EP Seminar

Measurement of CP violation in the D<sup>0</sup> &rarr; &pi;<sup>+</sup>&pi;<sup>-</sup> at CDF

by Michael J. Morello (FERMILAB)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium (CERN)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


Show room on map
I present a measurement of the CP violating asymmetry in D0 → π+π- decays using approximately 215,000 decays reconstructed in about 5.94fb-1 of CDF data. We use the strong D*+ → D0 π+ decay ("D* tag") to identify the flavor of the charmed meson at production time and exploit CP-conserving strong c c-bar pair-production in p p-bar collisions. Higher statistic samples of Cabibbo-favored D0 →K- π+ decays with and without Dtag are used to highly suppress systematic uncertainties due to detector effects. The result, at the per mil level, is the world's most precise measurement to date.
Joint EP/PP Seminar
Organised by

Maria SPIROPULU/Guillaume UNAL/PH-EP............** Tea and Coffee will be served at 10:30