Charlie Clark
Although Zope has been around for quite a while arguably contains some
fairly outdated code, it continues to find new users particularly amongst non-
programmers who are looking for a way to work with existing data which is
usually in some relational database (PostgreSQL, MySQL, MS SQL, Oracle,
DB2, etc.). One of the reasons for this is at Zope provides an extremely
powerful yet secure through the web environment.
The presentation is directed towards those users and will provide a brief
introduction by example into the Zope way of doing things and at the same
time highlighting how working within Zope (within its limitations) is automatic
training in good programming methodology: data management is delegated to
ZSQL methods, PythonScripts act as controllers and Zope Page Templates
provide the views. Together they encourage modularity and reusability. The
sample application and database will be available for download.
Charlie Clark