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Heavy-Ion Forum on Parton Distribution Functions

TH Theory Conference Room (CERN)

TH Theory Conference Room


Graeme Watt, Hannu Paukkunen (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela), Ingo Schienbein (Universite Joseph Fourier)
Status of proton PDFs and role of nuclear corrections Graeme Watt (CERN) Abstract: I will review the current status of the parton distribution functions (PDFs) of the proton, then I will explain the role of nuclear corrections in determining the proton PDFs, discussing in particular the treatment of nuclear corrections in the MSTW 2008 analysis [arXiv: 0901.0002]. ************ EPS-approach to nuclear PDFs Hannu Paukkunen (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela) Abstract: The latest developments related to the EPS-studies on nuclear PDFs are reviewed. The resulting knowledge of the nuclear modifications to the free proton PDFs is an essential piece of information to interpret the results of heavy ion collisions performed in RHIC-BNL and LHC. Part of the experimental data taken on nuclear targets are also utilized in constraining the free proton PDFs where the factorizability of nuclear effects is of utmost importance in a consistent analysis. We discuss, in particular, data from neutrino DIS with nuclear targets. ****************** Recent progress on nuclear CTEQ PDFs Ingo Schienbein (Grenoble) Abstract: We describe recent progress in the extraction of PDFs from nuclear targets in an extension of the CTEQ global analysis framework. Particular attention will be devoted to the compatibility of neutrino DIS data with charged lepton DIS and DY data used in global analyses of nuclear PDFs. The prospects of constraining the nuclear gluon and/or charm distribution by measuring prompt photons in association with a heavy quark in pA collisions will be briefly discussed as well.
Organised by

Y. Foka, U. Wiedemann

    • 10:00 10:45
      Status of proton PDFs and role of nuclear corrections 45m
      Abstract: I will review the current status of the parton distribution functions (PDFs) of the proton, then I will explain the role of nuclear corrections in determining the proton PDFs, discussing in particular the treatment of nuclear corrections in the MSTW 2008 analysis [arXiv: 0901.0002].
      Speaker: Graeme Watt
    • 10:45 11:30
      EPS-approach to nuclear PDFs 45m
      Abstract: The latest developments related to the EPS-studies on nuclear PDFs are reviewed. The resulting knowledge of the nuclear modifications to the free proton PDFs is an essential piece of information to interpret the results of heavy ion collisions performed in RHIC-BNL and LHC. Part of the experimental data taken on nuclear targets are also utilized in constraining the free proton PDFs where the factorizability of nuclear effects is of utmost importance in a consistent analysis. We discuss, in particular, data from neutrino DIS with nuclear targets.
      Speaker: Hannu Paukkunen (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)
    • 11:30 11:50
      Recent progress on nuclear CTEQ PDFs 20m
      stract: We describe recent progress in the extraction of PDFs from nuclear targets in an extension of the CTEQ global analysis framework. Particular attention will be devoted to the compatibility of neutrino DIS data with charged lepton DIS and DY data used in global analyses of nuclear PDFs. The prospects of constraining the nuclear gluon and/or charm distribution by measuring prompt photons in association with a heavy quark in pA collisions will be briefly discussed as well.
      Speaker: Ingo Schienbein (Universite Joseph Fourier)