Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

pre-GDB - Networking

31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre (CERN)

31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


Show room on map
Edoardo Martelli (CERN), Marian Babik (CERN), Shawn Mc Kee (University of Michigan (US)), Tony Cass (CERN)

Dedicated full day session on WLCG networking (10am - 6pm).

The meeting will be focused on the discussions covering the following areas:

    • Experiments session - network capacities used and anticipated by the experiments in the LHCOPN in the short-term - rest of Run2. Details on the volumes transferred and anticipated with decomposition into specific geographical areas (EU, US, Asia). Medium term view on the network capacities required in LHCOPN and LHCONE (Run 3), anticipated growth in the transferred volumes and planned changes in the data management workflows (changes in the ways data will be transferred, data management patterns, data access patterns). Network capacities planning process and review, guidance for NRENs and sites.

    • Sites session - network experiences, short-term campus upgrade plans for storage and networking (both LAN and WAN), planned regional R&E network upgrades.

    • Operations session - views on the current operational status (monitoring, diagnosing and network management) of the LHCOPN/LHCONE, focus on gaps and issues to tackle. This will also involve short-term plans for perfSONAR deployment, OSG network area and WLCG Network Throughput WG plans (alerting/notifications, network analytics).

    • Future Network Capabilities session - tracking the evolution in the network technologies such as SDNs, both on and off campus (LAN/WAN), existing or proposed projects on testing different approaches and ways how to bring them to production (pilot/demonstrator projects). Identify ways how we could collaborate with NRENs who are leading the activities in this area and discuss how to better engage experiments and sites in the process.

pre-GDB on networking
  • Alessandro Di Girolamo
  • Andreas Petzold
  • Bill Johnston
  • Bruno Hoeft
  • Catherine Biscarat
  • Christian Grimm
  • Claudio Grandi
  • Costin Grigoras
  • Dave Kelsey
  • David Groep
  • David Salmon
  • Duncan Rand
  • Edoardo Martelli
  • Elizabeth Sexton-Kennedy
  • enzo valente
  • Fernando Lopez Munoz
  • Frederique Chollet
  • Gerben Van Malenstein
  • Gyorgy Balazs
  • Harvey Newman
  • Helge Meinhard
  • Henryk Giemza
  • Hsin-Yen Chen
  • Ian Collier
  • Jerome Bernier
  • Joe Metzger
  • Jose Flix Molina
  • Lars Fischer
  • Latchezar Betev
  • Laurent Gydé
  • Maarten Litmaath
  • Marco Marletta
  • Marian Babik
  • Philip Garrad
  • Shawn McKee
  • Silvio Pardi
  • Soh Suzuki
  • Stefan Piger
  • Stefano Zani
  • Thierno BALDE
  • Tim Chown
  • Tony Cass
  • Torre Wenaus
  • Ulf Bobson Severin Tigerstedt
  • Vikas Bansal
  • Xavier Jeannin