Council - Hundred-and-Fifty-First Session
60/6-002 (CERN)



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from Thursday 18 June 2009 (09:30) to Friday 19 June 2009 (15:00)

Thursday 18 June 2009



2. Report to the Credentials Committee
3. Approval of the Draft Minutes of the Hundred-and-Fiftieth Session of Council
4. Adoption of the Agenda
5. Matters Arising from Previous Meeting
6. President's Report
7. Director-General's Report
8. Member State Matters (Director-General - Oral)
   8.1 General Report on Member State Matters (Director-General - Oral)
   8.2 Developments in the Member States relevant for CERN (General Discussion)
9. Non-Member State Matters
   9.1 General Report on Non-Member State Matters (Director-General - Oral)
   9.2 Second Report from the Working Group on the Scientific and Geographical Enlargement of CERN (Mrs C. Kokkinakis/Prof. M. Spiro - Co-Chairs of the WG - Oral)
   9.3 Draft Terms of Reference for the High-Level Advisory Panel
   9.4 Israel's attendance to Restricted Council Sessions for LHC-related matters
   9.5 Letter from Pakistan
10. Applications for Membership of CERN
   10.1 Discussion on the relation between the procedure for the received applications and the ongoing process regarding the geographical enlargement of CERN
   10.2 Received applications:
   10.3 - Israel
   10.4 - The Republic of Cyprus
   10.5 - The Republic of Serbia
   10.6 - The Republic of Turkey
   10.7 Received Expression of Interest:
   10.8 - Republic of Slovenia
11. LHC Progress Report (Director-General - Oral)
12. Report by the Chairman of the Finance Committee (Dr M. Steinacher - Oral)
13. Staff Rules & Regulations 11th Edition-Proposed Amendments to Chapter II and Annex R A 11 (Contract Policy)
CERN/FC/5358/Rev. CERN/2851/Rev.
14. Five-Yearly Review 2010
   14.1 Introductory Document
CERN/FC/5361 CERN/2859
   14.2 Report on Main Recruitment Markets for Staff Members
CERN/FC/5362 CERN/2860
   14.3 Report on Comparator Research Institutions for Fellows
CERN/FC/5363 CERN/2861
   14.4 Management's Proposal identifying the Financial and Social Conditions to be Reviewed
CERN/FC/5364 CERN/2862
   14.5 Report on Recruitment and Retention of Staff Members
CERN/FC/5365 CERN/2863
15. Report by the Chairman of the Scientific Policy Committee (Prof. E. Fernandez - Oral)
   15.1 Areas of competences to be covered by the SPC
CERN/SPC/925 CERN/2856
16. Questions from the Council to the SPC
   16.1 New Questions from the Delegations
17. Medium Term Plan
   17.1 Modified Strategy and Goals for 2009
CERN/SPC/920 CERN/FC/5346 CERN/2846
   17.2 Medium-Term Plan for the Period 2010-2014 and Draft Budget of the Organization for the Fifty-Sixth Financial Year 2010
CERN/SPC/921 CERN/FC/5347 CERN/2847
18. Proposal for the Arrangements for the Indexation of the Member States' Contributions
CERN/FC/5366 CERN/2864
19. Future Arrangements for the Calculation of the Scale of the Member States' Contributions
CERN/FC/5349 CERN/2850
20. Pension Fund
   20.1 Report by the Chairman of the Governing Board (Prof. F. Ferrini - Oral)
   20.2 Revised CERN/ESO Agreement on the Admission of ESO Staff to the CERN Pension Fund
CERN/FC/5359 CERN/2857
   20.3 The Use of the Discount Rate by CERN and the CERN Pension Fund
CERN/FC/5360 CERN/2858
21. Confirmation of Access Status of Documents
22. Other Business

24. Elections: Council
   24.1 President of Council - Preliminary discussion of the full list of candidates
   24.2 Vice-President of Council - Call for nominations of candidates
   24.3 Re-election of One Vice-President of Council
25. Elections: CERN Audit Committee (CAC)
   25.1 Discussion on proposed candidates for the CAC's Chairmanship
26. Elections: CERN Pension Fund
   26.1 Appointment of the General Manager of the Pension Fund
CERN/2852/RA (Confidential)
27. Elections: The Working Group on the Scientific and Geographical Enlargement of CERN
   27.1 Apppointment of the High Level Advisory Panel
28. Senior Staff Appointment
   28.1 Appointment of the Head of the Human Resources Department
CERN/2854/RA (Confidential)
29. Appointment Procedures
   29.1 Discussion on the question whether or not the selection procedure for the Directors-General should be reviewed now
Friday 19 June 2009


OPEN SESSION (CERN (503/1-001))

31. Report on the Decisions taken at Restricted and Closed Sessions and at European Strategy Sessions (President of Council - Oral)
32. Report by the Chairman of the Finance Committee (Dr M. Steinacher – Oral)
33. Annual Progress Report and Annual Accounts (Financial Statements) for 2008:
   33.1 Annual Progress Report for 2008
CERN/SPC/917 CERN/FC/5331 CERN/2834
   33.2 Assessment and comments by the External Auditors on the Annual Progress Report for 2008
CERN/FC/5357 CERN/2848
   33.3 Assessment and comments by the SPC on the Annual Progress Report for 2008
   33.4 Assessment and comments by the FC on the Annual Progress Report for 2008
   33.5 Annual Accounts (Financial Statements) for the Year 2008
CERN/FC/5337 CERN/2840
   33.6 Report by the External Auditors on the Annual Accounts of CERN for the Financial Year 2008
CERN/FC/5338 CERN/2841/Corr.
   33.7 External Auditors' Report on the Annual Accoiunts for the Financial Year 2008 - Comments by the Management
CERN/FC/5339 CERN/2842
34. CERN Pension Fund:
   34.1 Annual Report and Financial Statements 2008
CERN/FC/5340 CERN/2843
   34.2 Report by the External Auditors on the Accounts of the CERN Pension Fund for the Financial Year 2008
CERN/FC/5341 CERN/2844
   34.3 Report by the External Auditors on the Accounts of the CERN Pension Fund for the Financial Year 2008 - Comments by the Administration of the Pension Fund
CERN/FC/5342 CERN/2845
35. LHC Status Report (Dr S. Myers - Oral)
36. Report by the Chairman of the Scientific Policy Committee (Prof. E. Fernandez - Oral)
37. Draft Timetable for Council Sessions and Committee Meetings 2010
38. Other Business