Andy Buckley(High Energy Physics Group-College of Science and Engineering-Un)
Rivet is a software toolkit for data analysis of MC event generator samples, which provides tools (jet algorithms, event shapes, etc.) to make analysis-writing easy and generator-independent, and a large (100+) collection of MC versions of published experimental analyses. LHC experimentalists are encouraged to write Rivet analyses corresponding to their data analyses, and many phenomenologists have found Rivet a convenient way to do studies, both for Standard Model and BSM physics, and for MC comparisons and validation, see e.g. the LPCC web site.
This tutorial will cover the essentials of using Rivet, from browsing and running existing analyses to writing new ones:
- Intro: design, behaviour and philosophy
- Listing analyses and viewing metadata
- Running built-in analyses
- Plotting and analysing output histograms
- Analysis writing: analysis plugins and calculating observables
- Writing and running a MC-only analysis
- Writing and running a data-based analysis
The tutorial will be hands-on and laptop-based. primarily using the CERN lxplus system. A virtual machine image will be provided for those without lxplus accounts: if you don't have an lxplus account, you will need to pre-install this before the tutorial. The VM image can be downloaded from (750MB) and used with the VirtualBox VM engine.
If you are interested in working through the tutorial using a particular event generator (Herwig++, Pythia 8, Sherpa, PYTHIA 6), please let us know in advance. No specific prior knowledge is needed, but an awareness of event generation issues will help. Further information can be found on the Rivet web page:
The tutorial will start at 10am CERN time. We will start with an introduction to using the analyses distributed with Rivet to analyse MC generator event properties and to use the Rivet plotting and comparison tools. Before lunchtime there will be an exercise to write and run a simple analysis.
The afternoon session will introduce the Rivet projection system in more detail, particularly jet and vector boson reconstruction, and involve a more realistic analysis-writing exercise. If you have an analysis that you particularly want to implement in Rivet, this is a good opportunity to ask for advice and hands-on help with the analysis implementation.
The meeting will be broadcast via EVO, see this page for the details on the day of the meeting.
Information on accommodation, access to CERN and laptop registration is available from
Alexandru T. Grecu
Ana Juricic
Andre Holzner
Anil Singh
Anirvan Sircar
Basak Untuc
Charles Young
Christian Veelken
Christophe Delaere
Claire Gwenlan
Darren Price
Deepak Kar
Dimitri Bourilkov
Efe Yazgan
Elena Yatsenko
Eva Sicking
Fikri Onur Oztirpan
Gennaro Corcella
Giacomo Fedi
Hardeep Singh Bansil
Jan Lindroos
Jed Biesiada
Kadir Ocalan
kajari mazumdar
Katarzyna Romanowska-Rybinska
Kiran Daniel Joshi
Lovedeep Saini
Ludivine Ceard
Lukas Wehrli
Malgorzata Kazana
maria Cepeda Hermida
Maurizio Pierini
Michelangelo Mangano
mithat kaya
Nasuf Sonmez
Nick Edwards
Nicolo Cartiglia
Nitesh Soni
ozlem kaya
Pablo Bueno Gómez
Paolo Nason
Piergiulio Lenzi
Piotr Zalewski
Rajivalochan Subramaniam
Robindra Prabhu
Sebastian Wahrmund
Sercan Sen
Shehu AbdusSalam
Simone Alioli
Simone Amoroso
Torbjörn Sjöstrand
Tristan Du Pree
Zoltan Trocsanyi
Rivet I: running Rivet, and simple analysis writing2h
Andy Buckley(High Energy Physics Group-College of Science and Engineering-Un), Hendrik Hoeth(Durham University)
Video in CDS
1h 30m
Rivet II: Writing real-world analyses, and troubleshooting session2h
Andy Buckley(High Energy Physics Group-College of Science and Engineering-Un), Hendrik Hoeth(Durham University)