EP Seminar

The Super Flavour Factory project

by Achille Stocchi (LAL/IN2P3)

Main Auditorium ** (CERN)

Main Auditorium **


In this seminar we present the project of a high luminosity asymmetric collider known as Super Flavour Factory (SFF). This machine is capable to reach a luminosity exceeding 1036cm-2sec-1 at the energy of the U(4S) production. This luminosity represents an increase of two order of magnitude with respect to that reached at the present B factories: PEP-II (SLAC) and KEKB (KEK). In this seminar we discuss mainly the physics program of this project. The measurements which can be performed will allow to study in a unique manner the structure of the New Physics beyond the Standard Model, if discovered at LHC at the TeV scale, and/or eventually to extent the domain of the New Physics search at energy scales larger and not accessible to the LHC. We also briefly discuss the recent progress of this project and especially the success of the tests of the new collision schemes ("crab waist scheme") performed in Frascati from beginning 2008 and still on going. The Technical Design Report (TDR) phase has started and important decisions on the approval of this project will be taken soon.
Joint EP/PP seminar - 2009
Organised by

Maria Spiropulu / PH-EP --------------------------------- **Tea and Coffee will be served at 16:00