9–11 Jul 2007
Vilnius, Lithuania
Europe/Zurich timezone

Extending Python with EasyExtend

9 Jul 2007, 09:00
Theta (Vilnius, Lithuania)


Vilnius, Lithuania

Python Language and Libraries Python Language and Libraries


Mr Kay Schluehr (G&D)


Extending Python as a language has always been among the main objectives of the Python core development team. Enhancing Python and developing the CPython runtime have become interchangeable activities. Those who tried to extend Python had to be core developers of CPython or at least experimenting with one of the alternative runtime environments like PyPy, IronPython or Jython. For those who had research interests in the language or writing domain specific languages on top of Python this has always been an obstacle. EasyExtend is a grammar based code generator and Python preprocessor framework in the tradition of Lex/Yacc and ANTLR but written in pure Python and seamlessly integrated with Python. EasyExtend is also inspired by the languages-as-components metaphor which is reified in its so called fiber-space architecture. This talk will give a short introduction into EasyExtend, its design and prospectives.

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