LCG Management Board



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    • AGENDA
      • 1
        Minutes and Matters Arising
        MB Minutes
        • a) Sites Names
          Missing: ASGC, BNL, CERN, FNAL, PIC, RAL, TRIUMF
          Sites Names
      • 2
        Action List Review
        MB Action List
      • 3
        SRM 2.2 Weekly Update
        Speaker: H.Renshall
        SRM 2.2 Weekly Update for MB of 30 Oct 2007 The dcache Patch 23/gridftp problem reported last week was quickly resolved as a configuration problem. Yesterday NDGF started upgrading their production SE to dcache 1.8.0-0 with SRM v2.2 and could be the first Tier-1 to advertise SRM v2.2 in production. However, NDGF have decided to not advertise SRM v2.2 in production but to continue to run SRM v1.1 as SRM interface to dCache 1.8.0-0. Flavia is going to talk to them to understand the reason of this decision. In fact the high-level utilities such as FTS, gfal, lcg-utils still default to SRM v1 therefore there should not be problems advertising SRM v2.2 as well. Most other dcache sites are on Patch level 26. FZK is upgrading the SRM v2.2 test endpoint to 1.8.0-0 today and should be able to switch on space management. SARA and IN2P3 have been invited to follow their example soon, since a problem discovered while using lcg-cp and the tape system at SARA is cured by this version. Essentially dcache testing and upgrades are proceeding as planned. LHCb has performed FTS tests to SRM v2.2 at IN2P3 and these went smoothly. There were problems with FTS transfers between CERN (SRM v2.2) and CNAF (CASTOR SRM v2.2) but this seems due to a misconfiguration of the FTS channel. LHCb also tried testing lcg-utils with the following results: NIKHEF - OK CNAF - OK (CASTOR) IN2P3 - problems copying data from WN; site informed. They can dccp from CERN UI out of Lyon without problems though. FZK - had problems because the test endpoint was not published in the production BDII (although it is today) and because of a mismatch between the version of gLite (3.0.2) installed on the WNs at FZK and that used by the distribution of the latest release of gfal/lcg-utils that Flavia made available as a tarball to LHCb. There is now an agreement on what information is to be published in the glue schema. An example has been published in the GSSD pages: A new set of SAM scripts is available to check that a site publishes information accordingly to the example. The SAM scripts are run several times per day and the results (and explanation of the errors occurred) are published: Flavia has circulated this information to the sites and invited them to contact her in case of problems.
      • 4
        CCRC 08 Weekly Update
        Speaker: H.Renshall
        CCRC 08 Weekly Update for the MB of 30 Oct 2007 Replies on data rates for the February run have now been received from all except ATLAS. F.Donno has circulated the experiments the questions of how much if any of the February data is to be kept and if the temporary and permanent storage from the run can be taken out of the existing experiment resource planning or needs to be added to them. So far we know that CMS and ALICE will keep the detector parts of the February runs and LHCb will keep none but need extra resources during the run. The fractions to be kept are not yet known. Alice (L.Betev) queried sites on how to separate real data from mock data while still using the same SRM endpoint. This still needs to be checked. At the Tier-0 MCS proposed different directories with different 'file classes' should be used. A.Aimar will send an updated version of the milestone plan. Reactions should happen this week and be reviewed at the pre-GDB Face2Face meeting. Experiments are asked to provide a list of critical services following the CMS model - see twiki: Next week will be the pre-GDB Face-to-Face from 13.00 to 16.00 on 6 November in the IT Auditorium. See the agenda at This meeting should finalise the important details of the February run.
      • 5
        Job Priorities Update
        Speaker: I.Bird
      • 6
        ALICE Quarterly Report and Plans
        Speaker: Y.Schutz
      • 7