Deployment team

VRVS - Saturn virtual room

VRVS - Saturn virtual room

Jeremy Coles
    • 11:00 11:20
      Experiment problems/issues 20m
      Review of weekly issues by experiment/VO - LHCb Ops meeting update: "LHCb have lost quite a lot of time (~a week) because the LFC instances at CERN have been upgraded without any prior announcement. ... In the aim of gettig a better SRM servicefrom our T1, LHCb have integrated specific SRM checks on their SAM suite. We would like to inform all site managers the LHCb will engage in a campain of close monitoring of our endpoints by using the results of these specific tests. We also would like to inform that these tests are set as critical and will affect the LHCb specific site availaility calculation. A preliminary set of tests are already available at: further tests likedirect file access are coming soon" - CMS Ops meeting update: "Test data transfers: Last week was week-4 of Cycle-3 of the CMS LoadTest07. Above ~900 MB/s of aggregate transfers over the WAN among all CMS Tiers, peak at 1.2 GB/s as a daily average on May 16th. Details on PhEDEx site ( and at:" - ATLAS - Other Question about contacting individual VO users - any direct route?
    • 11:20 11:40
      sgm account changes and UK testing 20m
      - This was noted at the 23rd May ops meeting but also noted in the UKI report for cancelled 28th May meeting "(ROC CentralEurope): Recent YAIM release introduced that SGM users started to be mapped on a pool of accounts instead of just one SGM account, but how the VO software is managed in SW_DIR directory at sites? The problem is: the VO software should be readable by VO users, so we set group rights to read the directory and the sgmuser to write eg. 0750, but now we have multiple users who should have write access to that directory. A document considering impact of the moving from one account mapping to a pool accounts written probably by YAIM team would be useful. Comments at the meeting: Marcin: it seems that YAIM people started to implemented recommendation of not mapping many users to a single account; we think there might be some issues related to that, I would like to ask the YAIM team if they analysed the impact on the different service configurations and advice how to proceed. INVITE YAIM TO COMMENT OFFLINE AND PREPARE FOR NEXT MEETING " We do not have the feedback but need to consider how we respond to the need for more experiment testing. Several proposals/requests to improve the way the PPS deployment process works. What is the current status of testzone machines. Are we able to get the testzone working again?
    • 11:40 11:55
      Regional VOs 15m
      - naming Original proposal: NorthGrid.EU-EGEE.ORG; ScotGrid.EU-EGEE.ORG; SouthGrid.EU-EGEE.ORG; LT2.EU-EGEE.ORG. Revised proposal - VO managers - Policy - registering of domains - UK specific experiment VOs/groups
    • 11:55 12:00
      AOB 5m
      1) Question from EGEE ops meeting: “ Is there any functionality which is needed and which is available in the ClassicSE but not in DPM? (other than real NFS access to volumes) ” 2) Useful information on SAM is contained in these talks 3) EGEE operations workshop: