Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

PASCOS 2013: 19th International Symposium on Particles, Strings, and Cosmology

from Wednesday 20 November 2013 (08:00) to Tuesday 26 November 2013 (12:35)
GIS conference center

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
20 Nov 2013
21 Nov 2013
22 Nov 2013
23 Nov 2013
24 Nov 2013
25 Nov 2013
26 Nov 2013
08:15 Welcoming speech - Prof. Shih-Chang Lee (Academia Sinica (TW)) Prof. Shih-Chang Lee (Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica)   (The Forum / Main Auditorium (A00))
2013/11/20 Morning Plenary Session -Prof. Bob Hsiung (National Taiwan University) Prof. Yee Hsiung (National Taiwan University (TW)) Prof. Pyungwon Ko (Korea Inst. for Advanced Study (KIAS)) (until 11:50) (The Forum / Main Auditorium (A00))
08:30 Highlights from ATLAS - Dr Isabelle-Seez Wingerter (LAPP-CNRS) Dr Isabelle Wingerter-Seez (LAPP-CNRS)   (The Forum / Main Auditorium (A00))
09:15 Highlight of latest results from CMS - Dr Serguei Ganjour (CEA/IRFU,Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette (FR)) Dr Serguei Ganjour (CEA/IRFU,Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette (FR))   (The Forum / Main Auditorium (A00))
10:00 --- Coffee Break ---
10:20 Higgcision - Dr Jae Sik Lee (Chonnam National University)   (The Forum / Main Auditorium (A00))
11:05 Highlights of latest cosmological results from Planck - Dr François Bouchet (IAP. CNRS & UPMC)   (The Forum / Main Auditorium (A00))
11:50 --- Lunch ---
2013/11/21 Morning Plenary Session -Prof. Hsiang-nan Li (Academia Sinica, Inst. Phys.) Prof. Chiang-Mei Chen (National Central University) (until 11:50) (The Forum / Main Auditorium (A00))
08:30 Summary of flavour physics results - Dr Eduardo Rodrigues Figueiredo (University of Manchester (GB))   (The Forum / Main Auditorium (A00))
09:15 The large scale structure of the universe: the promise, current status and future prospects - Prof. Uros Seljak (UC Berkeley)   (The Forum / Main Auditorium (A00))
10:00 --- Coffee Break ---
10:20 Constraints on renormalization group flows - Prof. Adam Schwimmer (Weizmann Institute of Science)   (The Forum / Main Auditorium (A00))
11:05 String gas cosmology: progress and challenges - Dr ROBERT Brandenberger (McGill University) Dr Robert Brandenberger   (The Forum / Main Auditorium (A00))
11:50 --- Lunch ---
Morning Special Invited Session X - Shih-Chieh Hsu (University of Washington, Seattle) Yuan-Hann Chang (National Central University (TW)) (until 11:50) (Plato (A03))
08:30 Summary of LHC Higgs results (ATLAS+CMS) - Emmanuel Monnier (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))   (Plato (A03))
09:00 Summary of LHC SUSY and exotic search results - Sanjay Padhi (Univ. of California San Diego (US))   (Plato (A03))
09:30 Summary of other LHC results - Yuan Chao (National Taiwan University (TW))   (Plato (A03))
10:00 --- Coffee Break ---
10:20 Highlights and plans of ICECUBE - Prof. Carsten Rott (Sungkyunkwan University)   (Plato (A03))
10:50 Recent Results of AMS-02 - Sadakazu Haino (National Central University (TW))   (Plato (A03))
11:20 Some topics of dark sector physics - Tzu-Chiang Yuan (Academia Sinica)   (Plato (A03))
Morning Special Invited Session Y -Dr Osamu Yasuda (Tokyo Metro University) Osamu Yasuda Dr Tzu-Ching Chang (Academia Sinica) (until 11:50) (Socrates (A02))
08:30 Cosmology and large-scale structures - Alexandre Refregier (ETH Zurich)   (Socrates (A02))
09:00 Cosmology of the Higgs field - Junichi Yokoyama (University of Tokyo)   (Socrates (A02))
09:30 Cosmological problems in axion models - Masahiro Kawasaki (University of Tokyo)   (Socrates (A02))
10:00 --- Coffee Break ---
10:20 A possible reason for the scalar mass and a cosmological implication - Paul Frampton Paul Frampton (UNC--Chapel Hill)   (Socrates (A02))
10:50 Luminogenesis from inflationary dark matter - P. Q. Hung (University of Virginia)   (Socrates (A02))
11:20 Precision cosmology from gravitational waves - Prof. Wei-Tou Ni (Nat'l Tsing Hua U)   (Socrates (A02))
11:50 --- Lunch ---
Excursion (until 17:00) ()
2013/11/24 Morning Plenary Session -Dr Takeo Inami (Chuo University) Prof. Wei-Tou Ni (National Tsing Hua University) (until 11:50) (The Forum / Main Auditorium (A00))
08:30 The SUSY-breaking scale, the Higgs mass and string theory - Luis Ibanez (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid) Luis Ibannez (Instituto de Fisica Teorica UAM-CSIC)   (The Forum / Main Auditorium (A00))
09:15 Heterotic line bundle models - Dr Andre Lukas (University of Oxford)   (The Forum / Main Auditorium (A00))
10:00 --- Coffee Break ---
10:20 Supersymmetric dark matter post run I at the LHC - Keith Olive (University of Minnesota)   (The Forum / Main Auditorium (A00))
11:05 4D string models, LARGE volume scenario and cosmology - Fernando Quevedo (The Abdus Salam Int'l Centre for Theoretical Physics)   (The Forum / Main Auditorium (A00))
11:50 --- Lunch ---
2013/11/25 Morning Plenary Session -Prof. Danny Marfatia (University of Hawaii) Hsien-chung Kao (National Taiwan Normal University) (until 11:50) (The Forum / Main Auditorium (A00))
08:30 Physics beyond the Standard Model: neutrinos & dark matter - Jose Valle Dr Jose Valle (IFIC-AHEP Group Univ. de Valencia & CSIC)   (The Forum / Main Auditorium (A00))
09:15 Current and future accelerator-based neutrino experiments - Takeshi Nakadaira (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP)) Takeshi Nakadaira (T2K)   (The Forum / Main Auditorium (A00))
10:00 --- Coffee Break ---
10:20 Massive Gravity and Cosmology - Gregory Gabadadze Gregory Gabadadze (New York University)   (The Forum / Main Auditorium (A00))
11:05 Polarization of the cosmic microwave background: toward an observational proof of cosmic inflation - Eiichiro Komatsu (Max-Planck-I. für Astrophysik)   (The Forum / Main Auditorium (A00))
11:50 --- Lunch ---
2013/11/26 Morning Plenary Session - Jean-Pierre Derendinger (Universitaet Bern (CH)) Jean-Pierre Derendinger (Bern University) Prof. George Wei-Shu Hou (National Taiwan University (TW)) (until 11:50) (The Forum / Main Auditorium (A00))
08:30 Dark matter and dark energy in string theory - Gary Shiu (University of Wisconsin) Gary Shiu (Hong Kong U. of Science and Technology & U. of Wisconsin)   (The Forum / Main Auditorium (A00))
09:15 Quantum entanglement and holographic spacetime - Tadashi Takayanagi (Yukawa I. for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto U.)   (The Forum / Main Auditorium (A00))
10:00 --- Coffee Break ---
10:20 Physics opportunity at future colliders - MIHOKO NOJIRI (KEK) mihoko nojiri (KEK)   (The Forum / Main Auditorium (A00))
11:05 Summary - Jonathan R. Ellis (CERN)   (The Forum / Main Auditorium (A00))
Parallel Sessions: BSM/SUSY1, BSM/SUSY2 -Dr J. Benitze (York University) Dr Po-Yen Tseng (National Tsing Hua University) (until 18:00) (Alexandria (A01))
13:30 Inclusive searches for squarks and gluinos with the ATLAS detector - Ljiljana Morvaj (Nagoya University (JP)) L. Morvaj (Nagoya U.)   (Alexandria (A01))
13:50 Searches for third generation SUSY from CMS - Daryl Hare (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))   (Alexandria (A01))
14:10 Searches for gluino-mediated production of third generation squarks with the ATLAS detector - Alexandra Tudorache (IFIN-HH Bucharest (RO))   (Alexandria (A01))
14:30 Inclusive searches for SUSY from CMS - Sudarshan Paramesvaran (University of Bristol (GB)) S. Paramesvaran (U. of Bristol)   (Alexandria (A01))
14:50 Searches for direct pair production of third generation squarks with the ATLAS detector - Daniel Hay Guest (Yale University (US)) D. Guest (Yale U.)   (Alexandria (A01))
15:10 Searches for electroweak production of supersymmetric neutralinos, charginos and sleptons with the ATLAS detector - Sarah Louise Williams (University of Cambridge (GB)) S. Williams (Cambridge U.)   (Alexandria (A01))
15:30 --- Coffee Break ---
16:00 Introducing SModelS: a tool for testing LHC results using simplified models - Suchita Kulkarni (LPSC/CNRS)   (Alexandria (A01))
16:20 LHC and dark matter phenomenology of the supersymmetric non universal gaugino and higgsino masses - Maria E. Cabrera Catalan (University of Amsterdam)   (Alexandria (A01))
16:40 Gravitino DM and a healthy EDM up to two loops in D3/D7 mu-split SUSY - Mansi Dhuria (Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, Uttrakhand)   (Alexandria (A01))
17:00 Large volume scenario in 5D SUGRA models - Yusuke Yamada (Waseda University)   (Alexandria (A01))
17:20 LHC phenomenology of SUSY model with vector-like matters - Kazuya Ishikawa (University of Tokyo)   (Alexandria (A01))
17:40 Nucleon decay via dimension 6 operators in anomalous U(1)_A SUSY GUT models and E_6 times SU(2)_F SUSY GUT models - Yu Muramatsu (Nagoya University)   (Alexandria (A01))
Parallel Sessions: Dark matter search 1, Dark matter search 2 -Dr Dong-Won Jung (Korea Institute of Advanced Study ( KIAS)) Dr Yue-Lin Sming Tsai (IPMU) (until 18:00) (Archimedes (A04))
13:30 First results from the lux dark matter search experiment - Dr Peter Sorensen (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) P. Sorensen (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)   (Archimedes (A04))
13:50 Collider constraints on the dark matter interpretation of the CDMS II results - Dr Po-Yan Tseng (National Tsing Hua University)   (Archimedes (A04))
14:10 Darkon models, light dark-matter hint from CDMS II, and Higgs boson at the LHC - Dr Jusak Tandean (University of La Verne) Dr J. Tandean (National Taiwan U.)   (Archimedes (A04))
14:30 A first evidence of the CMSSM is appearing soon - Prof. Joe Sato (Saitama University)   (Archimedes (A04))
14:50 Light neutralino dark matter, XENON100 and LHC results - Yasutaka Takanishi (Technical university of Munich) Y. Takanishi (Max-Planck-I.)   (Archimedes (A04))
15:10 Dark matter with nonuniversal couplings for protons and neutrons in light of CDMS-SI - Mr J.-C Park (Sungkyunkwan University)   (Archimedes (A04))
15:30 --- Coffee Break ---
16:00 Thermalization process of dark matter axions - Kenichi Saikawa (Tokyo Institute of Technology)   (Archimedes (A04))
16:20 AMS-02 results and decaying gravitino dark matter - Sho Iwamoto (The University of Tokyo) S. Iwamoto (Kavli IPMU)   (Archimedes (A04))
16:40 Fermi bubbles under dark matter scrutiny: particle physics analysis - Wei-Chih Huang (SISSA) W.-C. Huang (SISSA)   (Archimedes (A04))
17:00 Nonabelian dark matter with resonant annihilation - Takaaki Nomura (National Cheng Kung University)   (Archimedes (A04))
Parallel Sessions: Gauge theories, String cosmology -Dr B Chen (Peking University) Dr Yutaka Matsuo (University of Tokyo) (until 18:00) (Da Vinci (C01))
13:30 Supersymmetric localization on round three-sphere revisited - A. Tanaka (Osaka University)   (Da Vinci (C01))
13:50 Twisted N=4 super Yang-Mills theory in omega-background - H. Nakajima (National Taiwan University)   (Da Vinci (C01))
14:10 Monte Carlo study for non-renormalization theorem of N=4 super Yang-Mills theory - S. Kim (KIAS)   (Da Vinci (C01))
14:30 AGT relation in the light asymptotic limit - N. Hama (Kyoto University)   (Da Vinci (C01))
14:50 Vortex counting in vortex worldsheet theory - T. Fujimori (National Taiwan University)   (Da Vinci (C01))
15:30 --- Coffee Break ---
16:00 On model-dependence in string inflation - Sean Downes (LeCosPA)   (Da Vinci (C01))
16:20 Vacuum selection and inflation via particle production in anomalous U(1) models - Nobuhiro Maekawa (Nagoya University)   (Da Vinci (C01))
16:40 Axionic dark radiation from string moduli - Kazunori Nakayama (University of Tokyo)   (Da Vinci (C01))
17:00 Cosmological constant problem and lower dimensional field theory, Liouville theory on de Sitter space - Yoji Koyama (National Tsing Hua University)   (Da Vinci (C01))
Parallel Sessions: Gravity - 1, Inflation - 1 -Dr J. Yokoyama (University of Tokyo) Prof. Chiang-Mei Chen (National Central University) (until 18:00) (Michelangelo (C03))
13:30 Point massive particle in general relativity - Mikhail Katanaev (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow)   (Michelangelo (C03))
13:50 Gravity-induced phase shift and its detection - J.-E. He (Wuhan University)   (Michelangelo (C03))
14:10 The theoretical investigation on possible Lorentz violation schemes - Xun Xue   (Michelangelo (C03))
14:30 Terminating black holes in quantum gravity - Prof. Cosimo Bambi (Fudan University) C. Bambi (Fudan U.)   (Michelangelo (C03))
15:30 --- Coffee Break ---
16:00 Supersymmetric hybrid inflation with a light scalar field - Stefano Orani (Basel University)   (Michelangelo (C03))
16:20 Stability of inflationary dynamics in F(R) supergravity - Takahiro TERADA   (Michelangelo (C03))
Parallel Sessions: HIGGS/Exp1, HIGGS/Theory1 - Chia-Ming Kuo (National Central University (TW)) Tzu-Chiang Yuan (Academia Sinica) Dr Tzu-Chiang Yuan (National Tsing Hua University) (until 18:00) (Locke (A05))
13:30 Combined measurements of the mass and coupling properties of the Higgs boson using the ATLAS detector - Dr Florian Urs Bernlochner (University of Victoria (CA))   (Locke (A05))
13:50 Higgs properties with CMS - Roberto Castello Roberto Castello (Universite Catholique de Louvain (BE))   (Locke (A05))
14:10 Measurement of properties of the Higgs boson in bosonic decay channels using the ATLAS detector - Alberto Marcalo Da Palma (LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Part) A. Palma (LIP)   (Locke (A05))
14:30 Higgs decaying into bosons at CMS - Giuseppe Cerati (Univ. of California San Diego (US))   (Locke (A05))
14:50 Search for the Higgs boson in fermionic channels using the ATLAS detector - Kazunori Hanagaki (Osaka University (JP)) K. Hanagaki (Osaka U.)   (Locke (A05))
15:10 Higgs decaying into fermions at CMS - Paolo Azzurri (Sezione di Pisa (IT))   (Locke (A05))
15:30 --- Coffee Break ---
16:00 Phenomenology of NMSSM in TeV scale mirage mediation - Ken-ichi Okumura (Kyushu University)   (Locke (A05))
16:20 The Higgs boson mass in a natural MSSM with nonuniversal gaugino masses - Hajime Otsuka (Waseda University)   (Locke (A05))
16:40 Probing scotogenic effects in Higgs boson decays - Mr Shu-Yu HO   (Locke (A05))
17:00 Higgs vacuum stability and physics beyond the Standard Model - Archil Kobakhidze (The University of Sydney)   (Locke (A05))
17:20 Vector-like leptons and extra gauge symmetry for the neutral Higgs boson - Bumseok Kyae (Pusan National University)   (Locke (A05))
Reception (until 21:30) (Plato (A03), Archimedes (A04), Locke (A05), Rafael (C02))
Parallel Sessions: B mixing and CPV and CKM, QCD and Exotica - Yun-Ju Lu (National Central University (TW)) Diego Tonelli (CERN) (until 18:00) (Alexandria (A01))
13:30 Mixing and CP violation in the Bs system with ATLAS - Toyonobu Okuyama (University of Tokyo (JP))   (Alexandria (A01))
13:50 Time-dependent CP violation measurements in B mesons from Belle - Zbynek Drasal (Charles University (CZ)) Z. Drasal (Charles U.)   (Alexandria (A01))
14:10 Measurements of B → DK decays to constrain the CKM unitarity triangle angle γ at LHCb - Matt Williams (University of Warwick (GB))   (Alexandria (A01))
14:30 CP asymmetry studies from belle for the CKM angle phi_3 - Minakshi Nayak (Indian Institute of Technology Madras)   (Alexandria (A01))
14:50 Semileptonic B decays and CKM elements V_ub and V_cb from Belle - Robin Glattauer (Institute of High Energy Physics Vienna)   (Alexandria (A01))
15:10 Measurements of B lifetimes, mixing and CP violation at LHCb - Angelo Carbone (University of Bologna and INFN (IT))   (Alexandria (A01))
15:30 --- Coffee Break ---
16:00 Recent QCD results from ATLAS - Vojtech Pleskot (Charles University (CZ))   (Alexandria (A01))
16:20 Can the observed CP asymmetry in tau-->k pi nu be due to non-standard tensor interactions? - Nita Sinha (Institute of Mathematical Sciences)   (Alexandria (A01))
16:40 Jet physics measurements at CMS - Mikko Voutilainen (University of Helsinki (FI))   (Alexandria (A01))
17:00 Beyond-SM searches in B→D(*)τν and B→τν decays at BaBar - Dr Florian Urs Bernlochner (University of Victoria (CA))   (Alexandria (A01))
17:20 LHC signatures for cascade seesaw mechanisms - Ya-Juan Zheng (National Taiwan University)   (Alexandria (A01))
17:40 Rare and forbidden decays at the CERN experiment Na62 - Matthew Moulson (Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare (IT)) M. Moulson (CERN/INFN)   (Alexandria (A01))
Parallel Sessions: BSM/Exotics1, BSM/Exotics2, Rare Decays - Wei-Chih Huang (SISSA) Dr Wei-Chih Huang (University College London) Daniel Hay Guest (Yale University (US)) Robin Glattauer (Institute of High Energy Physics Vienna) (until 21:10) ()
13:30 Searches for supersymmetry in resonance production, R-parity violating signatures and events with long-lived particles with the ATLAS detector - Jorge-Armando Benitez Garcia (York University (CA)) J.A. Benitez (York U.)   ()
13:50 Searches for RS gravitons at the CMS experiment - Mr Shuai Liu (Peking University (CN)) S. Liu (Peking U.)   ()
14:10 Searches for heavy resonances with the ATLAS detector - Oliver Chris Endner (Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz (DE)) Oliver Chris Endner (Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz (DE)) Oliver Endner   ()
14:30 Searches for dark matter at the CMS experiment - Mark Olschewski (Rheinisch-Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))   ()
14:50 Searches for dark matter and extra dimensions with the ATLAS detector - Shawn Mc Kee (University of Michigan (US))   ()
15:10 Searches for new phenomena in events with multiple leptons with the ATLAS detector - Tulin Varol (University of Massachusetts (US)) T. Varol (U. of Massachusetts)   ()
15:30 --- Coffee Break ---
16:00 Model-independent analysis of scenarios with vector-like quarks - Luca Panizzi (University of Southampton)   ()
16:20 EWSB and CDM from scale invariant extension of the SM with strongly interacting hidden sector - Prof. pyungwon ko (Korea Inst. for Advanced Study (KIAS))   ()
16:40 Stabilizing the axion by means of non-anomalous discrete R symmetries - Kai Schmitz (Kavli IPMU)   ()
17:00 WW scattering in the era of post-Higgs-boson discovery - Chih-Ting Lu (National Tsing Hua University)   ()
17:20 Constraints on nonstandard top-gluon couplings from the Tevatron, LHC7 and LHC8 - Kazumasa Ohkuma (Fukui University of Technology)   ()
17:40 --- Dinner ---
19:30 Searches for very rare B, D and τ decays at LHCb - Ricardo Vazquez Gomez (Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare (IT))   ()
19:50 Study of rare and suppressed processes in B meson decays with ATLAS - Jaroslav Guenther (Acad. of Sciences of the Czech Rep. (CZ))   ()
20:10 Studies of rare B meson decays with the CMS detector - Jacopo Pazzini (Universita e INFN (IT))   ()
20:30 Studies of charmless B decays at LHCb - Jessica Prisciandaro (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH)) Jessica Prisciandaro (EPFL)   ()
20:50 Rare B meson decays from Belle - Chanseok PARK   ()
Parallel Sessions: Gravity - 2, Inflation - 2 -Dr M. Kawasaki (University of Tokyo) Dr H.-T. Cho (Tamkang University) (until 18:00) (Michelangelo (C03))
13:30 Tree unitarity in Einstein gravity - Yoshiki Enomoto (Chuo University)   (Michelangelo (C03))
13:50 Quantization and unitarity of Hořava-Lifshitz gravity - Tomotaka Kitamura (Waseda University)   (Michelangelo (C03))
14:10 Causality in modified gravity theory - Keisuke Izumi (LeCosPA)   (Michelangelo (C03))
14:30 On the consistency of some aspects of the drgt non-linear theory of massive gravity - Ivan Arraut (Osaka University/KEK)   (Michelangelo (C03))
14:50 Inflation and quantum gravity in a Born-Oppenheimer context - Alessandro Tronconi (INFN/Bologna University)   (Michelangelo (C03))
15:10 Inflation from higher-dimensional gauge and gravity theory - Yugo Abe (Shinshu University)   (Michelangelo (C03))
15:30 --- Coffee Break ---
16:00 Finite temperature effects in warm hybrid inflation - Thomas Metcalf (University of Edinburgh)   (Michelangelo (C03))
16:20 Dissipative effects on reheating after inflation - Kyohei Mukaida (University of Tokyo)   (Michelangelo (C03))
16:40 Gravitational waves from a curvaton model with blue spectrum - Naoya Kitajima (University of Tokyo)   (Michelangelo (C03))
17:00 Hubble-induced mass from MSSM plasma - Tomohiro Takesako (University of Tokyo)   (Michelangelo (C03))
17:20 Encyclopedia inflationaris: testing inflation after Planck - Christophe Ringeval (Louvain University)   (Michelangelo (C03))
Parallel Sessions: HIGGS/Exp-Theory, HIGGS/Theory2, HIGGS/Exp2 - Chung Kao (Unknown) Dr Jusak Tandean (National Taiwan University) Nicolas Pierre Chanon (Eidgenoessische Tech. Hochschule Zuerich (CH)) Prof. Chung Kao (University of Oklahoma) (until 21:10) (Plato (A03))
13:30 Search for non--SM Higgs bosons with CMS - Chayanit Asawatangtrakuldee (Peking University (CN)) C. Asawatangtrakuldee (Peking U.)   (Plato (A03))
13:50 Beyond-­the-­standard model Higgs physics using the ATLAS experiment - Ashutosh Kotwal (Duke University (US))   (Plato (A03))
14:10 Searches for rare decays of the Higgs boson with the ATLAS detector - Toni Baroncelli (Roma Tre Universita Degli Studi (IT)) Antonio Baroncelli   (Plato (A03))
14:30 Future prospects for Higgs measurements with CMS - Olivier Bondu (CERN)   (Plato (A03))
14:50 Measurements with electroweak gauge bosons and searches for Higgs-like particles at LHCb - Xabier Cid Vidal (CERN)   (Plato (A03))
15:10 Searches for low-mass Higgs and dark-sector bosons at BaBar - Kevin Flood (Caltech)   (Plato (A03))
15:30 --- Coffee Break ---
16:00 Multi-Higgs doublet models with spontaneous Higgs symmetry breaking - Chaehyun Yu (KIAS)   (Plato (A03))
16:20 The modified Higgs potential and the new physics at the collider - Takuya Kakuda (Niigata University)   (Plato (A03))
16:40 Higgs-dilaton mixing with SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1) invariant form of the trace of the energy-momentum tensor - Dr Dong-Won Jung (Korea Institute of Advanced Study ( KIAS))   (Plato (A03))
17:00 Higgs pair-production at the LHC & ILC from general potential - Yukihiro Mimura (National Taiwan University) Y. Mimura (National Taiwan U.)   (Plato (A03))
17:20 Scalar leptoquarks and Higgs pair production at the LHC - Enkhbat Tsedenbaljir (Mongolian Academy of Sciences)   (Plato (A03))
17:40 --- Dinner ---
19:30 Individual and combined measurements of the spin and parity properties of the Higgs boson using the ATLAS detector - Roberto Di Nardo (Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))   (Plato (A03))
19:50 Higgs as a probe of supersymmetric grand unification with the Hosotani mechanism - Mr Hiroyuki TANIGUCHI   (Plato (A03))
20:10 Higgs to di-photon decay rate in supersymmetry without R-parity - Dr Rishikesh VAIDYA   (Plato (A03))
20:30 A little more gauge mediation and the light Higgs mass - Mr V. Suryanarayan MUMMIDI   (Plato (A03))
20:50 126GeV Higgs in next-to-minimal universal extra dimensions - Seongchan Park (Sungkyunkyan University (SKKU))   (Plato (A03))
Parallel Sessions: Mathematical physics, String phenomenology -Dr C.-T. Chan (Tunghai University) Dr K. Nakayama (University of Tokyo) (until 18:00) (Archimedes (A04))
13:30 Slaying monsters - Yen Chin Ong (LeCosPA)   (Archimedes (A04))
13:50 Modular properties of three dimensional higher spin theory - Chih-Wei Wang (National Taiwan Normal University)   (Archimedes (A04))
14:10 Space-time, strings and space-filling curves - Nikolaos Kalogeropoulos (Weill Cornell Medical College)   (Archimedes (A04))
14:30 Wall-crossing and quiver invariants - Seung-Joo Lee (KIAS)   (Archimedes (A04))
14:50 Duality constraints on string theory - Chi-Hsien Yeh (NCTS)   (Archimedes (A04))
15:10 Perturbative physics without an interacting Lagrangian - Wei-Ming Chen (National Taiwan University)   (Archimedes (A04))
15:30 --- Coffee Break ---
16:00 SUSY spectra of magnetized brane models - Keigo Sumita (Waseda University)   (Archimedes (A04))
16:20 Three-generation models in heterotic asymmetric orbifolds - Shogo Kuwakino (Chung Yuan Christian University)   (Archimedes (A04))
16:40 Supersymmetric branes on the conifold with magnetic fluxes - Akane Oikawa (Waseda University)   (Archimedes (A04))
17:00 Einstein-Rosen bridges and black hole complementarity - Christina Rugina (IFIN-HH)   (Archimedes (A04))
17:20 Heterotic model building: 16 special manifolds - Chuang Sun (University of Oxford)   (Archimedes (A04))
Afternoon Special Invited Session Y -Dr Heng-Yu Chen (National Taiwan University) Dr Koji Hashimoto (Osaka University) (until 18:00) (Locke (A05))
13:30 Mass hierarchy and physics beyond the Standard Theory - Ignatios Antoniadis (CERN)   (Locke (A05))
14:00 On supercurrents, anomalies and (effective) Lagrangians - Jean-Pierre Derendinger (Universitaet Bern (CH))   (Locke (A05))
14:30 Extended conformal symmetry and recursion formulae for Nekrasov partition function - Yutaka Matsuo (University of Tokyo)   (Locke (A05))
15:00 Black holes as bubble nucleation sites - Ruth Gregory (Durham U)   (Locke (A05))
15:30 --- Coffee Break ---
16:00 D-branes and orientifolds: worldsheet partition functions and worldvolume topology - Pijin Yi (KIAS)   (Locke (A05))
16:30 Generalised geometry for string and M-theory - Prof. Hadi Godazgar (U. of Cambridge)   (Locke (A05))
17:00 A non-abelian self-duality equation in six dimensions and multiple M5-branes in string theory - chong-sun chu (durham univ) Dr Chong-Sun Chu (Nat'l Tsing Hua U.) Prof. Chong-Sun Chu (Durham University)   (Locke (A05))
Afternoon Special Invited Sessions X -Prof. Guey Lin Prof. Paoti Chang (National Taiwan University) Paoti Chang (National Taiwan University (TW)) Guey-Lin Lin (National Chiao-Tung University) (until 18:00) (Socrates)
13:30 When the Higgs meets the top - Prof. Chung Kao (University of Oklahoma)   (Socrates)
14:00 Searching for new physics with polarized top quark - Prof. Qing-Hong Cao (Peking University) Prof. Qing-Hong Cao (Peking University)   (Socrates)
14:30 Flavor, charm, CP related physics - Dr Hai-Yang Cheng (Academia Sinica)   (Socrates)
15:00 Status of Belle II and SuperKEKB - Dr Denis Epifanov (University of Tokyo)   (Socrates)
15:30 --- Coffee Break ---
16:00 Perturbations to mu-tau symmetry in neutrino mixing - Prof. D. Marfatia (University of Hawaii)   (Socrates)
16:30 An analytical treatment of neutrino oscillation probabilities - Dr Osamu Yasuda (Tokyo Metropolitan U.) Dr Osamu Yasuda (Tokyo Metropolitan University)   (Socrates)
17:00 New results from the Daya Bay reactor neutrino experiment - Prof. Meng Wang (Shandong University)   (Socrates)
17:30 The ILC project - Hitoshi Yamamoto   (Socrates)
Cloud-Gate performance (until 22:00) ()
Parallel Sessions: BSM/Exotics3, BSM/Top1, BSM/Top2 - Mikko Voutilainen (University of Helsinki (FI)) Tobias Heck (Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz (DE)) Dr Chian-Shu Chen (NCTS) (until 21:30) (Plato (A03))
13:30 Exotics from a seesaw/radiative model at the LHC - Kristian McDonald (Max Planck Institute (Heidelberg)) Dr Kristian McDonald   (Plato (A03))
13:50 Vacuum stability constraints on the minimal singlet TeV seesaw model - Subrata Khan   (Plato (A03))
14:10 Right-handed neutrinos in the νMSM - Mr Kazuhiro Takeda   (Plato (A03))
14:30 Non-standard interactions in radiative seesaw mechanism of neutrino mass - Yasufumi Konishi   (Plato (A03))
14:50 Constrainint neutrino mass from neutrinoless double beta decay in TeV scale left-right model - Manimala Mitra (IPPP, Durham University)   (Plato (A03))
15:10 Detecting neutrino magnetic moments at sub-KeV regime with Ge detectors - Mr Chih-Pan Wu   (Plato (A03))
15:30 --- Coffee Break ---
16:00 Searches for vector-like quarks and ttbar resonances with the ATLAS detector - Tobias Heck (Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz (DE))   (Plato (A03))
16:20 Search for vector-like quark top and bottom partners at CMS - Eric Chabert (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (FR))   (Plato (A03))
16:40 Search for new particles in the ttbar invariant mass spectrum and similar final states at CMS - Thomas Peiffer (Hamburg University (DE))   (Plato (A03))
17:00 Measurement of the top quark mass with CMS - Eike Schlieckau (Hamburg University (DE))   (Plato (A03))
17:20 Top quark pair production cross section at LHC in ATLAS - Oliver Rosenthal (Universitaet Siegen (DE)) Reinhild Peters (University of Manchester (GB))   (Plato (A03))
17:40 Top quark pair cross section measurements with CMS - Silvia Costantini (Ghent University (BE))   (Plato (A03))
18:00 --- Dinner ---
19:30 Top quark properties in ATLAS - Reinhild Peters (University of Manchester (GB))   (Plato (A03))
19:50 Measurement of top quark properties with CMS - Oliver Gutsche (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))   (Plato (A03))
20:10 Single top quark production cross section at LHC in ATLAS - Julien Noce Donini (Univ. Blaise Pascal Clermont-Fe. II (FR)) Julien Noce Donini (Univ. Blaise Pascal Clermont-Fe. II (FR))   (Plato (A03))
20:30 Measurement of single top quark processes with CMS - Mario Merola (Universita e INFN (IT))   (Plato (A03))
20:50 Suppression of proton decay in low-scale extra-dimensional grand unified theories - Dr Mitsuru Kakizaki (Physics Institute, Bonn University) Mitsuru Kakizaki   (Plato (A03))
Parallel Sessions: Leptons, Quarkonia & Spectroscopy - 1, Vector boson at hadron colliders - Chaehyun Yu (KIAS) Yuan Chao (National Taiwan University (TW)) Vojtech Pleskot (Charles University (CZ)) (until 20:50) (Locke (A05))
13:30 Phenomenology of a radiatively generated neutrino mass at three-loop - Amine Ahriche Dr Amine Ahriche   (Locke (A05))
13:50 First GERDA results on the neutrinoless double beta decay search of 76Ge - Nuno Fiuza De Barros (Universidade de Lisboa)   (Locke (A05))
14:10 Commom CP phase for leptons and quarks and leptogenesis - Dr Yang-Hwan Ahn   (Locke (A05))
14:30 The MEG experiment at psi: latest results and outlook - Matteo De Gerone (INFN Genova)   (Locke (A05))
14:50 Evidence of tau neutrino appearance in a muon neutrino beam with the OPERA experiment - Dr Tsutomu Fukuda (Toho university)   (Locke (A05))
15:10 QCD corrections to neutron electric dipole moment in the high-scale supersymmetry - Kaori Fuyuto   (Locke (A05))
15:30 --- Coffee Break ---
16:00 Onia production and spectroscopy at LHCb - Stefano De Capua (University of Manchester (GB))   (Locke (A05))
16:20 b and c hadron production and spectroscopy at LHCb - Yiming Li (Tsinghua University (CN))   (Locke (A05))
16:40 New perspectives for study charmonium and exotics above ddbar threshold - Mikhail Barabanov (JINR)   (Locke (A05))
17:00 Properties and spectroscopy of b-hadrons with the ATLAS detector - Cesare Bini (Universita di Roma I "La Sapienza")   (Locke (A05))
17:20 Measurements of quarkonium production at CMS - Po-Hsun Chen (National Taiwan University (TW))   (Locke (A05))
17:40 --- Dinner ---
19:30 Measurements of vector bosons and vector bosons plus jet production with the ATLAS detector - Jiri Hejbal (Acad. of Sciences of the Czech Rep. (CZ))   (Locke (A05))
19:50 Vector boson + jets measurements at CMS - Maria Cepeda Hermida (University of Wisconsin (US))   (Locke (A05))
20:10 Measurement of multi-boson production with the ATLAS detector - Dr Dmitri Tsybychev (Stony Brook University (US)) Dmitry Tsybyshev (State University of New York (US))   (Locke (A05))
20:30 Electroweak physics measurements at CMS - Nicolas Pierre Chanon (Eidgenoessische Tech. Hochschule Zuerich (CH))   (Locke (A05))
Parallel Sessions: Power spectrum/Cosmic microwave background, Large scale structures - 1 -Dr M. Takada (Kavli IPMU) Dr L.-Y. Chiang (ASIAA) (until 18:00) (Michelangelo (C03))
13:30 Reconstructing the primordial power spectrum with Planck - Dr Christopher Gauthier   (Michelangelo (C03))
13:50 Multi-lognormal magnetic field limits from the cosmic microwave background - Dr Dai Yamazaki   (Michelangelo (C03))
14:10 Violation of statistical isotropy due to pre-inflationary anisotropic expansion - Dr Sukanta Panda   (Michelangelo (C03))
14:30 Position-dependent power spectrum -- a new statistics for bispectrum - Mr Chi-Ting Chiang   (Michelangelo (C03))
14:50 Power spectrum super-sample covariance - Masahiro Takada   (Michelangelo (C03))
15:30 --- Coffee Break ---
16:00 Modified gravity and its signature on large-scale structure - Tsz Yan Lam   (Michelangelo (C03))
16:20 BDM (dark matter): solving CDM problems - Axel de la Macorra   (Michelangelo (C03))
16:40 Large scale cosmic perturbation from evaporation of primordial black holes - Keisuke Harigaya   (Michelangelo (C03))
17:00 I-ball formation with log potential - Naoyuki Takeda   (Michelangelo (C03))
17:20 Cosmic structure as the quantum interference of a coherent dark wave - Hsi-Yu Schive   (Michelangelo (C03))
Parallel Sessions: Strings/Branes, Neutrino & Dark matter, Dark matter/Collider -Dr Wen-Yu Wen (Chung Yuan Christian University) Dr Fei-Fan Lee (National Chiao Tung University) Dr Shinya Kanemura (University of Toyama) (until 22:00) (Archimedes (A04))
13:30 Effective action for Dp-brane in large RR(p-1)-form background - Mr Chen-Te Ma (National Taiwan University)   (Archimedes (A04))
13:50 Instanton wave and M-wave in multiple M5-branes system - Dr Hiroshi Isono   (Archimedes (A04))
14:10 To see symmetry in a forest of trees - Prof. Chuan-Tsung Chan   (Archimedes (A04))
14:30 't Hooft operators on an interface and bubbling D5-branes - Mr Koichi Nagasaki   (Archimedes (A04))
14:50 Charge-mass bound in Hawking radiation - Prof. Wen-Yu Wen   (Archimedes (A04))
15:30 --- Coffee Break ---
16:00 Neutrino oscillations and light dark matter searches with the miniboone experiment - Dr Alexis Aguilar-Arevalo   (Archimedes (A04))
16:20 Detecting the cosmic neutrino background with accelerated nuclei - Prof. Jiunn-Wei Chen   (Archimedes (A04))
16:40 Constraining dark matter capture and annihilation cross sections by searching for neutrino signature from the earth core - Dr Fei-Fan Lee   (Archimedes (A04))
17:00 Probing the coupling of heavy dark matter to nucleons by detecting neutrino signature from the earth core - Mr Yen-Hsun Lin   (Archimedes (A04))
17:20 Ionization of hydrogen by neutrino magnetic moment, relativistic muon, and wimp - Mr Chih-Liang Wu   (Archimedes (A04))
17:40 Calculation of absolute neutrino masses in the seesaw extension - Darius Jurciukonis (Vilnius University (LT)) Darius Jurciukonis (Vilnius University)   (Archimedes (A04))
18:00 --- Dinner ---
19:30 An updated analysis of inert Higgs doublet model in light of XENON100, PLANCK, AMS-02 and LHC - YUE-LIN Tsai (University of Sheffield)   (Archimedes (A04))
19:50 An unbroken local dark U(1) symmetry and its phenomenology - Dr Wan-il Park   (Archimedes (A04))
20:10 Bayesian statistical approach to dark matter direct detection experiments - Chiara Arina (University of Amsterdam)   (Archimedes (A04))
20:30 Radiative neutrino mass model with degenerate right-handed neutrinos - Shoichi Kashiwase   (Archimedes (A04))
20:50 Multi-component dark matter in two loop radiative seesaw model - Hiroshi Takano   (Archimedes (A04))
21:10 A regular modified version of Schwarzschild metric - Hristu Culetu (Ovidius University) Hristu Culetu (Ovidius U. of Constanta)   (Archimedes (A04))
Parallel Sessions: AdS/CFT 1, AdS/CFT 2 -Dr J. Wu (NCTS) Dr P. Yi (KIAS) (until 16:30) (Archimedes (A04))
13:30 Quantum decoherence in holographic conformal field theories - Shih-Hao Ho   (Archimedes (A04))
13:50 Vector correlation function in AdS/CFT - Savan Kharel   (Archimedes (A04))
14:10 Study of electron-electron interaction in graphene - Hsien-chung Kao (National Taiwan Normal University)   (Archimedes (A04))
14:30 A holographic model of the Kondo effect - Jackson Wu   (Archimedes (A04))
14:50 --- Coffee Break ---
15:10 A holographic realization of general 2D quantum quench - Tomonori Ugajin   (Archimedes (A04))
15:30 Parity violating hydrodynamics from gravity - Shou-Huang Dai   (Archimedes (A04))
15:50 Vacuum instability in AdS/CFT - Koji Hashimoto   (Archimedes (A04))
Parallel Sessions: Baryogenesis & Darm matter, Astroparticle -Dr Huitzu Tu (Academia Sinica) Seongchan Park (Sungkyunkyan University (SKKU)) (until 16:30) (Locke (A05))
13:30 Dark matter relic density, muon g-2 and LHC results in nonuniversal gaugino mass models - Soumya Rao   (Locke (A05))
13:50 Co-genesis of baryon and dark matter from Q-ball decay in anomaly mediation - Misaki Yamada   (Locke (A05))
14:10 Z'-ino-driven electroweak baryogenesis - Eibun Senaha   (Locke (A05))
14:30 A UV complete model for radiative seesaw and electroweak baryogenesis based on the SUSY gauge theory - Dr Shinya Kanemura (University of Toyama)   (Locke (A05))
14:50 --- Coffee Break ---
15:10 Current results from the Pierre Auger observatory - Arjen van Vliet   (Locke (A05))
15:30 Cosmologicaly probing the light scalar fields - Kenji Kadota   (Locke (A05))
15:50 Quantum approach to the thermal resonant leptogenesis - Kengo Shimada   (Locke (A05))
16:10 Photons signaling a QCD phase transition in neutron star mergers - Lance Labun   (Locke (A05))
Parallel Sessions: Charm mixing and CPV, Quarkonia & Spectroscopy - 2, Semileptonic B decays -Dr Jiunn-Wei Chen (National Taiwan University) MING-CHUAN CHANG (FU JEN CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY) (until 16:30) (Plato (A03))
13:30 CP violation in D->pp, pv decays - Prof. Hsiang-nan Li (Academia Sinica, Inst. Phys.)   (Plato (A03))
13:50 Studies of charm mixing and CP violation at LHCb - Diego Tonelli (CERN)   (Plato (A03))
14:10 Studies of charm mixing and CP violations from Belle - Gagan Mohanty (Tata Inst. of Fundamental Research (IN)) Gagan Mohanty   (Plato (A03))
14:30 Observation of CP violation in d^0 --> k^- \pi^+ as a smoking gun for new physics - Gaber Faisel (Modern University for Technology and Information) Gaber Faisel   (Plato (A03))
14:50 --- Coffee Break ---
15:10 Measurement of beauty hadron spectroscopy and productions at CMS - Frank Meier (University of Nebraska (US))   (Plato (A03))
15:30 Studies of quarkonium and quarkonium-like exotic particles from Belle - Vishal Bhardwaj   (Plato (A03))
15:50 Studies of b→(s,d)(mumu,gamma) transitions at LHCb - Simon Robert Magee Wright (University of Cambridge (GB)) Simon Wright   (Plato (A03))
16:10 Studies of asymmetries in semileptonic B decays at LHCb - Mika Anton Vesterinen (Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg (DE))   (Plato (A03))
Parallel Sessions: Large scale structures - 2, Large scale structures - 3 -Dr S. Suyu (ASIAA) Dr Tzu-Ching Chang (ASIAA) (until 16:30) (Alexandria (A01))
13:30 Mass distribution in and around galaxy clusters from strong lensing, weak lensing shear and magnification - Keiichi Umetsu   (Alexandria (A01))
14:00 Cosmology with gravitational lens time delays - Sherry Suyu   (Alexandria (A01))
14:30 The stellar mass assembly history of brightest cluster galaxies in IRAC shallow cluster survey - Yen-Ting Lin   (Alexandria (A01))
15:00 --- Coffee Break ---
15:10 Beyond BAOs in the BOSS CMASS galaxy clustering - Shun Saito   (Alexandria (A01))
15:30 The prospective application of hard X-ray modulation telescope for large-scale imaging - Zhuoxi Huo   (Alexandria (A01))
15:50 Impacts of satellite galaxies on the redshift-space distortions - Chiaki Hikage   (Alexandria (A01))
16:10 The structure formation of the universe: stellar and intracluster medium fractions of 14 massive and high redshift south-pole-telescope-selected galaxy clusters - I-Non Chiu   (Alexandria (A01))
Banquet (until 21:30) ()