Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

5–11 Jun 2011
Perugia Congress Center GIO
Europe/Zurich timezone


1A - Opening, LHC Machine and Experiments

6 Jun 2011, 10:30
Perugia Congress Center GIO

Perugia Congress Center GIO

Via R. D'andreotto, Perugia

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Giancarlo MANTOVANI (INFN and Univers. of Perugia)
06/06/2011, 10:30
Sergio Bertolucci (CERN)
06/06/2011, 10:35
Gianluigi Arduini (CERN)
06/06/2011, 11:10
Ludovico Pontecorvo (INFN and University of Roma I)
06/06/2011, 11:45
Guido Tonelli (INFN and University of Pisa)
06/06/2011, 12:20
Building timetable...