14–17 Apr 2014
Universidad de Oviedo
Europe/Madrid timezone

End-to-End JavaScript with the MEAN Stack

15 Apr 2014, 17:40
Universidad de Oviedo

Universidad de Oviedo

Escuela Politecnica de Ingeniería de Gijon - Principado de Asturias (Spain)
Presentation Web Development


Joao Silva (CERN)


The advent of server-side JavaScript with Node.js has led to the emergence of the full-stack JavaScript paradigm, which allows developers to leverage the same language on both the client and server tier of a web application, as well as a set of JavaScript tools for unit testing and automatic building, laying the foundation for JavaScript to eventually become the de facto lingua franca of web development. Within this paradigm, one of the most popular and proliferating trends on the web today is the so-called MEAN stack, which consists of: (M)ongoDB, a NoSQL open-source document database, which uses JSON documents to store its records; (E)xpress, a web application framework for Node.js; (A)ngular, a client-side MVW framework with two-way data-binding; and N(ode), a server-side JavaScript plataform built upon Google’s V8 engine, the very same engine which powers Google Chrome. In this presentation, we will give a brief overview of each component which comprises the MEAN stack, culminating with a demo application developed on top of the stack.

Primary author

Joao Silva (CERN)

Presentation materials