Showing posts with label jboss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jboss. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Getting Quarked

Quarkus has made its debut just two and half months ago on March 7th, 2019 with the release of version 0.11 and this public announcement, and since then it has made a lot of buzz in the Java universe while attracting significant developer interest. This is still early days so most people are mostly in the experimental stage getting their feet wet and having a first taste of what it means to write Supersonic Subatomic Java apps. (And just in case you haven't heard of Quarkus check out this introductory video.)

By some twist of luck the first public release of Quarkus came right out of the Red Hat Neuchâtel Office in Switzerland, the original JBoss HQ for Europe, where a large part of the very much distributed Quarkus engineering team was having a meeting that concluded with a release hackathon.

History in the making - Quarkus about to be released to the public
Of course, Quarkus was not born there. For years various people and teams at Red Hat including the WildFly/EAP team with Galleon, as well as the sister WildFly-Swarm/Thorntailv4 projects, the Drools team with Submarine, the OpenJDK team and others, were experimenting with evolutionary approaches for reducing the runtime overhead of Java applications to make them more space and time efficient for cloud native deployments.

However, at some point it became evident that evolutionary approaches wouldn't cut it for the order-of-magnitude scale improvements we were targeting so three of our most prominent architects, (alphabetically) Bob McWhirter, Emmanuel Bernard and Jason Greene came together and with our CTO's blessings started a Proof-of-Concept (initially stealth) effort that would attempt to unify the various research projects into one looking into revolutionary approaches for developing that one single Runtime to rule them all.

An interdisciplinary team of engineers (non exaustive list) was gradually formed with each one bringing along with them a ton of ideas and experience from different areas of the Middleware/Enterprise Java spectrum, from kernel design and JVM internals to networking, security and persistence, integration frameworks and performance optimizations (and more). Within 3-4 months the team put in place the base architectural elements and design abstractions and delivered a prototype that satisfied the original goals but also went way beyond. It produced  innovations that will be studied and copied over for years to come and provided justification for the project to continue, eventually leading to its public announcement.

The cool thing about Quarkus is that it works equally well in standard JVM and native compiled mode. By essentially pre-computing application and framework initialization and eliminating dead code (and performing many other optimizations) it can greatly reduce boot time, artifact size and runtime memory requirements (RSS space).

In one sense things are moving to the opposite direction from the days of early JBoss. Back them we've disrupted the application server space by moving compile time operations into deployment time. With dynamic proxies, a plugable microkernel architecture and an aspect oriented/interceptor design we could avoid precompilation steps and do things you now take for granted like hot-deployment and instant-clustering. Even the collapse of the Web and EJB layers within the same JVM was a selling point. Now we go for extreme distribution with all the benefits and challenges that come with it.

A very rough rule of thumb is that by using Quarkus in standard JVM mode you can expect your app to boot in a fifth of the time compared to most other popular runtimes and consume about half the memory. In native mode things go crazy: expect one to two orders of magnitude of reduced boot time (supersonic, in the order of tens of milliseconds) and about a fifth to a third of runtime memory consumption (subatomic).

It's funny to see people trying out Quarkus and reporting an impressive 1.65 seconds boot time for an app that would take 56 seconds to boot on Google Cloud and then the Quarkus team reacts because that looks "slow" and with DNS issues resolved the boot time should be closer to 0,015 seconds! To say it differently, beyond an awesome enabler for writing microservices, Java can now be used as a launching platform for serverless apps and cloud functions. Which in turn means that the millions of Java programmers in the world can keep using their favorite programming language, frameworks and APIs and carry forward their know-how in this brave new cloud native world, while companies can maintain their multi-year investments in Java. This is a game changer, IMO.

However, to reap the full benefits of Quarkus, frameworks needs to be enabled for it, they need to be Quarked. The team has written extensions for popular frameworks/libraries (listed here) that help provide Quarkus' opinionated programming model but our expectation is that the community will step up and provide their own extensions for popular frameworks in order to enhance the Quarkus ecosystem. With enough Quarkus extensions in place the benefits of Ahead of Time Compilation (AOT) will be offered to a larger percentage of the Java Developer base in a way that makes the production of native binaries almost transparent to the end user.

Quarkus offers a lot more than a Supersonic speed, a Subatomic footprint and a set of best of breed technologies and standards. It provides both an imperative and a reactive programming model and most importantly it brings back developer joy in the life of the programmer. I've been in a couple of Quarkus presentations already and the moment we show how a code change in the IDE is immediately picked up by Quarkus in developer mode the next time the web browser gets refreshed with the change recompiled and the whole app redeployed *instantly*, that moment, the people's reaction is simply priceless. Back in the JBoss days our motto was to"put back the developer into the driver's seat". Same thing now with Quarkus.

I hope that helps explains a bit some of the excitement behind Quarkus inside and outside Red Hat, and my own personal excitement, too, especially from the moment I was offered the opportunity to come and help run the extended Quarkus team as its Engineering Manager. I am humbled by the sheer amount of brain power behind the project, although, coming from the WildFly/EAP team this is not something new to me. I've seen a few times in my career the type of magic that can happen when you put exceptional people working together on a common stretched goal.

Being a JBoss alumni and having worked on all transformations that the JBoss Application Server project underwent since version 2.x, I've delivered my last JBoss EAP 7.2 release as Engineering Manager while I was transitioning to Quarkus and handed over the product to Tom Jenkinson with whom I've I've worked in the EAP team for many years. Tom was Engineering Manager & Project Lead of the Nayarana Transactions Engine that powers all of JBoss Middleware, a project even older than JBoss AS.

Tom in turn is supported by Brian Stansberry in the role of WildFly project lead, as well as a great team of JBoss/WildFly veterans, so I'm confident that EAP is in the best hands possible to continue evolving and thriving, tracking the latest developments in the Jakarta EE / Microprofile space.

This is all for now - stay tuned on Quarkus - and join the revolution.


Friday, February 15, 2019

Ομιλία για Επιχειρηματικό Λογισμικό Ανοιχτού Κώδικα

Με την ευκαιρία μίας γρήγορης επίσκεψης στην Αθήνα, θα μιλήσω την Παρασκευή 1η Μαρτίου για την σημασία του ανοιχτού λογισμικού και τις τελευταίες τεχνολογικές εξελίξεις, πώς η Red Hat καταφέρνει να πουλάει $3δις+ το χρόνο υπηρεσίες γύρω από κάτι που θεωρείται δωρεάν, πώς στήθηκε ένα start-up γύρω από τον JBoss, και γιατί η IBM προτίθεται να πληρώσει $33δις για κάτι που θα μπορούσε να θεωρηθεί σαν αέρας κοπανιστός.

Θα μοιραστώ επίσης κάποια από τα μυστικά των επιτυχημένων προγραμματιστών λογισμικού ανοιχτού κώδικα, πώς μπορείτε να να δημιουργήσετε μια καριέρα γύρω από αυτό και να διασκεδάσετε.

Αυτά και άλλα ωραία στις 3-5μμ στο Κέντρο Στήριξης Επιχειρηματικότητας και Καινοτομίας (Κεφαλληνίας 46, 2ος όροφος), με την υποστήριξη καλών φίλων και του Οικονομικού Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών σε συνεργασία με τον Οργανισμό Ανοιχτών Τεχνολογιών - ΕΕΛΛΑΚ.

Η συμμετοχή στην εκδήλωση είναι ελεύθερη (σαν το λογισμικό!), αλλά παρακαλείστε να συμπληρώσετε τη φόρμα για την εγγραφή σας, να ξέρουμε πόσες καρέκλες να βάλουμε


Monday, November 12, 2018

Jakarta EE action at Devoxx Belgium 2018

Devoxx Belgium 2018, my favorite Java (& more) conference in Europe is just around the corner with the Deep Dive sessions starting tomorrow (Nov/12th-13th), followed by the three main conference days (Nov/14th-16th).

I thought I should write a quick note to point out that there is a lot of Jakarta EE action happening with eight Jakarta EE sessions you can easily query for here, or let me save you a click and paste directly the results below:

JakartaEE - The New Home of Cloud Native Java by Ivar Grimstad, Dimitris Andreadis , Dmitry Kornilov, Gaël Blondelle, Kevin Sutter, Markus Eisele, Ondro Mihályi (Conference)
From Java EE to Jakarta EE by Dmitry Kornilov (Quickie)

The Jakarta EE Community BOF by Dimitris Andreadis, Ivar Grimstad , Dmitry Kornilov, Kevin Sutter (BOF)

Implementing Microservices with Jakarta EE and MicroProfile by Ivar Grimstad, Kevin Sutter (Deep Dive)

Speed Dating with Jakarta EE by Kevin Sutter (Ignite)

Jakarta EE: The Future of Cloud Native Java is Open! by Gaël Blondelle (Conference)

Java EE, Jakarta EE, MicroProfile, Or Maybe All Of Them? by Sebastian Daschner (Conference)

Jakarta EE / MicroProfile + WebStandards, On Stage Hacking #noslides by Adam Bien (Conference)

I am happy to be participating in two of those sessions:
  • The Jakarta EE Community BOF, on Wednesday evening at 20:00. An informal Jakarta EE community gathering of like minded developers, specification leads and Jakarta EE representatives from different companies. Please note that the event will be relocated(!) from the BOF 2 room to Kelly's Irish Pub downtown Antwerp, meaning we are turning the BOF into a mini symposium with free drinks to accompany great discussions! We will be tweeting details for registering for the event, so stay tuned and look for those tweets from @dandreadis, @ivar_grimstad , @m0mus, @kwsutter.
  • JakartaEE - The New Home of Cloud Native Java, on Friday at 11:40, a panel discussion on the present and future of Jakarta EE coordinated by Gaël Blondelle from the Eclipse Foundation, and representatives from Cybercom, Red Hat, Oracle, IBM, Payara & Lightbend.
 There are also other fellow Red Hatter presenting, so check out their sessions or meet us at the Red Hat booth:
The fun is about to start - see you very soon at Devoxx Belgium!


Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Colloquium - Making sense of enterprise open source software

The coming Friday, Sep/28th @ 2pm, I have the pleasure to be talking at the Department of Informatics of the University of Fribourg on the subject of: "Making sense of enterprise open source software".

Copying here the Abstract from the event flyer:
Red Hat is a leading enterprise software provider that has built a business model around something that is perceived as "free": open source software. In fact, last year Red Hat managed to sell about $3 billion dollars of "free" software and services to the likes of Fortune 500 companies. How can this be possible? How does an open source business model work in practice? Where does it make sense? Why open source has prevailed in so many different technology domains?

Come to this talk to discover the nuances of enterprise open source software seen from the point of view of JBoss, a popular open source application server project and a start-up company built around it that was acquired by Red Hat back in 2006 to form Red Hat's Middleware division. Also, learn the secrets of how one becomes a successful open source software developer, should you want to get involved with the open source movement, build a career out of it and have a lot of fun on the way.
The event is hosted by Prof. Philippe Cudré-Mauroux, whom I'd like to thank for the invitation. It is also perfectly timed so you can be back in Neuchâtel on time for the start of the Fête des Vendages. :)

See you there!


Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Let's meet at the Red Hat Forum 2018 in Zurich!

September 11th is a difficult date to forget, however, this time for a good reason: it's the day the Red Hat Forum 2018 will take place at the Arena Cinemas in Zurich. For those that have attended the RH Forum in previous years you already know it's the place to be and it's just getting better every year. For those that haven't been there, I suggest you take a look at the Agenda.

It's a full day event with keynotes and panel sessions happening before lunch. This year we are lucky to have Jim Whitehurst, Red Hat's President & CEO keynoting on Digital Transformation and how Red Hat's open culture can help you perform this journey. There are other very interesting sessions (many in English!) with leading customers and partners sharing their experiences, including Swisscom, Accenture, SBB, SAP and Microsoft (with whom we are best friends now!), as well as Kiki wearing something red and helping our Country Manager Léonard Bodmer run the show. :)

In the afternoon we split into four parallel tracks with case studies and technical presentations taking place in the cinema rooms. There are very interesting topics presented from customers and partners and I suggest you first take a look at them, but if you are more into tech stuff you may just as well join as at the Red Hat Technology Deep Dive Track that--with the help of Thomas Heute--we've organized this year, as follow:

  1.  Pavol Loffay, speaking on very practical aspects of "Observability with Istio Mess".

    In this presentation we will walk you through telemetry integration in Istio service mesh. You will learn how observability pillars like metrics and traces are nicely provided by the mesh and in addition to that how services themselves can enrich this information. We will be demoing Kiali, Prometheus and Jaeger on an OpenShift environment.
  2.  Yours Truly, on the future of Enterprise Java - "Java EE is Dead! Long Live Jakarta EE!"

    Last's year events were cataclysmic for Enterprise Java: Java EE 8 was released, the MicroProfile project produced 2 releases and 7 new microservices focused APIs, and both of them moved over to the Eclipse Foundation with Oracle choosing to open source everything! What has happened? Jakarta EE, the successor to Java EE, is alive and kicking and aims at aligning Enterprise Java to the fast pacing reality of a brave new Cloud Native world. Why this is important to you and what you can do about it? Come to this session to find out.
  3. Michael Vorburger & Erik Jan de Wit on a super fun joint presentation showcasing a way of "Teaching Programming using Minecraft on OpenShift".

    Computers used to be these "magical tinkering machines" when we were younger. Today, the challenge is to get children excited about learning programming by reducing the time to set up and get started right away in a gamified environment they already love - like Minecraft! We'll show you how with Kubernetes, OpenShift and Minecraft we can progressively do just - at first using our ScratchX extension to get started with graphical programming, and then with a push of a button go to a full development environment set up to start learning and teaching programming. We'll set up an Eclipse Che IDE with continuous builds of the modifications, and a Minecraft server with our OSGi extension that hot reload changes. All code used in the demo of this project is open source and available to anyone.
All fours presenters are based out of Switzerland, are deeply involved with Red Hat product development and would gladly meet with you (and the Geek inside you) at the technical track or the Red Hat booth, to talk about the projects/products we are working on and just about anything Open Source. We would also be very interested to listen to your concerns and experiences with them, as well as hear about any interesting projects you are working on.

We are just one week before the event so if you haven't already registered to attend the Red Hat Forum (which I should mention is free, as in beer, thanks to our beloved Partners), I suggest you do so ASAP and register now - there might still be some available slots, so hurry up!

See you in Zurich!


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Voxxed Days Athens - Recap

After a very successful Voxxed Days Thessaloniki last October, it was now Athens' turn to host the popular event series, and another chance for yours truly to visit the motherland, talk about the interesting stuff we are doing here at JBoss/Red Hat, meet with old friends and make new ones.

Voxxed Days Athens was very well attended with something like 450 participants, numerous sponsors and a great lineup of international and local speakers.

I very much enjoyed the talks of
  • Johan Janssen on "the Internet of Lego Trains" - I guess not so much about using Akka Actors, rather mostly about doing stuff with RaspberryPis & Legos.
  • Heather Vancura on "the JCP - Java Community Process" - being actively involved with Java EE for the past 15 years, I'm quite familiar with the JCP, but that was the first time I've actually got to meet Heather in person; I guess, it's never too late.
  • Dimitris Livas on "Continuous learning of Professionals in an evolving world" - very interesting approach of applying agile development principles not for developing systems but actually developing individuals. I'm keeping a personal note to learn more about it.
  • Yours Truly on "Turning your Java EE Monoliths into Microservices using WildFly Swarm"- I very much enjoyed giving the talk and I'd like to thank the populous and lively audience that attended. You can find the slides from my presentation here
  • Panagiotis Moustafellos on "360 monitoring of your services" - in this distributed cloud-based microservicey world it becomes all the more important to be able to monitor/diagnose/trace the execution and runtime behavior of your services
  • Panos Astithas on "Better security and privacy for your web apps" - great security tips from a firefox guru.
and finally
  • Douglas Crockford's totally inspiring closing keynote on "Numbers" - the night before I was lucky to sit almost opposite to him at the speaker's dinner in which he was mostly staying quiet; until the moment I started talking about how the Latin Alphabet originated from the Greek Alphabet, which built on top the Phoenician one, which innovated in the sense of transcribing sounds rather than symbols/ideas that was revolutionary for that time and allowed different peoples to use it and express their own native language. Apparently Douglas knows this stuff better than me, which explains to some extend his passion for programming language design. (I hope this doesn't sound Greek to you).
Comparing Voxxed Days Athens & Thessaloniki, I think the latest event felt more organized and especially technical support for the speakers was much better. On the down side, I've attended one talk at the Silk-B room and it was relative small for the number of people that wanted to get in. Also, the cinema format of Devoxx events is probably more preferable when it comes to the size of the rooms and the guaranteed good visibility for all.

Those are just minor considerations for future events, because the team and volunteers behind Voxxed Days Athens did a fantastic job organizing such a high quality event. There is a vibrant community of developers in Athens and events like this provide an excellent opportunity for people to get together, socialize and learn from the best, right there at your doorstep. I can only hope there will be more of that.

See you hopefully soon!


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Voxxed Thessaloniki - Recap

It's been a few days since the successful completion of the Voxxed Days conference that took place in the beautiful and historic city of Thessaloniki. Here's a quick recap.

I've had presented at a Voxxed event before,  but this time the conference had special interest for me not only because it was the first time the VoxxedDays series of events is coming to Greece, but also because I was eager to meet with the active scene of the local developer community of what we use to call the the co-capital.

The event which included three tracks was organized at the Village Cinemas Multiplex, following the very successful Devoxx format. There was an impressive lineup of 17 international speakers that attracted some 350 attendees from 11 countries. Those are impressive numbers for a first time conference.

I pretty much stayed on the Java/DevOps track, mostly centered around the theme of Microservices and CI/CD environments. My talk on WildFly and WildFly Swarm, our new toolkit for creating microservices on top of the robust WildFly runtime using best of breed Java EE and thirdparty components was also in that track. I've had great discussions on the subject with a large number of folks after the talk and during the beer session that followed the event. If you are interested to find out more you can find my slides here.

I've enjoyed the opening and closing keynotes on JDK9/Modules and Developer Careers respectively and I heard good comments about the other two Methodology/BigData and Web Development tracks.

I've also had the privilege to participate at the 8th Episode of the Devastation podcast talking about WildFly, Application Servers and Opensource software development. If you are an aspiring developer that wants to enter the magical world of opensource, I have some very practical advice for you in the podcast (as long as you understand Greek, that is).

I need to congratulate the guys at the organization and the large numbers of volunteers that helped pull this off. You guys did a magnificent job organizing a world class event, Bravo!

The problem is that you've raised the bar for subsequent events - we want more! And more we will get because VoxxedDays will be moving to Athens the coming May, so I'm looking forward to that.

Until the next time!

If you want to read more about VoxxedDaysThessaloniki, check out those links, too:

Friday, September 09, 2016

Red Hat Forum 2016 in Zurich

The Red Hat Forum that takes place next week in Zurich is a great place to learn about the latest in Red Hat/JBoss technologies, meet and share experiences with fellow professionals, experts and Red Hat partners.

With three keynotes, a panel discussion and four different tracks (with talks in English & German) it is a full day event for people that are passionate about Open Source.

Together with fellow Red Haters Thomas Heute and Hannes Sowa we are presenting at a special Deep Dive Session Track. My talk will be about increasing productivity by making use of Java EE 7 features on top of JBoss EAP 7.
You can check out the Agenda  and register for the (free) event here. There might still be some slot available, so hurry up.

See you in Zurich!


Sunday, January 31, 2016

The wait is over: WildFly v10 Final released! suppose this is the question most often asked from any open source project out there:
"When is the next X.Y.Z release coming out?"
Developers are eager to get their hands onto the latest and greatest not only to check out the new features but also to receive important fixes. And while most projects follow a rough roadmap, you'll find that upon reaching important milestones like major final releases where timeboxing and feature dropping is not really an option, then quality becomes the driving force.

So rather than coming up with something half-baked, we'll do whatever it takes to bring to you working and performant software, even if that means we have to delay the release by a couple of months in order to fix an additional 200+ bugs going from Candidate Release 4 (CR4) to Final. Some project managers might not like this, but most developers that will get their hands dirty using our software will certainly appreciate it. :-)

So WildFly 10 was released last Friday, January 29th and for the release itself I will simply link to the comprehensive release announcement. For the lazy ones I can list the key features here:
  • Java EE7 compliance, full and web profile.
  • Java 7 support discontinued, please use Java 8+.
  • JMS services provided by ActiveMQ Artemis, a merger of HornetQ with Active MQ.
  • Ability to edit domain configurations offline, using the CLI.
  • Javascript support in Undertow with hot reloading of JS files.
  • Highly Available (HA) Singleton deployments, and HA-Message Driven Beans are back.
  • Message Driven Beans can be controlled as a unit in delivery groups.
  • Advanced automatic sizing pooling options for SLSBs and MDBs.
  • Hibernate 5 is included bringing a host of improvements.
  • Powershell scripts now available for the MS Windows crowd.
  • Migration operations to help migrate configuration from replaced subsystems (JBossWeb, HornetQ, JacORB)
  • ...
  • and a lot of other stuff, including all the cool features from WF8 & WF9.
Completing any major WildFly release is never a small feat, so I'd like to congratulate the WildFly development team and Jason Greene for leading it for the past 7 years(!), as well as extend a big Thank You to the large number of related projects (WildFly bundles more than 200 different components) and the WildFly community as a whole, for their support and dedication.

As the engineering manager of the team, I wish I could just send everyone on a much needed holiday at this point :-). However we need to focus our efforts on another major task, the completion and release of JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7 GA(or else JBoss EAP), our long term commercially supported offering, based off of WildFly 8+9+10. For those interested, existing and prospective customers, a Beta for EAP7 has already been out for a few weeks now.

Enough said, download WildFly 10 now and tell us what you think. You may also find a docker image here and there is always the option of trying out WildFly on OpenShift.


Saturday, October 31, 2015

WildFly activity in Geneva

Geneva  is a global city, a financial and worldwide center for diplomacy. There are numerous international organizations based there, including the headquarters of the United Nations and the Red Cross. It is also the place where the Geneva Conventions were signed, for the treatment of wartime non-combatants and prisoners of war.

Geneva has also an active Java developer scene and is not too far from Neuchâtel, so I'd thought that in between release madness I should really be spending some time there spreading the word on WildFly and meeting with developers to talk about the nice things we've being working on.

And it it all started in September with a presentation at CERN on the evolution of the JBoss Application Server into WildFly. It is pretty interesting how an opensource project, the JBoss Application server founded in 1999 has managed to survive and thrive in an ever changing environment, helping developers focus on their real business problems, be productive and stop re-inventing the wheel.

The preparation for that talk had started a couple of month before after an invitation I've had received from Felix Ehm at CERN, who was one of the keynote speakers at the last DevNation in Boston. They are doing pretty cool things at CERN and they are using a lot of opensource software. If you want to learn more about that you may watch the recording from Felix's keynote speech here.

Of course, as a visitor you get a tour to some of the CERN installations which is a reason on its to own to be there, anyway, so a big thanks to both Felix Ehm and Miguel Marquina for the invitations and the hospitality.

Then last week, I've participated at Soft-Shake '15 Geneva  with a State of the Union talk on WildFly. I need to point out that WildFly 10 CR4 was released last week, and we are approaching a very important milestone, the release of WildFly 10 Final some time very soon, so I'd though I would give an overview of what you get with the latest release, which is more or less a full Java EE7 certified server with a ton of features culminated over the WF 8, 9 &10 releases, built on top on the innovative architecture introduced by AS7.

See you at Devoxx.BE next at the WildFly Community BOF!


Tuesday, May 12, 2015

WildFly v9 at Voxxed Istanbul

A quick entry to say Teşekkürler! (Thanks!) to the organizational committee and all the people at Voxxed Days Istanbul. It was a great opportunity to meet and exchange experiences and ideas with the large Java developer community in Istanbul.

For those that asked for it, here are the slides from my WildFly presentation:

WildFly v9 - State of the Union

The event coincided with the release of WildFly 9 CR1 which brings us closer to the end of this release cycle.

The main features of this release are:
  • Core/Full split and Servlet-only distribution
  • Front-end load balancer with mod_cluster support
  • Undertow HTTP/2 & SPDY support
  • Graceful shutdown (suspend(timeout) / resume)
  • Switching to the JDK ORB from JacORB
  • Offline CLI mode
  • etc.
Check out the release notes and download it from here.

Until the next time!


Hagia Sophia (Αγία Σοφία)

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Bye bye Devoxx '14 - Hello WildFly 8.2 !!!

You have probably noticed how busy we are at the WildFly / JBoss EAP team churning out releases, we barely find the time to write a quick blog entry and brag about it, so here it goes: the slides from the WildFly BOF at Devoxx 2014. Our regular (5th year in a row) rendezvous with the WildFly/JBoss community.

Nine months have passed since WildFly 8.0 Final was released and it has proved itself as a reliable and performant certified Java EE7 implementation. I have had the opportunity to discuss about WildFly with many people during the conference and I was very pleased to listen to almost *zero* griping about problems and issues. It just works well for most of you and I've heard about many successful migration stories from previous JBoss version and other competing platforms.

The 3 technical things people asked for were:

  1. Multitenancy, or at least access to the multitenancy feature of Hibernate.
  2. Some tooling to let you shrink an installation to whatever your application requires.
  3. A simplified and more traditional style (treeview) graphical console.
 So really, not much :)

Even better, just one week after the BOF and the WildFly team delivered on its promise, so WildFly 8.2 Final was released, with lots of fixes and smaller enhancements, as well as support for the latest CDI 1.2 and WebSockets 1.1 standards. It's a pretty solid release so give it try, download it or install it as an update to a WildFly 8.1 installation, or simply spin a WildFly 8.2 server in the OpenShift Cloud.

This release marks more or less the end of the WildFly 8.x series. A big thanks to the many heroes out there that contributed to the release in any shape and form (ideas, code, documentation, patches, bug reports, forum postings, articles, etc.)

Our team will move on to completing WildFly 9, the first Alpha version of which you can already download and play with.


Monday, October 06, 2014

10+ years on the Red Pill

I've started writing this blog entry in April 2014 when I received by post the item in the picture, along with a "Congratulations on your ten-year anniversary with Red Hat!" note. As it is common in our work I've got distracted by the immediate needs of yet another JBoss EAP product release, so I've left the blog post in a draft state (and basically forgot about it), only to rediscover it on a Sunday night, six month later.

I guess, it's now or never: a quick recount of how it all started.

Time flies and this has been the longest period in my life working on any single project: the JBoss Application Server recently renamed to WildFly and also known by its commercial counterpart the Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP). Even my older daughter is less than ten years old; in fact, both my daughters belong to the Professional OpenSource era of my life, grown up probably thinking it is perfectly normal to come back from school and find your dad at home, locked in a room in front of his computer, working strange hours and having conference calls at 11pm with his geek colleagues.

My involvement with the JBoss Application Server project has been a long one. I have been a heavy user of JBoss since v2.2 around 2001. I was always fascinated by the technology behind JBoss and I received great pleasure in analyzing the code, understanding how the system works, rip out the parts that were of interest to me and extend them to work in different ways than the software was originally intended for.

That was part of the magic of OpenSource software: the code was out there and it was the ultimate truth. If you had a good grasp of programming and the will and persistence to dig deeper, you could learn more things than any Computer Science course could ever teach you. And you didn't have to physically be at California or Seattle to take part in this technological party: you could do it from your bedroom at some distant and less privileged part of our planet where computer-wannabe-geeks wouldn't normally get a chance to work on something truly advanced. Working for a popular opensource project was like getting a chance to work for NASA from home. Or at least, it felt like this.

And it wasn't just the technology, it was also the people behind it. Tech geniuses of the likes of Adrian Brock and Scott Stark and (angry) Bill Burke and Gavin King and many others. People who's intellect you'd come to appreciate through their code and designs. And of course, visionaries, leaders and marketing geniuses, like Marc Fleury; the guy who lead the JBoss effort and could make everything seem possible. Undoubtedly JBoss Rock Stars, all of them.

I guess the turning point for me came in the summer of 2003. I had followed closely JBoss developments for a good two years and back in my previous company we had used JBoss to base our own products and create an advanced service provisioning platform for telcos. Then, in June 2003 I was fortunate enough to attend a JBoss training in Amsterdam with instructors (guess who?), Sacha Labourey and Juha Lindfors, both of them serial entrepreneurs and good friends by now.

Sacha, the restless Swiss with the French accent, director of JBoss Europe (and EJB Clustering guy at the time, who moved on later on to start Cloudbees), and Juha from Finland (#1 employee of Marc if I recall, and now founder of OpenRemote) with his slow pace and a perfect command of the English language acting as director of training. At the time JBoss Ltd. was basically a bunch of people so everyone was a director of some sort. But there was a common theme among them: extremely sharp and intelligent, both in business and technology. They knew exactly what they were doing and they seemed to be onto something, something big.

At the training I realized that I knew this "JBoss stuff" a lot better than I had thought of. Certainly more than the other trainees and in one or two areas that I had previously delved into, I was probably at least as good as the instructors themselves. I have already had an active role in the JBoss community as a user, but not so much as a code contributor. In any case, we have barely had the time to do our day job, so who would actually consider spending their nights at home to contribute code, for free?

Nevertheless, the training was a blast and I've managed to even contribute a bug fix before the class was over. At which point the thought naturally occurred to me: this stuff is way cooler than anything else I've seen. And those guys are way smarter than anyone else I've known. Should I try to become a code contributor. Do I actually have what it takes to be one of them?

The following months I've set about to find out. I would come back home after work and I would try to make code contributions. Given the limited spare time after the usual 10h work day with the long commute times and the slow 14.4Kbps modem line, things weren't exactly easy. But I still remember the day after Scott Stark gave me CVS write-access to the code repository and I was about to check-in a good chunk of code. Adrenaline was high as I pressed the Enter key that very first time. The code was in the repository for hundreds of eyes to see.

It's a common misunderstanding that opensource projects written by volunteers is of inferior quality. In an ordinary corporate environment it's very easy to write bad code that no-one but you will ever see, except maybe for that poor guy that will have to maintain it a few years down the road. But in the opensource universe, chances are that at least some people will see your code, often people more capable than you. And many more will actually test it. If it's crap, they are going to tell you right in your face. So you better double and triple check the code you've produced before you commit. And if you manage to break the testsuite or the built be prepared for some swift and harsh reaction.

The summer passed, and the fall, too. It was the time where things started becoming serious for that transformed itself from a training and consultancy shop selling development support, to JBoss Inc. with the aspiration of becoming a scalable business who's main revenue stream would be selling production support for the JEMS product line. JBoss received $10M of venture capital and that meant it could expand more aggressively and start hiring people. I.e. hiring the best from the existing pool of volunteer contributors (a strategy that we still follow in Red Hat, BTW).

So February came and it was another ordinary Thursday in the office. Most people were gone by 5pm and I was working late, as usual when I received the following email in my mailbox. That was one of the two reasons that made that day unforgettable.

-----Original Message-----
From: Marc Fleury
Sent: Thursday, 12 February 2004 6:22 pm
Subject: JBoss employment

Hello dimitris,
You seem fairly motivated, what is your professional situation today?
Are you open to discuss possibilities with JBoss EU? I think you may be
a fit for "professional open source".

Marc Fleury himself had just offered me the red pill. That was a common phrase in JBoss speak who often borrowed concepts from the Matrix series. It meant leaving the ordinary world of proprietary software development to enter the magic world of opensource software; and make a living out of it. Nothing would be the same after taking the red pill which signified the point of no return. Or alternatively, you could take the blue pill and forget all about it, be normal like everyone else.

Was I dreaming? It took me exactly 9 minutes to reply to Marc that I am very-very much interested but we obviously had to discuss in detail before I could make up my mind and commit to anything. For a moment I'd felt I had just entered "The Matrix" until the phone suddenly rang and brought me back to reality. As if they were calling me from the mother ship Nebuchadnezzar :

Home: "Are you crazy to still be at the office at that time? Take a look outside your window!"

So I looked outside the window and lo and behold, there was snow; actually a lot of it. That's the 2nd reason that day will remain unforgettable. The most unusual and heavy snowstorm in decades had just hit Athens and I was one of the last people in the office, 57 km away from home, far away from civilization, me and my Honda Transalp 600cc. I put on my gear quickly and rushed out in the snowstorm. I was hopping I could manage to get away before it was too late.

Apparently, that was a bad idea as I ended up heading right into the storm which only got worse. We had about a record 40 cm of snow in less than an hour. I took the 3-lane ring road that goes around Athens but after about 9 km I just couldn't drive anymore. I was knee-deep into the snow, the motorbike had very little grip and I couldn't see a thing through the helmet. There were almost no cars around, and if there were any, they most probably wouldn't see me either, I had to stop.

I found refuge under a bridge where I left the bike and started to evaluate my options. The roads where completely blocked, there was not a living soul around and the battery of my mobile phone was dead. I was almost laughing with myself about the situation: I had just got the best job offer in my life and I might instead freeze and die out there in the cold, without anyone knowing about this, ever. And this taking place in Athens, where a snowstorm of this size is as common as a rainfall in the Zahara desert. D'oh!

But then the open source survival instinct of being thrown into an unknown project suddenly kicked in: where am I? What do I know about this place? Nothing much except that my long lasting friend and colleague at the time, Spyros Pollatos, (and JBoss contributor, too, we had written together the SNMP adapter for JBoss)  lives somewhere around here. Maybe I could find his place and hopefully he will be there, too. But I had very little knowledge of the streets and I had only been at Spyro's place once. Will I remember the house or was that a long shot? Probably as a long shot as me working for JBoss!

So I left the safety of the bridge and walked in the snow for more than an hour, if I remember correctly, with all the motorbike gear on including the helmet. I surely got lost and went in circles a couple of times. But I did find the house in the end and Spyros with Tonia happened to be inside, totally surprised by the stranger who knocked at their door at night. As it happened, I didn't have to think too hard about taking that red pill, I was already living in the Matrix.

Fast forward two months later and here I am setting up my home office to become officially the first (and only) JBoss employee in Greece at the time. I was lucky enough that ADSL had just come to my area offering the impressive speed of 384/128kbs. With a fast Internet connection and my brand new Dell laptop with docking station and 20" monitor (still in use!) that had just arrived I was ready to roll.

And who would have guessed that as part of the welcome package I would also get a mention (with a picture of me under the Parthenon in Acropolis) in the BusinessWeek magazine. Which wasn't really something I had asked for or I could brag about since no-one from my friends actually read BusinessWeek, however, it did serve me well as something I could show my dad to prove that this JBoss thing actually existed and it wasn't a scum to get people working for free from their homes!

But it all worked out remarkably well and JBoss and later Red Hat proved to be the most reliable employer I've ever had. I got to meet some extremely smart and interesting people and got to work on a series of challenging releases, each one advancing the state of the art in application server technology. And doing all that by offering source code and software for free, while making a decent living and helping build the first billion-dollar opensource company.

10+ years living and breathing OpenSource changed my life in ways I would have never thought when this adventure started. And not just my life but the lives of many of my fellow colleagues and developers, some of whom I have offered them, as a hiring manager now, the red pill myself.

Any takers?


Monday, September 29, 2014

New books from the WildFly/EAP team

I came to believe that building infrastructure software and tools for developers is the biggest challenge for a programmer (second only to actually inventing your own programming language), exactly because your end users are not normal people but other fellow developers: intelligent geeks that are very hard to impress.

And whereas in the old days tools development was kept, to a large extend proprietary, the larger percentage of languages, tools and framework are developed nowadays in the opensource, meaning your code is out there in the open to be scrutinized. Writing bad code is less easy when hundreds of eyes are watching you and your reputation is on the line.

There is one undeniable benefit, though, in working on the development of opensource projects like the WildFly application server and it's derivative RedHat JBoss EAP: it is quite possible you will become an expert in the implementation of a set of standards (Java EE or otherwise), or a technology area or a framework that interests many others.

Combine that with a knack for explaining how things work and expressing yourself clearly in written form and what you get is an excellent book writing opportunity. An opportunity that members of the WildFly/EAP will occasionally grab.

So without further ado, I'm happy to throw a plug for two books that came out recently from WildFly/EAP team members.

Mobile and Web Messaging, by Jeff Mesnil
Advanced JAX-WS Web Services, by Alessio Soldano.



Thursday, November 21, 2013

Devoxx '13 recap

For yet another year (4th?) I hosted at Devoxx the WildFly Community BOF, one of our regular rendezvous with the JBoss community. The Wednesday 8pm slot proved very convenient and the room was full of old and new JBoss users and a good number of JBoss people/developers attending Devoxx. I was also fortunate to have Arun Gupta in the BOF, a recent addition to the Red Hat/JBoss family who was quick to field answers to various EE7 questions that came up during the session.

To start the discussion I went through a few slides providing an update on WildFly v8 which is currently in Beta, and you can download it from here. WildFly 8 is now undergoing the last stages of completing the EE7 TCK certification effort so we are not far from a CR release. This is a very good time to download the Beta release and kick the tires to help us identify and fix any issues before the Final release goes out.

WildFly 8 brings in a number of interesting new features, including:
  • Full Java EE7 support
  • A new fast Web Server, called Undertow
  • Reduced port usage
  • Patching Infrastructure
  • Audit Logging
  • Role Based Administration
You can learn more about those features by taking a look at the latest recorded webinar by Jason Greene and Stuart Douglas.

Talking about new features I was pleasantly surprised by the input we've got during the BOF, which contrary to other years it wasn't that much! Meaning that we are now at a point were we have most major areas of functionality covered and we can start looking at the details or the more advanced use cases. So despite the new name, WildFly is in fact quite mature, carrying along a JBoss history of 14 years.

On the other hand, I was not surprised at all by the huge interest I've seen at Devoxx by Glassfish users for moving over to WildFly and JBoss EAP, after the announcement by Oracle earlier this month that they are stopping commercial support for Glassfish. It's kind of sad for us to loose a very much respected opponent in the opensource space, but it was bound to happen at some point. It's hard to have to deal with two competing products in the same company.

Besides the BOF, I should also mention that I held a mini session at the JBoss booth, a quick introduction to Role-Based Administration (RBAC) in WildFly. Brian Stansberry gives some information about RBAC in the 2nd installment of the WildFly Deep Dive webinar series that you can watch recorded here.

Finally, I would like to take the opportunity and thank everyone that participated in my sessions. Your suggestions are taken very seriously and they are often used to change our priorities and shape our roadmaps.

Until the next time!


Monday, June 03, 2013

JBoss EAP and WildFly - a Symbiotic Relationship

It was a year ago in June/2012 when we released JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 (JBoss EAP) our stable and supported product based on the groundbreaking work performed in the community JBoss AS 7 project that pushed the envelope of application server technology and recently granted us the ZeroTurnAround Best Application Server Award.

And although for this past year our track record, in terms of community releases and vocal presence has been relatively poor, the application server team has been super busy working behind the scenes on our long term goal of strengthening the symbiotic project/product relationship. How?

In two ways:

First, by releasing JBoss EAP 6.1 on May/20th (check out the release notes) we didn't just produce yet another minor release with many important bug fixes and a number of new features. We've introduced a change in the distribution model so that starting from EAP 6.1, binaries (and sources of course) of all EAP major.minor releases are becoming immediately available through the JBossAS downloads page on to anyone that wants to use EAP for development purposes under a $0 subscription.

So if you have a strategic interest in JBoss EAP or you are just curious to try it out, you can get involved from the very early stages of productization, including the Alpha & Beta releases, discussing about the product, reporting any issues and helping us fix issues by the time the GA release is out.

Second, by renaming the community JBoss AS project to WildFly and Jason producing the first ever WildFly 8.0.0.Alpha1 release, we didn't just embark on the Java EE7 journey implementing the latest and greatest iteration of the spec, introduce a host of great new features or strive for even better performance. We've established a cleaner separation between the community project (WildFly) and the product (JBoss EAP) and we have entered a fast paced and aggressive monthly release cycle that will hopefully lead us to a Final version by the end of the year.

So if you love the community project (with the brand new name), you want to live on the bleeding edge of technology and help us once more have fun and make history (and write a lot of code on the way), now is the right time to get involved (and who knows, I might even hire the best of you). Also, don't be mislead by the Alpha phase of the project, the quality is way higher.

WildFly and JBoss EAP march towards their common future hand-in-hand complementing each other. WildFly constantly pushing forward in terms of new features and cutting edge innovation, and JBoss EAP following with a focus on enterprise level performance and stability, long term maintenance and first class professional support.

Both are available now for download, make your pick (WildFly / JBoss EAP) and get going!


Monday, November 19, 2012

Devoxx '12 recap

What a week for JBoss @ Devoxx 12, my 5th Devoxx in a row!

JBoss had a huge presence this year. Take a look at the excellent reviews from other JBossians:
Regarding the JBoss Application Server Community Project, this was a special Devoxx since Mark announced the 5 names that made it to the final and are now available for voting in the community portal:
  • BaseJump
  • WildFly
  • jBeret
  • Petasos
  • Jocron
I do have my favorite(s) but I won't tell you just now, in order to not affect the voting process. Besides, I am sure you'll make the right choice. :)

Putting a new name to the project we love is going to be difficult for many of us that have been living the JBoss AS dream for a decade or so. However, the rationale behind the renaming is pretty convincing and the overall timing with AS8-to-be-renamed coming next is just right. Besides, you might have not realized that the same strategy has worked out well for a number of JBoss projects (Infinispan, HornetQ, SwitchYard, IronJacamar, GateIn, PicketBox, Narayana, etc.), and the input we received at the JBoss AS BOF was pretty encouraging.

This is all for now, don't forget to vote!


For a nice review of Devoxx12, check out this blog.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Introducing JBoss AS 7.1 Final!

Great news for the Java EE Community and the fantastic JBoss AS/EAP development team, who can at last get some sleep(!): JBoss AS 7.1 was released!

The code name of the release is Thunder, emphasizing one of the main characteristics of the JBoss AS7 personality: speed! The server boots in just 2.2secs in the default profile on my humble laptop with two thirds of the services actually started, not just lazily loaded! I am soon expecting another round of people experimenting with the start-up parameters to achieve sub-second start-up times!

The number of JIRAs resolved in the 7.1 series in total (from the Alpha version down to Final) since 7.0.2 was released last September, reached the record number of 1465 issues, so you can imagine how big is the delta between the two releases and how productive the development team has been.

Jason has summed up pretty nicely what's new with JBoss AS 7.1 in the release notes which is a must read.

However, the big news with this release is the achievement of Java EE6 Full Profile certification. It took us a while to get there, mostly because the architecture of JBoss AS was essentially redesigned in order to address the pain points of the previous iteration and accommodate an ever increasing set of requirements.

But we are confident that the end result is pleasing for developers and administrators alike. JBoss AS7.1 is smaller, faster and more manageable than any previous JBoss AS release and really pushes the envelope in terms of Application Server technology.

In other words JBoss AS got its Mojo back. It is fully functional and sexy!

Give it a spin and let us know.


Tuesday, January 31, 2012

JUDCon 2012 India - Recap

Back to base after attending and presenting at the first ever JUDCon in India!

The 2-day event was fully booked and registrations reached the record number of close to 800 participants!

I had the opportunity of taking part along with other fellow JBossians at the 1st day's expert panel, where we had the chance to answer lots of questions, many of which were related to JBoss AS/EAP.

During the panel discussion, as well as during my first talk on JBoss Application Server 7 - Reloaded, and the many private discussions I had between sessions, I realized that pretty much everyone uses JBoss AS in India, all the way back from versions 3 and onwards, while usage of JBoss AS 7 and Enterprise Application Platform (EAP - our supported offering) is picking up nicely.

There was good coverage of JBoss AS 7 through different talks, most of which were recorded and should become available soon. It was very encouraging to see people's reactions on the latest installment of the JBoss AS series and the significant architectural changes and innovations that JBoss AS 7 brings.

The developer audience was absolutely fantastic, with packed sessions and people asking one question after another, until the organizers had to push for the next session to begin! People would come to me with their long lists of questions and discussion items related to the inner workings of the server.

My second session on The 7 Secrets of Successful Opensource Developers was also packed, and I was very pleased to have to answer questions and provide tips and personal advice for a solid 20' after the presentation was over. I expect we will be seeing some interesting contributions coming from Indian developers over the coming months :-)

Some coverage of the event from various people inside JBoss:
And outside JBoss:
A great JUDCon, overall. Looking forward for the next opportunity to visit Bangalore!


Thursday, December 22, 2011

JBoss AS 7.1 CR1 released!

Santa came early this year at JBoss because his assistants have been really-really busy working around the clock across different timezones to produce JBossAS 7.0 CR1!

This is a very important milestone in the AS 7.x series because full EE6 support is now considered feature complete! (This is provided by running the standalone-full.xml profile.)

The release features several management improvements and enhancements to the clustering subsystem, as well as, final updates to a series of subsystems, like WebServices, for example.

The team has managed to resolve a whopping 378 JIRA issues within exactly one month, which means that there is a ton of new stuff and there is also a good chance for your reported issue to have been resolved. (If not, you are always welcome to contribute.)

The development team will keep the current pace until we get to the Final release, which comes next. In the meantime, we encourage you to download it, give it a spin and let us know! This is your chance to help us produce a quality 7.1 Final release.

Besides, what better passtime you can think of for the holiday break? :-)

Merry Xmas!
