15–20 Feb 2010
TU Vienna
Europe/Vienna timezone

Performance of the Liquid Xenon Detector for the MEG experiment

19 Feb 2010, 16:20
HS 1 (TU Vienna)

HS 1

TU Vienna

Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
Contributed Talk Calorimeters 4


Mr Yasuhiro Nishimura (The University of Tokyo)


The MEG searches for the undiscovered μ → e γ and aims at a better sensitivity by two orders of magnitude than the current experimental upper limit. This sensitivity enables to reach the region predicted by some models of new physics such as supersymmetric grand unified theory. For the precise measurement of the γ-ray from the μ → e γ decay, a liquid xenon scintillation detector with 900-liter of liquid xenon surrounded by 846 photo-multipliers was constructed and successfully operated during the first physics data taking for three months in year 2008. Around the signal-γ energy (52.8MeV) we evaluated the performance of the liquid xenon detector, by using 54.9MeV photons obtained from a π0 decay in a charge exchange reaction of π- stopped in a hydrogen target. We here present the measured detector resolutions for energy, timing and position as well as the detection efficiency.

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Primary authors

Mr Hiroaki Natori (The University of Tokyo) Mr Yasuhiro Nishimura (The University of Tokyo)

Presentation materials