Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

22–24 Jun 2011
University of Geneva
Europe/Zurich timezone

Technical, Cultural, and Legal Infrastructure to Support Effective Open Scientific Communication

24 Jun 2011, 09:20
University of Geneva

University of Geneva


Mr Cameron Neylon


The technical challenges in sharing data and other artifacts of scientific research beyond the traditional paper remain formidable. We have clues as to how to proceed and big positive steps are being taken. These will require significant investment in trustworthy, workable, and flexible infrastructure. However beyond the technical issues there is also a great need for cultural infrastructure that will support and value these contributions and their effective communication. Legal tools and systems are also required to ensure that these outputs are freely useable and re-usable. Thinking of these different components as part of the scientific research infrastructure will be crucial in building a viable platform for modern research communication and exploitation.

Presentation materials