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3rd Workshop on Power Converters for Particle Accelerators

Building 1b, room 4b (DESY)

Building 1b, room 4b


Hans-Joerg Eckoldt (DESY)
Power Converters are critical components in the performance and the operation of Particle Accelerators. Meetings - scheduled or informally organised - during International Conferences either on Particle Accelerators or Power Electronics are not the best way for exchanging experiences and ideas. POCPA Workshop devoted to the specific field of Power Converters for Particle Accelerators aimed to group specialists in this field from the particle accelerator laboratories worldwide for a two-days meeting and to organise a true round-table on selected topics.
  • Bao-Sheng Wang
  • Bjoern Naeser
  • Bob Lambiase
  • Bud Fogal
  • Christopher White
  • Chunlong Guo
  • Cleber Rodrigues
  • Denis Molaro
  • Derek Schupp
  • Frank Dahmen
  • Franรงois Bouvet
  • Fulvio Boattini
  • G. Chris Pappas
  • Gerhard Schulz
  • Grzegorz Skawinski
  • Hans Jaeckle
  • Hans-Joerg Eckoldt
  • Horst Welker
  • Huges Thiesen
  • Ingo Mรผller
  • Ivan De Cesaris
  • Jean Marc Koch
  • Jean-Franรงois Bouteille
  • Jean-Paul Burnet
  • Jim Coleman
  • Joachim Rahn
  • Ju Wang
  • Karsten Kahle
  • Kent Holland
  • Kristian Ambrosch
  • Marco Cautero
  • Markus Retzlaff
  • Michele Martino
  • Miguel Cerqueira
  • Niels Heidbrook
  • Olivier Goudard
  • Qi Xin
  • Quentin King
  • Rene Kuenzi
  • Roberto Petrocelli
  • Roberto Visintini
  • Sean Murphy
  • Thomas Fors
  • Tobias Schneegans
  • Tony Dobbing
  • Trevor Hartnett
  • William Merz
  • Xiaoling Guo
    • 08:00 12:30
      Arrival at DESY Building 1b, room 4b

      Building 1b, room 4b


    • 12:30 14:00
      Lunch Building 9a

      Building 9a


    • 14:00 14:30
      Welcome & Introduction 30m Building 1b, room 4b

      Building 1b, room 4b


      Speakers: Hans-Joerg Eckoldt (DESY), Jean-Paul Burnet (CERN), Roberto Visintini (Sincrotrone Trieste)
    • 14:30 15:00
      DLS Digital Controller 30m Building 1b, room 4b

      Building 1b, room 4b

      Speaker: Tony Dobbing (Diamond Light Source)
    • 15:00 15:30
      Digital Regulation of FERMI Power Supplies 30m Building 1b, room 4b

      Building 1b, room 4b

      Speaker: Denis Molaro (Sincrotrone Trieste)
    • 15:30 16:00
      Petra III Extension Digital Regulation 30m Building 1b, room 4b

      Building 1b, room 4b

      Speaker: Niels Heidbrook (DESY)
    • 16:00 16:30
      Coffee Building 1b, room 4b

      Building 1b, room 4b


    • 16:30 17:00
      Perfomance Improvement of the APS Booster Ring Dipole Magnet Power Supplies 30m Building 1b, room 4b

      Building 1b, room 4b

      Speaker: Mr Ju Wang (Argonne National Laboratory)
    • 17:00 17:30
      Magnet Power Supplies for SwissFEL 30m Building 1b, room 4b

      Building 1b, room 4b

      Speaker: Mr Rene Kuenzi
    • 17:30 18:00
      eRHIC Project 30m Building 1b, room 4b

      Building 1b, room 4b

      Speaker: Bob Lambiase (Brookhaven Nat'l Lab)
    • 18:00 18:30
      Open discussion 30m Building 1b, room 4b

      Building 1b, room 4b


    • 18:30 19:00
      Accommodation Building 1b, room 4b

      Building 1b, room 4b


    • 19:00 22:30
      Official Dinner: Groeninger Privatbrauerei Hamburg


      Groeninger Privatbrauerei

      Willy-Brandt-StraรŸe 47
      20457 Hamburg
      phone: 040 - 570105-100
      fax: 040 - 570105-498

    • 08:30 08:40
      Coffee: Morning coffee Building 1b, room 4b

      Building 1b, room 4b


    • 08:40 09:10
      Current Measurement: Transducers, Analogue Signal Conditioning and ADCs 30m Building 1b, room 4b

      Building 1b, room 4b

      Review of current measurement devices Signal cabling Analogue anti-aliasing Signal conditioning Voltage references, network resistors and op-amps Temperature coefficients and compensation Powering of analogue components ADC choices (SAR/ฮ”ฮฃ)
      Speaker: Miguel Cerqueira Bastos (CERN)
    • 09:10 09:15
    • 09:15 09:35
      Introduction to Z-transforms 20m Building 1b, room 4b

      Building 1b, room 4b

      Z-transform is an indispensable mathematical tool for the design and analysis of discrete-time systems. It is the discrete-time counter-part of the Laplace transform. The tutorial begins with the derivation of the Z-transform from the Laplace transform of a discrete-time signal. The main properties of the Z-transform are then listed. A useful aspect of the Laplace and the z-transforms is the representation of a system in terms of the location of the roots of the system transfer function in a complex plane. The correspondence between both planes is presented. The different ways to calculate the z-transfer function of a digitally controlled continuous-time transfer function are then listed. The poles and zeros of the resulting closed-loop transfer function provide useful insight into the system behavior and stability. The influence of the transfer function roots is detailed. The tutorial finishes with a quick description of the two ways to design a digital controller: emulation design and direct discrete-time design.
      Speaker: Francois Bouvet (SYNCHROTRON SOLEIL)
    • 09:35 09:40
      Questions Building 1b, room 4b

      Building 1b, room 4b


    • 09:40 10:10
      Current Measurement: Digital Filtering Techniques 30m Building 1b, room 4b

      Building 1b, room 4b

      The basics of quantization and sampling theory will be quickly reviewed and the digital filter problem introduced with emphasis on the specific requirements of measurement within digital control loops. Design guidelines will then be outlined and tools for filter coefficients calculation presented also by means of interactive sessions. The main focus of the tutorial will be on the most commonly used, though computationally demanding, FIR filters for ฮฃ-ฮ” ADC. A case study will also be detailed in order to present critical issues. Finally guidelines for IIR filters coding on DSP will be presented.
      Speaker: Michele Martino (CERN)
    • 10:10 10:15
      Questions Building 1b, room 4b

      Building 1b, room 4b


    • 10:15 10:40
      Digital Regulation by Emulating Analogue Controllers: Basic Power Supply Control 25m Building 1b, room 4b

      Building 1b, room 4b

      The Proportional-Integral controller is our control method of choice for most powers upplies. It attains reasonable performance and can be tuned manually. This talk intends to show the few key components of the control structure, show the limitations of PI control and the differences between the time-continous and time-discrete implementation.
      Speaker: Hans Jaeckle (PSI)
    • 10:40 10:45
      Questions Building 1b, room 4b

      Building 1b, room 4b


    • 10:45 11:00
      Coffee Building 1b, room 4b

      Building 1b, room 4b


    • 11:00 11:25
      Digital Regulation by Emulating Analogue Controllers: Implementation 25m Building 1b, room 4b

      Building 1b, room 4b

      Less ADCs than order of the system -> Passive damping is better than getting stability by means of the regulation. Input: Constant Load Current -> constant input power -> negative input resistance of the power supply -> ringing on the intermediate DC power bus -> introduction of passive damping on the input Output: Oscillation of the output filter and the load -> passive damping on the output Delta-Sigma-ADCs -> static precision is โ€˜no problemโ€™ -> AC precision is todayโ€™s problem -> mains synchronous ripple suppression (i.e. 50Hz, 300Hz, 600Hz) -> prefilters -> arbitrary pre-oscillator ADC values -> Add a standard header to the ADC values to create standard audio files -> Use standard audio freeware for wave and frequency analysis
      Speaker: Niels Heidbrook (DESY)
    • 11:25 11:30
      Questions Building 1b, room 4b

      Building 1b, room 4b


    • 11:30 11:55
      Digital Regulation Using the RST Algorithm: Theory 25m Building 1b, room 4b

      Building 1b, room 4b

      RST controllers are referred to as polynomial controllers for the way they are calculated using polynomial algebra. Beside this unusual (for PI accustomed control Engineers) characteristic, RST controllers allow the implementation of digital controls of any degree of complexity. In this tutorial we will explore some of the features of the RST control structure and will see it at work in the control of the new 60MW main power converter for the CERN proton synchrotron (POPS).
      Speaker: Fulvio Boattini (CERN)
    • 11:55 12:00
      Questions Building 1b, room 4b

      Building 1b, room 4b


    • 12:00 12:30
      Digital Regulation Using the RST Algorithm: Implementation 30m Building 1b, room 4b

      Building 1b, room 4b

      The converter controls for the LHC power converters was successfully based on the RST algorithm. The software included the code to calculate the RST coefficients to create a PII controller on an inductive load. In 2008 the same RST implementation was used to control the field in the PS main circuit using RST coefficients calculated using MATLAB. In 2010 the RST algorithm was extracted and refactored into a C software library that is now available under the LGPL. A test program call cctest was written under Linux to test libreg and libfg (function generation) and it provides a template for a real-time controller based on the RST algorithm. Libreg supports reference and measurement limits checking, magnet saturation compensation, current and field regulation, and voltage source and load simulation. The tutorial will present the implementation of a complete RST based converter regulation program and will show how cctest can be used to simulate regulation and as a template for the development of a controller.
      Speaker: Mr Quentin King (CERN)
      Exercise worksheet
      Software download
    • 12:30 13:30
      Lunch Building 9a

      Building 9a


    • 13:30 14:00
      Power Supplies Activities at Soleil 30m Building 1b, room 4b

      Building 1b, room 4b

      Speaker: Francois Bouvet (SYNCHROTRON SOLEIL)
    • 14:00 14:30
      Booster Magnets Power Supplies Refurbishing: Next Steps 30m Building 1b, room 4b

      Building 1b, room 4b

      Speaker: Mr Marco Cautero
    • 14:30 15:00
      Power Converter System at the CLS 30m Building 1b, room 4b

      Building 1b, room 4b

      Speaker: Mr Bud Fogal
    • 15:00 15:30
      Powering of FRIB 30m Building 1b, room 4b

      Building 1b, room 4b

      Speaker: Mr Kent Holland
    • 15:30 16:00
      Open Discussion 30m Building 1b, room 4b

      Building 1b, room 4b


    • 16:00 16:30
      Coffee Building 1b, room 4b

      Building 1b, room 4b


    • 16:30 18:30
      Visit to DESY Building 1b, room 4b

      Building 1b, room 4b


    • 18:30 19:00
      Accommodation Building 1b, room 4b

      Building 1b, room 4b


    • 19:00 22:30
      Informal Dinner Building 1b, room 4b

      Building 1b, room 4b


    • 08:30 09:00
      XFEL Digital Regulation, Analog Regulation 30m Building 1b, room 4b

      Building 1b, room 4b

      Speaker: Mr Bjoern Naeser
    • 09:00 09:30
      The CRB Project for MedAustron 30m Building 1b, room 4b

      Building 1b, room 4b

      Speaker: Mr Kristian Ambrosch (MedAustron)
    • 09:30 10:00
      Power Converters at IHEP-2 30m Building 1b, room 4b

      Building 1b, room 4b

      Speaker: Mr Qi XIN
    • 10:00 10:30
      Power Converters at IHEP-1 30m Building 1b, room 4b

      Building 1b, room 4b

      Speaker: Mr Xialing Guo
    • 10:30 11:00
      Coffee Building 1b, room 4b

      Building 1b, room 4b


    • 11:00 11:30
      Power Converter Activities at the Australian Synchrotron 30m Building 1b, room 4b

      Building 1b, room 4b

      Speaker: Mr Sean Murphy
    • 11:30 12:00
      Status of ALBA Power Supplies 30m Building 1b, room 4b

      Building 1b, room 4b

      Speaker: Roberto Petrocelli (ALBA-CELLS)
    • 12:00 12:30
      Conclusions & Proposals Building 1b, room 4b

      Building 1b, room 4b


    • 12:30 13:30
      Lunch Building 9a

      Building 9a


    • 13:30 14:00
      Departure from DESY Building 1b, room 4b

      Building 1b, room 4b
