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7–11 Sept 2009
Europe/Zurich timezone
New: link to Cosmo10 (Tokyo, 27 September - 1 October 2010)

This year's edition of the annual Cosmo International Conference on Particle Physics and Cosmology -- Cosmo09 -- will be hosted by the CERN Theory Group from Monday September 7 till Friday September 11, 2009. The conference will take place at CERN, Geneva (Switzerland).

The Cosmo series is one of the major venues of interaction between cosmologists and particle physicists. In the exciting LHC era, the Conference will be devoted to the modern interfaces between Fundamental and Phenomenological Particle Physics and Physical Cosmology and Astronomy.

The Conference will be followed by the CERN TH Institute "Particle Cosmology" which will take place from Monday September 14 till Friday September 18, 2009. The CERN-TH Institutes are visitor programs intended to bring together scientists with similar interests and to promote scientific collaborations. If you wish to participate, please register on the Institute web page.

Link to last editions: COSMO 07 (U. of Sussex), COSMO 08 (U. of Wisconsin)

List of plenary speakers: Gianfranco Bertone, Pierre Binetruy, Francois Bouchet, Juerg Diemand, Jonathan Feng, Gregory Gabadadze, Francis Halzen, Steen Hannestad, Will Kinney, Johannes Knapp, Hiranya Peiris, Will Percival, Syksy Rasanen, Alexandre Refregier, Pierre Salati, Roman Scoccimarro, Michael Schubnell, Christian Spiering, Neil Spooner, Andrew Tolley, Matteo Viel.
The plenary program is available on-line. Select "Preliminary programme" in the left menu and click on each plenary session to see details.

Parallel sessions:

  • Inflation, convenor: Andrew Liddle
  • Dark matter, convenor: Marco Cirelli
  • Dark energy and modified gravity, convenor: Kazuya Koyama
  • CMB, LSS and cosmological parameters/models, convenor: Licia Verde
  • String cosmology, convenor: Jim Cline
  • Baryogenesis and leptogenesis, convenor: Mariano Quiros

    The submission of talk proposals is closed by now. The parallel session program is available on-line. Select "Preliminary programme" in the left menu and click on each parallel session title to see details.

    Posters. Participants willing to present a poster will be offered the opportunity to hang it in the hall, next to the main auditorium. The poster application is closed by now. The poster list is available on-line.

    Registration. On-line registration is open from January 16 till August 31 (click on the link in the left menu). There will be no registration fees.
    [Thanks to the generosity of EU's network "UniverseNet", we have some limited funds available for supporting the visit of a few young scientists who could not attend otherwise. The application for funding is closed by now. All applicants have already been informed of the success of their application.]

    Accomodation. Participants are expected to arrange their accomodation by themselves:

    • some rooms with shower, wc and washbasin have been blocked in the CERN hostel for the conference (price: 58CHF/night). Unfortunately, all these rooms have already been booked.
    • You can book a hotel in Geneva or in the area surrounding CERN using this list. If you book a hotel on the French side, be sure to have a passport or a visa valid also in France.

    All participants are expected to be in possession of a passport or a visa valid in Swizerland (if relevant), and to be covered by their own health insurance during their visit.

    Sponsors. This conference is receiving support from the European Community's Marie Curie Research and Training Network UniverseNet.

  • Starts
    500/1-001 - Main Auditorium
    Go to map
    • Antonio Riotto
    • Gia Dvali
    • Gian Giudice
    • John Ellis
    • Julien Lesgourgues
    • Mikhail Shaposhnikov
    • Ruth Durrer