Development of Micro Pixel Chamber for ATLAS upgrade

13 Jun 2011, 14:40
Erie (Sheraton Hotel)


Sheraton Hotel

Oral Presentation Gaseous Detectors Gaseous Detectors


Dr Atsuhiko Ochi (Kobe University)


The Micro Pixel Chamber (mu-PIC) is now developing as a one of candidate for endcap muon system of the ATLAS detector upgrading in LHC experiment. The mu-PIC is one of micro pattern gaseous detector, and it doesn't have floating structure, such as wire, mesh nor foil. This detector can be only made by printed-circuit-board (PCB) technology, which is commonly available in commercially and suited for mass production. The results of the operation tests under high flux neutrons, those are similar condition at the ATLAS cavern, will be reported. Also new development of the mu-PIC using resistive materials as electrodes will be reported, which is expected not to make a damage on the electrodes in case of discharge sparks.

Primary author

Dr Atsuhiko Ochi (Kobe University)


Dr Homma Yasuhiro (Kobe University) Mr Komai Hidetoshi (Kobe University)

Presentation materials