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Theory Colloquia

How Black Holes Burn

by Ramy Brustein

4/3-006 - TH Conference Room (CERN)

4/3-006 - TH Conference Room


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Hawking has discovered almost 40 years ago that black holes (BH’s) burn. Ever since, ideas about how they burn have been a source of constant interest and controversy. In Hawking’s model, the process of BH evaporation respects the equivalence principle but it is not unitary. Page has proposed a model of unitary evaporation. However, this class of models was recently found to be incompatible with the equivalence principle. After reviewing this state of affairs, I will argue that the origin for many of the difficulties is that BH’s are treated as infinite mass objects and thus their quantum fluctuations are completely ignored. I will present a model of how finite mass BH’s burn and outline how both unitarity and the equivalence principle can be respected within the model.