Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

31 March 2008 to 2 April 2008
Lancaster University
Europe/Zurich timezone

The LiCAS FSI subsystem current status and initial measurements

1 Apr 2008, 11:37
George Fox Seminar Room B56 (Lancaster University)

George Fox Seminar Room B56

Lancaster University


Mr John Dale (University of Oxford)


The Linear Collider Alignment and Survey (LiCAS) group has developed a Rapid Tunnel Reference Surveyor (RTRS), which will survey the reference network of the ILC to a high accuracy. By measuring small overlapping sections of the tunnel, the LiCAS RTRS will be capable of surveying the entire reference network in the main linac tunnel. The LiCAS RTRS has several measurement subsystems, one being the Frequency Scanning Interferometry (FSI) subsystem. The FSI subsystem has three components, the reference interferometers, the internal and the external FSI components. The current status and initial measurements from the LiCAS RTRS FSI subsystem will be discussed here.
Talk, Poster, or Talk & Poster talk

Primary author

Mr John Dale (University of Oxford)


Dr Armin Reichold (University of Oxford) Dr Cecilia Uribe-Estrada (University of Oxford) Mr Greg Moss (University of Oxford) Dr Grzegorz Grzelak (University of Warsaw) Mr Johannes Prenting (DESY) Mr Lee Rainbow (University of Oxford) Mr Mark Jones (University of Oxford) Mr Markus Schlosser (DESY) Mr Mike Tacon (University of Oxford) Dr Patrick brockill (University of Oxford) Dr Sigal Cohen (University of Oxford) Mrs Stephanie Yang (University of Oxford) Mr Tony Handford (University of Oxford) Dr Yanmei Han (University of Oxford)

Presentation materials