Instrumentation Challenges for High-Rate Antiproton Experiments

Not scheduled
Sheraton Hotel (Chicago)

Sheraton Hotel


301 East Water Street Chicago, IL 60611
Poster Presentation Trigger and Data Acquisition Systems


Prof. Daniel Kaplan (Illinois Institute of Technology)


Experiments such as PANDA at the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (under construction in Darmstadt, Germany) and the proposed TAPAS antiproton experiment at Fermilab require high-rate data acquisition and triggering, and high-bandwidth data recording, in order to cope with a ~10 MHz event rate, 20 to 50 MHz charged-particle rate, and up to ~100 kHz rate of potentially interesting events. Possible solutions to these challenges will be discussed.

Primary author

Prof. Daniel Kaplan (Illinois Institute of Technology)

Presentation materials

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