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A&T Seminar

The Long Shutdown1 (LS1) consolidation program for LHC

by Jean-Philippe Tock (CERN), Katy Foraz (CERN)

30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium (CERN)

30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium


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1st Part:   LS1: summary of project development and results.  

Speaker:   Katy Foraz (CERN)


After three fruitful years of operation, the LHC entered in its first long shutdown. Major works have been implemented to allow running safely at 7 TeV/beam. The LHC superconducting circuits have been consolidated; mitigation measures have been carried out to reduce the single event effects occurrence in the frame of the Radiation To Electronics mitigation project (R2E); all the equipment were fully maintained. In parallel, numerous consolidation and upgrade activities have been performed all around the 27 km ring. The schedule has been optimized in order to reduce the length of the shutdown (LS1) to 23 months (including hardware commissioning). The organization and preparation of the works was therefore essential to ensure a safe and reliable plan. This talk will introduce the various activities performed and will recall the coordination, reporting and decisional processes, highlighting points of success and points to be improved in terms of general coordination, in-situ coordination, safety coordination, logistics and resource management.

2nd Part:   The SMACC Project (Superconducting Magnets And Circuits Consolidation): summary and results.

Speaker:  Jean-Philippe Tock (CERN)


The first LHC long shutdown (LS1) started in February 2013. It was triggered by the need to consolidate the 13 kA splices between the superconducting magnets to allow the LHC to reach safely its design energy of 14 TeV center of mass.

The SMACC (Superconducting Magnets And Circuits Consolidation) project has mainly covered the consolidation of the 10170 13 kA splices but also other activities linked to the superconducting circuits like the exchange of 18 main cryomagnets, the installation of the remaining safety relief devices (DN200), the fixing of known leaks and other consolidation activities.

All this work has been structured in a project, gathering about 280 persons. The opening of the interconnections started in April 2013 and consolidation works were completed by September 2014. The talk will first describe the preparation phase with the building of the teams and the detailed planning of the operation. Then, it gives feedback from the worksite, namely lessons learnt and adaptations that were implemented, both from the technical and organizational points of view. Finally, results achieved will be presented.



ATS Seminars Organisers: H. Burkhardt (BE), M. Modena (TE), T. Stora (EN)

Coffee / tea will be served after the seminar in room 30/7-012