Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

11–13 Nov 2009
Europe/Zurich timezone
The 3rd SPL collaboration meeting will take place at CERN on November 11-13, 2009. The “open” part of the meeting will start on Wednesday 11 at 9h00 and finish on Friday 13 at lunch. The purpose is to review technical progress, discuss solutions and define the detailed goals for next year. All working groups being present, it is also a unique opportunity for interaction. The first meeting of the Collaboration Board will take place on Friday afternoon. It shall be a “closed” meeting (in room B: 61-1-009) with typically 1-2 representatives per collaborating laboratory or institute. Venue: The plenary session on Wednesday 11 (morning) will take place in room 30-7-018 (TE Auditorium Kjell Johnsen). On Wednesday 11 (afternoon) and Thursday 12, all meetings will take place in building 30. The plenary session on Friday 13 (morning) will take place in room 4-3-006 (TH auditorium).
30-7-018 TE Auditorium (Kjell Johnsen)