25–29 Sept 2006
Europe/Zurich timezone


EU China Grid, IPv6

26 Sept 2006, 14:00


CICG, 17 rue de Varembé, CH - 1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland


This meeting will follow up work begun in the
EUChinaGrid workshop in June 2006. Specifically it will
focus on the 'How to make a program IPv6 compliant'
guide and the code checker, and then explore the views
of developers from gLite and GOS.

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Valentino Carcione (GARR)
26/09/2006, 14:00
Salvatore Monforte (INFN Sezione di Catania)
26/09/2006, 14:25
Yongjian Wang (Beihang University)
26/09/2006, 14:45
Paola Celio (Università di Roma Tre)
26/09/2006, 15:00
Building timetable...