17–19 Jun 2015
Graduate Institute & Campus Biotech (University of Geneva)
Europe/Zurich timezone

BG2 - OA Policy

18 Jun 2015, 16:00
1h 45m
BG2 (Campus Biothech)


Campus Biothech


Mrs Alma SWAN


The session on Open Access policy will cover the current picture with respect to policies worldwide. We will present the data from the PASTEUR4OA project which has analysed all existing policies and analysed the aspects of policy that prove most effective. The project has also redesigned and rebuilt ROARMAP, the policy registry, and we will explain what that database now holds and how to register a new policy. There will be plenty of opportunity to discuss how best to formulate a policy and how to support it within an institution to maximise the amount of OA material collected.

Presentation materials

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