Technical Training Tutorial

Read your mail and more with Outlook 2007 - (IT3T/2007/4)

by Sebastien Dellabella (IT/IS)

1/1-025 (CERN)



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IT3T/2007/4 - Lisez vos emails, et plus encore, avec Outlook 2007 Cette presentation vous expliquera, non seulement, comment utiliser Outlook 2007 pour envoyer et recevoir vos messages, mais aussi comment gérer un agenda, partager une boite aux lettres entre plusieurs personnes, conserver vos courriers dans votre ordinateur portable, utiliser la messagerie instantanée et configurer diverses options avancées comme le filtre anti-spam. IT3T/2007/4 - Read your mail and more with Outlook 2007 The presentation will explain how to use Outlook 2007 not only for sending and receiving messages but also for managing a personal calendar, sharing a mailbox between several people, keeping mails in a portable computer, using instant messaging and configuring various options including the anti-spam filter.
Video in CDS