Informal meeting on convergence of ADC job monitoring tools 2011-04-04 = Data source Currently, there are 3 different data sources available. PandaDB, AKTR DB (which is part of PandaDB), and Dashboard Job Repository DB. PandaDB and AKTR DB contain actual and historical information about jobs and tasks known in the Panda system, while the Dashboard Job Repository DB Dashboard Job Repository DB aggregates information from PanDA DB, Prodsys DB and Ganga Jobs from MSG Broker. = Presentation layer The converged job monitoring tool should publish data on a front-end which exposes data to its user (ADC Shifter, group production manager, GDP, analysis user, ...) via a standardized template. Purpose of such a modular front-end is to ensure same user experience across the job-related monitoring tools/modules. The Dashboard Framework is currently considered to become the converged visualization framework. = Development notes The converged job monitoring tool will consist of modules. Dashboard Framework should enable rapid development of new features/modules of the job monitoring tool. It should be easy to start contributing to development of a module inside Dashboard Framework (short term members of the development team, such as Summer Students). Every data source should at some point provide data in json format. Modules will use common visualization tools available in the Dashboard Framework. = Startup/HandsOn projects * AKTR page [1] to Dashboard Framework - Laura will re-implement AKTR static pages (ESD/AOD dataset distribution) to the Dashboard Framework. List of current queries performed on AKTR DB will be provided by Alexei. Time estimate for the "ready-for-production" state in the Dashboard Framework: before ATLAS TIM. * PandaMon page dash=prod [2] to the Dashboard Framework - Valeri will investigate how to re-implement the clouds/sites table from page [2] in the Dashboard Framework, in order to gain experience with the Dashbard Framework. Valeri will get in touch with Laura and Dashboard developers in order to gain access to Dashboard development machine with running dev environment. [1] URL corrected on 20th April 2011: * EVNT * AOD (multipage) * validation samples * SIT pacballs [2] -- Jarka