Roberto Mendicino
We report on the joint INFN ATLAS-CMS R&D program, in collaboration with FBK, aimed at the development of pixel sensors for the phase 2 upgrade of the LHC (HL-LHC). The sensor technology and design will have to be optimized and qualified for extreme radiation hardness, and pixel designs will have to be compatible with present (for testing) and future (65nm) FE chips of ATLAS and CMS.
In particular, the talk will focus on a new generation of 3D pixel sensors coping with the high demands of HL-LHC: increased granularity, (e.g., 100 25 or 50 50 pixel size), higher radiation tolerance (up to a fluence of 2x10 n ), reduced material budget and better geometrical efficiency. Compared to the double-sided 3D sensors successfully produced for the ATLAS IBL, these requirements call for a modified technology allowing for thinner sensors, narrower electrodes, reduced electrode spacing, and very slim (or active) edges.
The talk will cover aspects relevant to the design, TCAD simulation and layout of the first batch of these new 3D sensors to be fabricated at FBK on 6” wafers.
Roberto Mendicino
D M S Sultan
(University of Trento, Italy)
Gabriele Giacomini
(Fondazione Bruno Kessler)
Gian-Franco Dalla Betta
(INFN and University of Trento)
Maurizio Boscardin
(FBK Trento)
Nicola Zorzi
(Fondazione Bruno Kessler - FBK)
Sabina Ronchin