Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

23–28 Jun 2014
Europe/Zurich timezone

Diffuse Neutrino Flux from Star-forming Galaxies

24 Jun 2014, 15:30
Room 5 (Tuschinski Theatre)

Room 5

Tuschinski Theatre

Presentation Neutrinos Neutrinos


Irene Tamborra


Star-forming galaxies are predicted to contribute considerably to the cosmic gamma-ray background as they are the most numerous population of gamma-ray sources. The hadronic interactions responsible for high-energy gamma rays also produce high-energy neutrinos. We discuss the expected intensity of the diffuse high-energy neutrinos from star-forming galaxies and conclude that such a population could be the main contributor to the high-energy neutrinos observed by the IceCube experiment.

Primary author

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