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USAG @ EGEE'08 meeting Theme: Continuous GGUS assessment EGEEII Milestone MSA1.6

Barbaros hall B (EGEE'08 Conference Istanbul)

Barbaros hall B

EGEE'08 Conference Istanbul

Harbiye Askeri Museum
User Support Advisory Group (USAG) meeting This group is, in EGEE III, the successor of the EGEE II Executive Support Committe (ESC).

Information twiki

  1. Agenda approval
  2. Comments on minutes from the July 17th USAG meeting [here]
  3. Final comment on EGEE III Milestone MSA1.6 on GGUS assessment:
    Extract from the EGEE III Description of Work document (around page 123) defining MSA1.6:
    ------- MSA1.6 Assessment of the status of user support SA1 IFAE PM4
    An assessment of the status of user support, including input from stakeholders in NA4 and SA1. It will include the plan for user support for the remainder of the project and indicate strategies for support in an EGI/NGI model. --------
    MSA1.6 is due end of September 2008 [Kai to present final draft].
  4. What from the GGUS Plan DSA1.1. EDMS Ref. here will be done in the remaining 2008 GGUS Releases. Can we do GGUS 8.0? [Torsten to start the discussion by going through the main Plan points].
  5. Feedback on "ALARM" and "TEAM" tickets introduced with GGUS Rel. 7.0 [Guenter's presentation for the GDB and SA1]. Recent requests to be discussed:
    1. By John Gordon, GDB and UK/I ROC, to discuss how clear the information information on ALARM tickets is for sites to automatically tell what service is affected.
    2. By the Atlas VO to extend this functionality to Tier2s [Read exchanges in this savannah ticket].
    3. By Fabio Hernandez, IN2P3, for a possibility for a site to launch the alarm testing procedure, not just GGUS [Read exchanges in this savannah ticket].
    4. Do we need a confirmation from sites for reception of alarm emails? [Read exchanges in this savannah ticket].
  6. Review Action List [go to the end of these notes].
  7. Decide on next meeting date.
  8. A.O.B.
Written by M.Dimou in the EGEE'08 session assessment form:
1. More realistic definition of what measurements are meaningful for the Milestone MSA1.6 for the GGUS assessment.
2.Decided on priorities of the GGUS plan, namely open direct routing to sites from all users, not onl TEAM members, provided the GOCdb-GGUS automated interface is in place.
3.The LCG GDB will decide whether ALARM tickets' web form and template should contain more detailed description and subject tags.
Last Update: 2008-10-06 by M.Dimou
Slides on MSA 1.6
The agenda of this meeting is empty