LHC RRB - Overall timetable

LHC RRB Meeting April 2007

LHC Experiments and World LCG Resources Review Boards

Tuesday 24 April 2007


ATLAS RRB (60/6-002) Visit ATLAS

24th meeting of ATLAS RRB

14:00 Introduction
J. Engelen
14:05 Approval of the minutes of the last meeting
14:10 Status of the experiment
P. Jenni, ,, M. Nessi
CERN-RRB-2007-016 CERN-RRB-2007-017 CERN-RRB-2007-020 (slides) CERN-RRB-2007-021 (slides)
Detector construction and installation (including Common Projects)
General status of the experiment (including status of completion financing)
15:00 LHCC Deliberations (paper only)
E. Tsesmelis
15:05 Financial matters
P. Geeraert
CERN-RRB-2007-008 CERN-RRB-2007-013 (slides)
Status of Common Fund accounts
Summary of market surveys & tenders
Status of M&O accounts
--- Coffee break ---
15:30 Construction Budgets
M. Nordberg
CERN-RRB-2007-018 CERN-RRB-2007-022 (slides)
Closing report for 2006
Current status for 2007
Preliminary estimates for 2008
16:00 M&O Budgets
M. Nordberg
Closing report for 2006
Preliminary estimates for 2008
16:20 Summary
Future activities, date of next meeting, AOB
J. Engelen