17–21 Sept 2012
Oxford University, UK
Europe/Zurich timezone

Electronics for Neutrino Experiments

19 Sept 2012, 09:00
Martin Wood Lecture Theatre (Oxford University, UK)

Martin Wood Lecture Theatre

Oxford University, UK

<font face="Verdana" size="2"><b>Clarendon Laboratory</b> Parks Road OX1 3PU, Oxford, United Kingdom


Dr Alfons Weber (STFC/RAL)


Large non-collider experiments have special requirements for their electronics. Especially neutrino experiments have a large number of channels to read out the largest possible detector volume. The price per channel is often one of the design drivers, while at the same time having no dead time and 100% efficiency for the rare signal events. Data volume for these experiments is also often dominated by instrumental and other backgrounds. This paper will illustrate how different experiments are dealing with these challenges, their general readout philosophy from the front-end to the DAQ system and any special developments needed to achieve their objectives.

Presentation materials