3–10 Aug 2016
Chicago IL USA
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Contribution to the neutrino magnetic moment coming from 2HDM in presence of magnetic fields

8 Aug 2016, 18:30
Riverwalk A/B

Riverwalk A/B

Poster Neutrino Physics Poster Session


Mr Carlos Alberto Gomez Tarazona (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)


The confirmation of the neutrino masses by oscillation phenomena, makes interesting the study of the magnetic moment (MDM) of the neutrinos in regions where exist magnetic fields, because of the implications of such phenomena on cosmology and astrophysics. The existence of a charged Higgs coming from a two Higgs doublet model in presence of a magnetic field, induces additional corrections to MDM of the neutrino, with respect to the standar model. We calculate and analyze such contributions in the parameter space of the two Higgs doublet model type I, II, III and 2HDM with neutrino specific. These analyses can help to interpret phenomena of stellar evolution in regions of high magnetic fields.

Primary author

Mr Carlos Alberto Gomez Tarazona (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)


Mr Andres Fernanado Castillo Ramirez (Universidad Nacional de Colombia) Dr John Morales Aponte (Universidad Nacional de Colombia) Dr Rodolfo Alexander Diaz Sanchez (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)

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