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CERN workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (OAI4)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium (CERN)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


Show room on map

LIBER, CERN, SPARC and SPARC Europe, OSI, and the OAi are pleased to announce the dates and agenda for the 4th OAi workshop.

This will be the latest installment in this highly successful series that began in 2001. The workshop is a forum that is more for activists rather than theorists or administrators. It brings together people who are at the forefront of scholarly communication change.

The workshop is intended as a forum for technological issues associated with scholarly communication and will take place every second year in alternation with the Nordic Conference on Scholarly Communication .

The workshop is sponsored by OSI, SPARC and SPARC Europe, JISC, SHERPA and Ex Libris.

For queries please contact the CERN Organisers.

    • Registration Mezzanine outside Main Auditorium

      Mezzanine outside Main Auditorium


      Participants arriving on Wednesday may register for the workshop between 16:00 and 18:00 at the registration desk outside the Main Auditorium.

      All other participants should register for the workshop during Thursday morning between 9:00 and 14:00 or during the afternoon coffee break.

      Please have cash ready (200CHF or 130Euros). Welcome packs will be available at registration.

    • Tutorial 1: OAI-PMH repositories: quality issues regarding metadata and protocol compliance Tutorial room 24

      Tutorial room 24


      • 1
        OAI-PMH repositories: quality issues regarding metadata and protocol compliance Building 572 Tutorial room 23

        Building 572 Tutorial room 23


        This tutorial will provide an overview of emerging guidelines and best practices for OAI data providers and how they relate to expectations and needs of service providers. The audience should already be familiar with OAI protocol basics and have at least some experience with either data provider or service provider implementations. The speakers will present both protocol compliance best practices and general recommendations for creating and disseminating high-quality "shareable metadata". Protocol best practices discussion will include coverage of OAI identifiers, date-stamps, deleted records, sets, resumption tokens, about containers, branding, errors conditions, HTTP server issues, and repository lifecycle issues. Discussion of what makes for good, shareable metadata will cover topics including character encoding, namespace and XML schema issues, metadata crosswalk issues, support of multiple metadata formats, general metadata authoring recommendations, specific recommendations for use of Dublin Core elements, metadata authority, and examples of metadata bad practice. Implications of data provider practice for service providers will be explored (and vice versa). The tutorial will draw on current best practice efforts, notably a collaborative project by the Digital Library Federation and the National Science Digital Library (U.S.) to publish and promulgate an OAI and Shareable Metadata Best Practice document Protocol recommendations also draw on work to support and extend the OAI-PMH validation service
        Speakers: Simeon Warner (Cornell University), Tim Cole (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
        Related resources and shareable metadata illustrations
        Slides for part 2
      • 10:15
        Coffee break Tutorial room 24 (CERN)

        Tutorial room 24


    • Tutorial 2: OAI-PMH for resource harvesting 572



      • 2
        OAI-PMH for resource harvesting Building 572 Tutorial room 25

        Building 572 Tutorial room 25


        A variety of examples have arisen in which the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) has been used for applications beyond bibliographic metadata interchange. One of these examples is the use of OAI-PMH to harvest resources and not just metadata. Advanced resource discovery and preservations capabilities are possible by combining complex object formats such as MPEG-21 DIDL, METS and SCORM with the OAI-PMH. In this tutorial, we review community conventions and practices that have provided the impetus for resource harvesting. We show how the introduction of complex object formats for the representation of resources leads to a robust, OAI-PMH-based framework for resource harvesting. We detail how complex object formats fit in the OAI-PMH data model, and how (compound) digital objects can be represented using a complex object format for exposure by an OAI-PMH repository. We also cover tools that are available for the implementation of an OAI-PMH-based resource harvesting solution. Furthermore, we will provide examples of resource harvesting projects that are based on the complex object format approach, including: (*) The effort aimed at mirroring the collection of the American Physical Society at the Research Library of the Los Alamos National Laboratory; (*) mod_oai, an Apache module that provides OAI-PMH-based resource harvesting for Apache Web servers; (*) The DSpace MPEG-21 DIDL plug-in that allows harvesting of DSpace resources through the native DSpace OAI-PMH interface.
        Speakers: Herbert Van de Sompel (LANL), Michael Nelson (Old Dominion University)
      • 10:15
        Coffee break 572 (CERN)



    • Tutorial 3: Introduction to OAI and harvesting 572



      • 3
        Introduction to OAI and Harvesting Building 572 Tutorial room 24

        Building 572 Tutorial room 24


        1. Coverage: - Overview of key Open Archives Initiative (OAI) concepts. - Development of the OAI Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH). - Non-technical introduction to main underlying technical ideas. - Some considerations regarding implementation of OAI-PMH, with particular focus on harvesting issues. For those who would like an introduction to, or revision of, the main concepts associated with OAI then this session will provide an ideal foundation for the rest of the OAI4 workshop. 2. Audience: Decision-makers, Managers, Technical staff with no previous OAI-PMH knowledge. This is a tutorial for those who may not themselves do hands-on technical implementation, but might make or advise on decisions whether or not to implement particular solutions. They may have staff who are implementers, or may work with them. Technical staff are likely to prefer the technical tutorials, but may want to attend this one if they are at the very early stage of simply requiring background information. 3. At the end of the tutorial participants will have gained knowledge of: - the background of the OAI as an initiative; - how the OAI-PMH developed; - the uses and functions of OAI-PMH; - the vocabulary used in discussing OAI; - problems and issues in harvesting metadata; - some basic non-technical issues in implementing OAI-PMH; - some of the technical support/tools available; - sources of further information in all of these areas.
        Speaker: Philip Hunter (UKOLN)
      • 10:15
        Coffee break 572 (CERN)



    • Tutorial 4: Advocacy and IPR 503/1-001 - Council Chamber

      503/1-001 - Council Chamber


      Show room on map
      • 4
        Advocacy and IPR
        With open access and repositories assuming a high profile some may question whether advocacy is still necessary. Those involved in the business of setting up and populating repositories are aware that in the majority of institutions there is still a great need for advocacy. This tutorial will give participants an opportunity to discuss different advocacy methods and approaches, including the 'top down' and 'bottom up' approach, publicity methods and the opportunities offered by funding body positions on open access. Participants will have the opportunity to share experiences of what works and what doesn't. The advocacy role often encompasses responsibility for advising academics on IPR issues. This is a particularly critical area where repository staff are engaged in depositing content on behalf of academics. The tutorial will offer an opportunity to discuss the IPR issues encountered by those managing repositories. The tutorial will draw on the experience of participants who have been engaged in advocacy activities for some time. The tutorial should be particularly useful for those new to the area, but it will also present an opportunity for sharing ideas.
        Speaker: Morag Greig (University of Glasgow)
      • 10:15
        Coffee break
    • 11:30
      Lunch Restaurant 1

      Restaurant 1


      Participants should buy there own lunch. We recommend restaurant 1 which is downstairs from teh Main Auditorium.

    • Technical Presentations 500/1-001 - Main Auditorium

      500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


      Show room on map
      Convener: Dr Corrado Pettenati (CERN)
      • 5
        A welcome on behalf of the organisers at CERN, and on behalf of LIBER and the OAI4 workshop organising committee.
        Speakers: Erland Kolding-Nielsen (LIBER), Maximilian Metzger (Secretary General, CERN), Paul Ayris (OAI4 Organising Committee)
        Video in CDS
      • 6
        What's new from the OAI
        Speakers: Herbert Van de Sompel (LANL, US), Michael Nelson (Old Dominion University), Simeon Warner (Cornell University)
        Video in CDS
      • 7
        Thoughts on identifiers
        As business processes and information transactions have become an inextricably intertwined with the Web, the importance of assignment, registration, discovery, and maintenance of identifiers has increased. In spite of this, integrated frameworks for managing identifiers have been slow to emerge. Instead, identification systems arise (quite naturally) from immediate business needs without consideration for how they fit into larger information architectures. In addition, many legacy identifier systems further complicate the landscape, making it difficult for content managers to select and deploy identifier systems that meet both the business case and long term information management objectives. This presentation will outline a model for evaluating identifier applications and the functional requirements of the systems necessary to support them. The model is based on a layered analysis of the characteristics of identifier systems, including: * Functional characteristics * Technology * Policy * Business * Social These layers afford a useful outline for framing discussions and evaluation of identifier systems.
        Speaker: Stu Weibel (OCLC, USA)
        Video in CDS
      • 8
        Augmenting interoperability across repositories : architectural ideas
        The aDORe digital repository architecture designed and implemented by the Los Alamos Research Library is fully standards-based and highly modular, with the various components of the architecture interacting in a protocol-driven manner. Although aDORe was designed for use in the context of the Los Alamos Library, its modular and standards-based design has led to interesting insights regarding possible new levels of interoperability in a federation of heterogeneous repositories. The presentation will discuss these insights, and will illustrate that attractive federations of repositories can be built by introducing rather basic interoperability requirements. The presentation will also show that, once these requirements are met, a powerful service framework that overlays the federation can emerge.
        Speaker: Herbert Van de Sompel (LANL, USA)
        Video in CDS
    • 15:30
      Afternoon coffee break Pas Perdus

      Pas Perdus


    • Technical Presentations: : 4 Submitted contributions 500/1-001 - Main Auditorium

      500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


      Show room on map
      Convener: Mr Chris Awre (University of Hull, UK)
      • 9
        Using OAI and other light-weight protocols to facilitate scholarly communication
        This presentation describes how we share and harvest sets of various OAI metadata, repurpose it through the Ockham Library Network, and demonstrate an alternative to traditional scholarly communication. The Ockham Library Network is a sponsored National Science Foundation Digital Library grant with co-PI's at Emory University, Virginia Tech, Oregon State University, and the University of Notre Dame. One of the purposes of Ockham is to exploit modular, light-weight protocols (such as OAI-PMH and SRW/U) into systems for learning, teaching, and scholarship. To date we have implemented a number of such services: * Ockham Digital Library Services Registry - A distributed directory of digital library services, collections, and agents. The contents of the Registry are described using the same XML schema articulated by the Information Environment Service Registry (IESR), and the records are shared among participating institutions on a peer-to-peer network utilizing OAI to propagate registry records amongst the distributed nodes. * Find Similar Service - An index of selected OAI-accessible content supplemented with an additional "find more like this one" function. This system first harvests OAI content and saves it to an underlying database. Searches against the database are supplemented with alternative search strategies and the means to finding similar items through semantic and statistical analysis. * MyLibrary@Ockham - A process for doing metadata re-mediation. MyLibrary is an open source database application used to store data about any information resource. It's database structure is rooted in Dublin Core and enhanced with a facet/term approach to classification. As OAI content is harvested from repositories, it can be automatically classified with these facets/terms, and saved to the underlying database. Thus, reports written against MyLibrary can not only be keyed on Dublin Core elements but also on any of the locally facet/term combinations. Such a process enhances and amalgamates OAI-accessible content. * Ockham Alert - A current awareness service. This system regularly harvests data from the National Science Foundation OAI Repository, indexes it, and provides an SRU interface to the index. The XML resulting from searches is returned to the user as HTML, RSS, or email. Since new data is added daily and data older than three months is daily removed, repeated queries to the index return a changing set of results facilitating a "What's new?" service against an OAI repository. * Harvest-to-Query (H2Q) - A software appliance for collecting OAI content and providing a Z39.50/SRU/SRW interface to the collection. H2Q allows content providers and content users to easily create query-accessible collections for use with federated search tools and other information retrieval systems. The purpose of this particular implementation is not only to demonstrate what the software/protocol can do, but also how OAI and open access publishing can provide an alternative to the traditional scholarly communication model. If scholars publish electronically, then librarians can collect, organize, archive, and disseminate this scholarly material. In other words, by working together both librarians and scholars can facilitate the scholarly communication process.
        Speaker: Eric Morgan (University Libraries of Notre Dame)
        Video in CDS
      • 10
        WikiD: A WikiEngine Supporting Structured Data
        Ward Cunningham describes a wiki as "the simplest online database that could possibly work". The cost of this simplicity is that wikis are generally limited to a single collection containing a single kind of record (viz. WikiMarkupLanguage records). WikiD extends the Wiki model to support multiple collections containing arbitrary schemas of XML records with minimal additional complexity. WikiD is essentially a lightweight framework combining: * Open-source implementations of various loosely-coupled open-standard protocols (e.g. OpenURL, SRW/U, SRW Update, OAI-PMH, RSS) * An open-source version-controlled database. * A set of bootstrap collections. * XSL Stylesheets to render collection-level open-standard protocol responses into HTML for human consumption. Automated processes can ignore the stylesheet reference and use the open-standard protocol responses directly. Possible applications for WikiD include collaborative maintenance of registries, thesauri, taxonomies, reviews, and documentation. In addition to a standard set of features available for all collections, custom code (e.g. Java or XSL) can also be assigned to provide new types of web services related to individual collections. The WikiD project page can be found at A demo is running at Instructions for creating a new collection can be found at
        Speakers: Mr Jeffrey Young (OCLC, USA), Stu Weibel (OCLC, USA)
        Video in CDS
      • 11
        A framework for assessing impact of units of scholarly communication based on OAI-PMH harvesting of usage information.
        The wide-spread implementation of institutional repositories (IR), digital libraries, preprint services, and open access journals has dramatically changed the communication options that are available to scholars. At the same time, scholarship itself is becoming digital, thereby fundamentally extending the notion of a unit of scholarly communication beyond journal papers to include multimedia files, data sets, simulations, visualizations, etc. Meanwhile, the evaluation of scholarly performance remains bound to the use of citation data derived from a subset of all available communication channels (pre-selected journals), and an ever decreasing subset of all communicated units (journal papers). Clearly, there is a need for frameworks that allow measuring scholarly activity and its impact in the context of this new reality. We discuss the architecture of a system that is being developed at the Los Alamos National Laboratory that aims at determining impact and prestige rankings on the basis of aggregated usage data. This system relies on two key components. First, an architecture that allows to OAI-PMH harvest, and hence aggregate, usage logs from various scholarly communication venues. For interoperability, usage logs are expressed as XML documents that are compliant with the ContextObject of the OpenURL Standard. Second, a set of social network methods to determine impact and prestige from the temporal patterns detected in the aggregated usage data. The proposed solution can be deployed on top of any type of scholarly communication channel, and can take into account the use of scholarly communication units of all types. We discuss recent results which indicate that, when applied to articles and journals, the resulting impact rankings correlate significantly with the Institute for Scientific Information's Impact Factor, but highlight different aspects of publication status and can thus form the basis of a more comprehensive assessment of scholarly impact. We speculate on how an open, freely accessible system for the evaluation of science relying on widely aggregated usage data can be applied to a wider range of scholarly communication processes then is presently the case, and can ultimately liberate the scientific community from the limitations and distortions caused by the existing singular focus on proprietary, citation based science evaluation mechanisms.
        Speakers: Dr Herbert Van de Sompel (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Dr Johan Bollen (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
        Video in CDS
      • 12
        Incites into Citation Linking using the OAI-PMH
        There are some 300 repositories of research material (Source: IAR), most of which have an OAI-PMH interface, but no current Institutional Repositories export reference data - nor do they provide their users with citation impact metrics. We propose a model for extending IR's to be citation aware and to expose that data to citation indices using the OAI-PMH and OpenURL. We present some techniques for the export of citation data using the OAI-PMH in Citebase Search. As part of a proposed Open Access Citation Information study we have developed a proposal for the integration of reference parsing and linking into the author- deposit process. This highly-distributed approach to citation linking utilises the OAI-PMH to transfer structured citation data between IRs and citation indexing services. OpenURL - a standard for contextual linking using bibliographic data - is now a NISO standard. As well as it's linking role, OpenURL is a useful standard for the transfer of bibliographic data for the purposes of citation indexing. The developing DCMI guidelines for encoding citation metadata makes use of OpenURL context objects in XML. A more lightweight approach is implemented by Citebase Search for transferring bibliographic data using OpenURLs by encoding the metadata as URIs (OpenURL 'KEV' format) and including these in repeated simple Dublin Core relation elements. The widespread adoption of OpenURL for contextual linking and the transfer of citation links will lower the barriers to citation indices as well as enabling novel new interactions between services (e.g. through the embedding of citation analysis services into IRs). Emerging technologies using the OAI-PMH and OpenURL will allow seemless linking across subscription-based and open access services, creating an integrated, citation-linked environment for researchers.
        Speaker: Tim Brody (University of Southampton, UK)
        Video in CDS
    • 18:00
      End of session break Free time

      Free time


    • Welcome buffet sponsored by JISC Restaurant 1

      Restaurant 1


      Paul Ayris (on behalf of the OAI4 Organising Committee) and
      Neil Jacobs (on behalf of JISC) invite all participants to a
      hot and cold buffet in the CERN restaurant to welcome you
      all to the fourth OAI workshop and wish you an enjoyable few

      Convener: Dr Paul Ayris (University College London, UK)
    • Library and Publishing Community Presentations 500/1-001 - Main Auditorium

      500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


      Show room on map
      Convener: Dr Paul Ayris (University College London, UK)
      • 13
        Open Access - what has been going on?
        New gold journals, alchemy at work on existing journals, hybrids and chimaeras; new repositories, growing repositories, empty repositories; Anglo-Saxon governments in a tizz; funder fudges, funders holding firm; employer moves; gold publishers, green publishers, grey publishers, green publishers going grey; authors - yes, no, don't know; Dutch cream, Scotland the Brave, the QUT-ting edge; Google; Jan Velterop. And more. All in 30 minutes.
        Speaker: Alma Swan (Key Perspectives Ltd, UK)
        Video in CDS
      • 15
        Navigating the world of scholarly communication; the impact of OA publishing on the secondary publisher
        The role of the secondary publisher is to create a comprehensive, consistently indexed, easily searchable and widely distributed database of published outputs in a given subject area. Traditionally, the content provided for inclusion in a secondary database has been paper-based, with journal articles, books and conferences typically providing the bulk of the referenced material. In recent years, however, the abstracting and indexing process has had to adapt to include digital content and new types of content that reflect changes in the scholarly communication process. This presentation examines how a secondary publisher selects material for inclusion, some of the logistical issues associated with processing online content, including Open Access and OAI content, and how the originators of content and secondary publishers need to work together to ensure maximum benefit for the end user.
        Speaker: Andrea Powell (CABI Publishing, UK)
    • 11:00
      Morning coffee break and Posters 500/1-001 - Main Auditorium

      500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


      Show room on map

      Poster contributions will be displayed throughout the workshop. During this break, participants can talk to the authors of the posters.

    • Breakout groups 500/1-001 - Main Auditorium

      500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


      Show room on map

      Participants who wish to join a breakout group discussion should sign-up in advance. The reporting session will take place at 10:40 on Saturday in the Main Auditorium for all to attend.

      Choose one of four groups:

      • Policy Issues - Leader: Heather Morrison
      • Business models for scientific information, and the scientific process? - Leaders: Hans E. Roosendaal & Katarzyna Kurek
      • Our authors are central. Populating repositories and building on partnerships between libraries and researchers. Economists Online as a case in point - Leader: Vanessa Proudman
      • Open Journal Systems - Leader: Heinrich Stamerjohanns.

      Read full details and register.

      For those who do not wish to sign up for a group, the time until the afternoon session is free.

    • Poster Session 500/1-201 - Mezzanine

      500/1-201 - Mezzanine


      Show room on map
    • 12:30
      Lunch Restaurant 1

      Restaurant 1


      at participants' own expense

    • Library and Publishing Community Presentations 500/1-001 - Main Auditorium

      500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


      Show room on map
      Convener: Mrs Melissa Hagemann (OSI)
      • 16
        Making the innovation case in Open Access scholarly communication
        It seems almost unnecessary to have to elaborate additional reasons for the adoption of Open Access scholarly communication (OA sc) as manifested through Open Access journals and self-archiving practices. To those active within the OA arena, the case has been convincingly made, and current arguments merely need to be disseminated beyond the Library and Information Science (LIS) sphere. However, it is my contention that a convincing argument for OA sc needs to be launched from the Science Policy perspective if any government mandated pro-OA policy changes are to be effected. This paper, then, is an attempt at taking the OA discussion beyond the LIS arena and into the realm of Science and Innovation Policy. Using Innovation Theory as its theoretical framework, it is argued that Open Access scholarly communication can only serve to bolster Innovation Systems, be they national, regional, or sectoral. The case of South Africa is taken as an illustrative example, though the case can and will be generalised to beyond the South African science system. Making the case for OA within the context of Innovation is also of strategic import, since government policymakers frequently heed the advice of Science- and Innovation Policy researchers.
        Speaker: Jennifer A De Beer (Stellenbosch University, South Africa)
        Video in CDS
      • 17
        Versions in the lifecycle of academic papers - user requirements and guidelines for digital repositories
        An academic research paper evolves through various stages during its lifecycle, for example from early conference presentation through working paper to final published refereed journal article. Different versions can co-exist in publicly available electronic form. Finding out researchers’ attitudes towards storing, labelling and making accessible these different versions, both of their own and of their peers’ work is at the heart of the VERSIONS Project, funded by the JISC under the Digital Repositories Programme. The project addresses the issues and uncertainties relating to versions of academic papers in digital repositories. By including a user requirements study, the project will clarify the needs of researchers and other stakeholders for deposit, storage and accessibility of different versions in the lifecycle of a digital resource. In addition to looking at user needs, the project will analyse researchers’ current practice in terms of retention of author copies of their own material. This investigation into current practice will reveal the extent of available suitable versions for deposit in digital repositories. The user requirements study and the investigation into current practice will feed into a third strand of project activity which will develop a toolkit of guidelines and will propose standards on versions. This activity will be carried out in coordination with the JISC and working with relevant metadata standards, publishing and OAI communities. The project has a focus on eprints in the subject discipline of economics and takes a comparative view by drawing on established partnerships and experience with European libraries specialising in economics.
        Speaker: Frances Shipsey (London School of Economics and Political Science)
        Video in CDS
      • 18
        OpenDOAR - the Directory of Open Access Repositories
        The last year has seen wide-spread growth in the idea of using open access repositories as a part of a research institution's accepted infrastructure. Policy development from institutions and funding bodies has also supported the growth of the repository network. The next stage of expansion will be in the provision of services and cross-repository facilities and resources. Of course, it is hoped that these will then establish a feed-back loop to encourage repository population and further repository establishment, as the potential of open access to research materials is realised. The growth of repositories has been organic, with a variety of different repositories based in departments, institutions, funding agencies or subject communities, with a range of content, both in type and subject. Existing repositories are expanding their holdings, from eprints to associated research data-sets, or with learning objects and multimedia material. This presentation will look at the development of the Directory of Open Access Repositories, OpenDOAR, and the way we intend to clarify the overall picture of repositories and their holdings. In providing this information, OpenDOAR should act as a bridge between data providers and service providers in analysing and listing repositories and facilitate the interchange needed to establish services. It will look at OpenDOAR's place as one of a number of registers of open access sources and repository based services and the scope of its initial survey of repositories. OpenDOAR is intended to help repository administrators in providing a better service for their users and facilitating repository growth. We will be asking what help we can give to repository administrators and to service providers to facilitate the development of innovative services like search, access, analysis and linking of repository holdings.
        Speaker: Bill Hubbard (SHERPA Project Manager, UK)
        Video in CDS
    • 15:30
      Afternoon coffee break 500/1-001 - Main Auditorium

      500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


      Show room on map
    • Library and Publishing Community Presentations: : submitted contributions 500/1-001 - Main Auditorium

      500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


      Show room on map
      Convener: Dr David Prosser (SPARC Europe)
      • 19
        Quality and quantity: tackling real issues in an institutional research repository
        The TARDis project has examined and tackled many practical issues in scaling up from the current individual departmental scholarly communication practices towards an active institutional research repository. This repository must, of necessity, serve a variety of goals for a wide spread of disciplines. We illustrate the steps that have helped move the University of Southampton’s institutional research repository into a key position within the university’s research strategy for both visibility and reporting. We demonstrate the practical activities being developed to manage research assessment in conjunction with the EPrints software. These balance others which we show help fulfill the broad vision of disseminating all research output. These steps are enabling the visions of open access and institutional repositories to come closer together in a constructive fashion.
        Speaker: Dr Jessie Hey (University of Southampton)
        Video in CDS
      • 20
        The DARE Programme. Successes and lessons learned: from libraries to libratories
        The DARE Programme is the Dutch national OAI program. It started January 2003 with a budget of MEuro 5.9 and will last until December 2006. Renowned successes are the national sites DAREnet, harvesting the openly available content of the IR's of all universities and some national research organisations, and Keur der Wetenschap/Cream of Science, exhibiting the complete oeuvre of more than 200 Dutch top scientists (see: Recently we started project LOREnet, the equivalent of DAREnet for the educational community. The presentation will tell about the successes, the experiences and the transformation from libraries to 'libratories'.
        Speaker: Dr Leo Waaijers (SURF)
        Video in CDS
      • 21
        Certification and beyond – DINI open access activities in Germany
        Local publication servers are common and at the same time highly fragmented in Germany. To bring them to greater success it is necessary to standardize further developments. DINI with its publication "Electronic Publishing in Higher Education" laid a foundation for a widespread introduction of general regulations and standards concerning electronic publishing and archiving of scientific documents in institutional repositories. The DINI-Certificate "Document and Publication Repositories" takes this a step further by clearly describing criteria, that will guarantee repositories to be set up and operated according to national standards and international developments. Repositories fulfilling these criteria may be awarded a certificate, testifying to their quality. The DINI certificate may also help their operators to market the institutional repository as a reliable service to support electronic publishing as well as self- archiving at their institution. In parallel to this quality of service activities DINI started to promote a more widespread practice of open access archiving and publishing in Germany by - translating and distributing the SPARC Open Access brochure, - recommending suitable and precise open access policy statements for universities, - recommending standardized usage statistics, - organizing advocacy events, - supporting local initiatives and university libraries in taking on an active role in collecting scientific material from their researchers and teachers - extending the DINI certificate to allow Universities to provide a reliable and attractive self-archiving component to their scientists The talk will show the achievements of the DINI working group on electronic publishing since Peter Schirmbacher’s talk at OAI 3 ( base=agenda&categ=a035925&id=a035925s8t14/transparencies) and discuss the experiences made in Germany with this approach.
        Speakers: Frank Scholze (Universitätsbibliothek Stuttgart, Germany), Susanne Dobratz (Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, Germany)
        Video in CDS
      • 22
        OAI, Google Scholar and Wikipedia are the answers, but what is the question?
        Some of the questions raised are: 1. what types of presenting knowledge matter these days - and why? 2. for what type of communities (learning communities, communities focused on innovation) do they matter? What can be learned from the way science works within the rich spectrum of disciplines with respect to providing information: is the scientific method more debate-related or more focused on reproduction of experiments and how could OAI (dataproviders / services) play a role in these different approaches? 3. What is to be expected from different online collaborative – supposedly free - services and what general remarks can be made about their interoperability and functionality? 4. What are the quality assuring mechanisms in different communities and how can we translate these principles to further research or mere fruitful information exchange? I believe these are questions that should be raised to see also more clearly the impact of OAI. Within the Dutch context we have some experience with OAI via the DARE community, which can illustrate specific topics.
        Speaker: Marlon Domingus (Leiden University, The Netherlands)
        Video in CDS
    • Dinner Restaurant 1

      Restaurant 1


      At participants' own expense

    • Drinks sharing Restaurant 1

      Restaurant 1


      Participants should try to bring a bottle of something from their own country to share with other participants over or after dinner. Tables in the restaurant will be reserved for the occasion with glasses and ice provided!

    • Supporting the Research Process 500/1-001 - Main Auditorium

      500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


      Show room on map
      Convener: Mr Bas Savenije (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
      • 23
        Open Data in science - technical and cultural aspects
        Note: Peter's slides are web-page-based and can be downloaded and then viewed from the file communal.oai4/index.html. It requires an SVG-enabled HTML viewer. Research in STM fields routinely generates and requires large amounts of data in electronic form. The growth of scientific research using infrastructures such as the Grid, UK's eScience programme and cyber infrastructure requires the re-use, repurposing and redissemination of this information. Fields like bioinformatics, astronomy, physics, and earth/environmental sciences routinely use such data as primary research input. Much of this is now carried out by machines which harvest data from multiple sources in dynamic and iterative ways, validate, filter compute and republish it. The current publication process and legal infrastructure is now a serious hindrance to this. Most STM data are never published and the re-usability of those that are is often unclear as authors and publishers give no explicit permission. However almost all authors intend that published data (non-copyrightable “facts”) are for the re-use of and redissemination to the STM community and the world in general. Many publishers agree with this, but most do not actively support the effective publication of data, through disinterest or the lack of a viable business proves. Some, however, appear to assert ownership and control over factual data, debarring robots and charging for access. The new technology offers enormous scope for different models for the publication and use of Open STM data and some will be demonstrated. To develop the necessary culture for this, SPARC has generously agreed to provide a discussion list (SPARC-OpenData) on which PM-R will be the first moderator. PM-R home page:
        Speaker: Peter Murray-Rust (Department of Chemistry, Cambridge University, UK)
        Video in CDS
      • 24
        Adding value to open access research data: the eBank UK Project
        This presentation will briefly examine the changing landscape of e-research and data-intensive science, together with associated trends in scholarly communications. In this context the eBank UK project will be described, which is seeking to enable open access to research data generated from an e-Science application, and to build links from e-research outputs through to e-learning materials. The role of digital repositories and OAI-based aggregator services in facilitating the linking of data-sets from Grid-enabled research applications to e-prints through to peer-reviewed articles, as resources in portals and Learning Management Systems, will be assessed. Recent developments from the eBank UK project will be presented with discussion about integration in research and learning workflows and the challenge of assuring long-term access to open data archives.
        Speaker: Liz Lyon (UKOLN)
        Video in CDS
      • 25
        Text, Data and People - How to Represent Earth System Science
        Earth system science – a collective name for a number of disciplines, as these are applied to a specific topic - is among the most data intensive sciences. Another characteristic feature of this field of research is the international cooperative work, which is organized around expeditions and other coordinated observation campaigns. These campaigns make use of an extensive array of instruments mounted on ships, airplanes, satellites and trucks. To make the most out of costly datasets from observations and “in silico” experiments – that is: modeling results – data have to be published in a well documented form, with or without strong links to classical publications, in which these data are interpreted. Due to the special circumstances, “scholarly communication” within the community probably is more personal but also more difficult than in other areas. In many cases, even small teams are international with multiple institutional affiliations of their members. Since the object of their observation may comprise a substancial part of the globe, a single observation can last for years. In terms of e-science, all these factors clearly call for supporting “groupware” systems or even “knowledge management” systems. We will make a case for these systems in this session just in order to point out the importance of people, the groups they form and the projects and campaigns they perform together. These are important objects, to be described in their own right – not just as metadata to mark up datasets or publications. We will discuss the application of the open access paradigm as well as Open Archives protocols and common metadata schemes, as they are applicable to datasets as well as people and groups. One outcome of this discussion will be a critical evaluation whether complex metadata schemes – as the 1000 attribute ISO 19115 – are useful for open, loosely coordinated harvesting schemes or if these should be applied in closed information systems only. Regarding people and organizations, we strongly recommend using the eduPerson object classes and attributes from the Internet2 / Grid middleware standards. Finally, we will demonstrate a working OAI-PMH service provider which harvests information about (text-) publications, datasets and researchers, which are described in a way as outlined above.
        Speaker: Dr Hans Pfeiffenberger (Alfred Wegener Institut)
        Video in CDS
      • 26
        An OAI Repository-Centric Peer-Review Model
        Pre-print repositories have seen a significant increase in use over the past fifteen years across multiple research domains. Researchers are beginning to develop applications capable of using these repositories to assist the scientific community above and beyond the pure dissemination of information. The contributions set forth by this paper emphasize a deconstructed publication model where in which the peer-review certification phase of a pre-print is mediated by an OAI-compliant peer-review service. This peer-review service uses a social-network algorithm for determining potential reviewers for a submitted manuscript and for weighting the influence of each participating reviewer’s evaluations. The paper also provides a set of peer-review specific metadata tags that can accompany a pre-prints existing metadata record. The combinations of these contributions provide a unique repository-centric peer-review model within the framework of the current OAI standards existing today.
        Speaker: Mr Marko Rodriguez (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
        Video in CDS
    • Feedback from the breakout groups 500/1-001 - Main Auditorium

      500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


      Show room on map
      Breakout group 1
      Breakout group 2
      Breakout group 4
      • 27
        Breakout feedback 1 and 2
        Video in CDS
      • 28
        Breakout feedback 3 and 4
        Video in CDS
    • 11:00
      Morning coffee break 500/1-001 - Main Auditorium

      500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


      Show room on map
    • Feedback from the breakout groups 500/1-001 - Main Auditorium

      500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


      Show room on map
      Breakout group 1
      Breakout group 2
      Breakout group 4
    • Supporting the Research Process 500/1-001 - Main Auditorium

      500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


      Show room on map
      Convener: Dr Paul Ayris (University College London, UK)
      • 29
        Keynote: Open Access - a funder's perspective
        Speaker: Robert Terry (The Wellcome Trust, UK)
        Video in CDS
    • Closing session 500/1-001 - Main Auditorium

      500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


      Show room on map
      Convener: Dr Paul Ayris (University College London, UK)
      Video in CDS
      • 30
        Technical report
        A summary of the technical sessions during the workshop.
        Speaker: Chris Awre (University of Hull, UK)
      • 31
        Library and Publishing report
        A summary of the library and publishing sessions during the workshop.
        Speaker: Bas Savenije (Librarian University Utrecht, the Netherlands)
      • 32
        Research implications report and closing
        A summary of the research implications session and farewell to all participants - until OAI5!
        Speaker: Raf Dekeyser (Ex-Librarian University Leuven (Retired), Belgium)
    • 13:15
      Lunch Restaurant 1

      Restaurant 1


      At participants' own expense

    • Social event: Tour of CERN 500/1-001 - Main Auditorium

      500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


      Show room on map

      An optional tour of a CERN experiment - places limited to 35 and reserved via the registration form (fully booked).

    • Social event: tour of Geneva old town See the noticeboard for meeting location (Geneva)

      See the noticeboard for meeting location


      An optional tour of Geneva old town at 16:00 - 18:00. Sign up using the reservation links on the web page:

    • Social event: Swiss meal See the noticeboard for meeting location details (Geneva)

      See the noticeboard for meeting location details


      An optional Swiss-fondue meal at 19:30 in Geneva. Sign up using the reservation links on the web page: