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IT&DM Topic Meeting



Jean-François Perrin presented the status of WP17 with respect to the different activities; the specification for the metadata catalogue, the metadata catalogue survey and a comparison of persistent identifiers.
Future work will include; the deployment of ICAT, integration with data mining tools, deployment of DOI and working with DataCite for harvesting publications citing ILL DOIs.
It was pointed out that the milestones are a little late. One (Metadata Catalogue Architecture) is close to being ready the second one (Data Continuum) might need one more week.
The milestones will be distributed to the WP leaders for comments at the end of next week.

Heinz J. Weyer presented the status of WP16. It was highlighted that in the field of federated identity WP16 is not alone. There are many ongoing activities and how WP16 can be positioned in relation to these activities was discussed. The participants agreed that in view of the limited resources available WP16 will not be able to provide a general solution. It will only be possible to focus on a solution for facilities participating in WP16. The solution proposed in this context can be seen as a prototype solution for a wider audience.

Since the CRISP DoW was first defined, there has been further developments in the field and as such the DoW is already out-dated with the current state of the field. Following the suggestion of the CRISP coordinator, a proposal for a modified text has been prepared and submitted for approval at the upcoming project steering committee meeting. Different options were discussed and it has been decided to wait for the outcome of the steering committee meeting.

PaNdata WP3 has an objective similar to the objectives of CRISP WP16. It has been decided in several meetings to subdivide the topics such that PaNdata concentrates on the
Umbrella implementation issues, whereas CRISP concentrates on the further development (bridging, Umbrella+, link to X.509, Moonshot). In a recent bilateral WP16 meeting of GSI
and PSI it was decided that a decision on the concrete development items will be postponed until the end of 2012.

Laurence Field presented the status of WP19. The milestone documenting the Physics Use Cases and Requirements for Data Infrastructures has been achieved. This highlighted many synergies between the Research Infrastructures and identified common components. The work package has two delvierables; Distributed Data Infrastructures Development Plan and Distributed Data Infrastructures Evolution Roadmap. It was agreed that this should be interpreted as follows. The Development Plan will describe the concrete development done within the CRISP project and the Evolution Roadmap will outline a common vision for what is required after the end of the project. The WP19 participants have expressed their interested in various areas of development.

U. OX: Evaluation of existing solutions, Cloudification of Storage – both public cloud & 'cloudlike solutions', Data movement solutions
GSI: Fast file systems, Integration with Grid/Cloud access, Cloudification of storage
CERN: Extending the functionality of existing tools, Service Discovery, NFSv4 Authentication
DESY: Fast file systems, Cloudification of storage and NFSv4 (dCache)

A WP19 phone call will be held to discussed the distribution of work for the Development Plan as some point in the near future.

Krzysztof Wrona presented the status of the WP18 activities.The MS3 Requirements for (Data Recording to Storage Media) milestone was achieved on time. The milestone document has been accepted by all participating partners and was submitted to the CRISP management at the end of June 2012. The second milestone MS8 Identification of (Data Protection Requirements and Storage Implications), due at the end of September 2012, will be sightly delayed. It is expected that the document will be ready by end of October 2012.

During the meeting three reports were presented from DESY, European XFEL and ILL. These reports were focused on the technical work assigned at the CRISP annual meeting in Heraklion. DESY reported on an investigation into how performance of filesystems can be measured. The European XFEL presented the status of the network tests using 10GB
with UDP. ILL reported on the data protection requirements.

Requirements for the data protection has been discussed between participating partners.

The next Topic meeting will take place in conjunction with the CRISP annual meeting at PSI. Phone meetings will be scheduled as and when required.
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 09:00 10:00
      • 09:00
        Metadata management and mining Data Continuum 30m
        Speaker: Jean-François Perrin (Institut Laue-Langevin)
    • 10:00 10:40
      • 10:00
        CRISP WP16 20m
        Speaker: Heinz J Weyer (PSI)
    • 10:40 11:00
      Coffee 20m
    • 11:00 11:30
      • 11:00
        WP19 Talking Points 20m
        Speaker: Mr Laurence Field (CERN)
    • 11:30 13:00
      • 11:30
        Introduction 10m
        Speaker: Krzysztof Wrona (European XFEL)
      • 11:40
        10GE network tests with UDP 10m
      • 11:50
        Benchmarking 10m
        Speaker: frank schluenzen
      • 12:00
        Data Policy 20m
        Speaker: Jean-François Perrin (Institut Laue-Langevin)