m
    • 09:15 13:00
      • 09:15
        Introduction to EGEE project and gLite middleware 45m
      • 10:00
        Security and getting access to the training infrastructure 30m
      • 10:30
        Coffee Break 15m
      • 10:45
        Job management with gLite 1h 15m
      • 12:00
        Data management with gLite 1h
    • 13:00 14:00
      Lunch Break
    • 14:00 14:10
      Context & Linking
    • 14:10 17:00

      The GridWay Metascheduler enables large-scale, reliable and efficient sharing of computing resources (clusters, computing farms, servers, supercomputers…), managed by different LRM (Local Resource Management) systems, such as PBS, SGE, LSF, Condor…, within a single organization (enterprise grid) or scattered across several administrative domains (partner or supply-chain grid). GridWay is a Globus project, adhering to Globus philosophy and guidelines for collaborative development and so welcoming code and support contributions from individuals and corporations around the world.

      more information
  • Sunday 21 September
    • 09:00 11:30
      P-GRADE Grid Portal

      P-GRADE Portal provides an intuitive and service rich graphical environment for the development, execution and monitoring of data-driven computational workflows and workflow based parameter studies. Services and interfaces of P-GRADE act as extensions of the gLite and Globus middleware services and implement user centric services.

      The lecture and related practical will demonstrate the portlets and services of P-GRADE Portal, includeing the compiler portlet, file manager portlet, workflow and parameter study manager portlet, the grid application editor and the certificate manager. For further information please visit

    • 11:30 15:00
      GRelC (Includes Lunch Break)

      In the proposed tutorial we will talk in detail about the Grid Relational Catalog (GRelC) Project, an integrated environment for grid database management, highlighting the vision/approach, architecture, components, services and technological issues.
      The key topic of the tutorial as well as of the demo will be the GRelC Data Access and Integration Service. The GRelC DAIS is a GSI/VOMS enabled web service addressing extreme performance, interoperability and security. It efficiently, securely and transparently manage databases on the grid across VOs, with regard to emerging and consolidated grid standards and specifications as well as production grid middleware (gLite & Globus).
      It provides a uniform access interface, in grid, both to access and integrate relational (Mysql, Oracle, Postgresql, IBM/DB2, SQLite) and non-relational data sources (XML DB engines such as eXist, XIndice and libxml2 based documents). Further information are available at the project site:

      GRelC on GILDA
      GRelC on iSGTW
      Hands on
      Hands-on Slides
      Project Website
    • 15:00 17:45