8–9 Oct 2013
Europe/Zurich timezone

How to get to IFIN-HH

How to get from the Airport to IFIN-HH:
For your convenience you may consult the attached link to google maps with directions from the airport to the Parliament Hotel
in Bucharest and from the hotel to IFIN-HH even though we recommend to use a taxi service from the airport to the hotel.
From the hotel to IFIN-HH the transportation will be provided by the organising party (IFIN-HH).
Please be mindful that Romania is not yet in the Eurozone and you will need to change some euros into RON (1 euro ~ 4.4 RON).
By Taxi:
Take an authorised taxi from outside the airport arrival area (there is a line of such taxis and a dispatcher at the curb). Ask the
taxi driver to get you to Parliament Hotel Bucharest (near the Parliament building). The fare is approximately 100 RON (~25 euros).
By Bus:
Descend from the arrival area level to the ground level and you will find the bus station at the street curb just outside the exit.
Purchase a bus card (bus fare on this line is 3.50 RON one way) at the station kiosk. You will validate the card in the bus
for the transport fare.
Take the bus no.783 to "Piata Unirii" (Union Square) (end of the line). From here cross at "I.C. Bratianu" station placed in diagonal
from the 783 arriving station, by a prominent shopping mall (Unirea).
Take the bus no.385 in the direction of the Parlament (quite visible at a distance from the station). The bus will meander a bit but
will come by the Parlament building and you will get off the bus after pasing the Parlament at station "Dr. Staicovici".
The Parlament Hotel will be on the right side.
Kindly check google map link below: