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CERN Computing Seminar

XRootd explained

by Fabrizio Furano (Conseil Europeen Recherche Nucl. (CERN))

IT Auditorium (CERN)

IT Auditorium



This talk gives a broad view of the Scalla/XRootd platform for data access and storage, intended for a general audience. Emphasis is given to explaining the overall vision about the project (formerly born as a collaboration between SLAC and INFN, but now treated as a generic open source project, with several contributors, CERN being among the first ones), in the form of a short glance at the key features.

Although some of the topics have highly technical implications, we don't focus directly on them, preferring to give a view about answers to questions like "what does it do", "how does it work", "why was it done that way", or "how can I set up a simple instance with the latest features".

Organised by: Miguel Angel Marquina
Computing Seminars /IT Department

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