12–17 Sept 2010
Europe/Zurich timezone
The conference is now over. Thanks to all for their participation. <p> The talks from the various sessions are all online.

Proceedings and Manuscripts


The Conference Proceedings (Invited Talks as well as Contributed Papers) will be published as a regular volume of the journal Hyperfine Interactions (Springer), following standard international procedures and peer review. Contributed papers (Oral and Posters contributions) are strictly limited to 4 journal pages while Invited Talks papers are limited to 8 journal pages.

Manuscripts will be due at the beginning of the conference (Deadline for the submission of manuscripts is Tuesday September 14 noon). Two (2) hard copies of each manuscript must be presented at the Conference desk and an e- mail has to be sent before the deadline to hfi2010@cern.ch putting in the subject "First Author / Conference Code" (for example, Subject: Sprouse / IF-1). The digital version of the complete manuscript must be attached to this e-mail (MS Word file or Tex (LaTex) + EPS figures, in the last case add a PDF file of the Tex version of the manuscript as a guide reference).

Please do not forget to add the Manuscript Transmittal Form (printed version) to your submission at the Registration desk, and also a digital (scanned) version to the electronic submission. Download the Manuscript Transmittal Form from here.

Please read here the general Guidelines for Contributors to SpecialsIssues.

Advice on Paper preparation:

We encourage contributors to prepare their paper in Word or Tex (LaTex) formats.

For LaTeX users please find here the Author Tools (LaTex) given by the Journal. These tools include LaTex templates (these templates serve to unify the format of your paper but not to calculate its lengths in journal pages).

Paper's length calculation:

An almost exact form (unofficial) to calculate the length of your paper in Hyperfine Interactions journal pages can be downloaded here.

If you use the LaTex package (including figures, tables, and equations), the output correlates with approximately the same number of journal pages.

For further information on Hyperfine Interactions you can visit the following website.

Open access
The final accepted version of all peer reviewed conference manuscripts will be published on this conference website, with the consent of Springer, publisher of Hyperfine Interactions.

They can be downloaded free of charge.

As soon as they are published in the journal, a final table of contents of the corresponding Hyperfine Interaction issues will be provided by Hyperfine Interactions and also listed on this website, to ease correct citation of the conference articles.