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U.S. Study Abroad Initiative (Backup Copy of Agenda)

Center for Strategic & International Studies

Center for Strategic & International Studies

1800 K St. NW Washington DC 20006, USA
A one-day meeting focusing on the feasibility of creating a U.S. LHC Study Abroad Program in Geneva. Though the Meeting will focus on the specific case of undergraduate student research participation in the Large Hadron Collider Program in Geneva, the issues involved pertain much more broadly to overall U.S. national science policy, as more and more frontier research facilities are being located beyond the borders of the United States.
Images from the CERN-Based NSF REU Summer Student Program.
REU Students REU Students REU Students REU Students
REU Students REU Students
CSIS: [Home Page] [Contact] [Google Map] This Agenda:
  • Al Goshaw
  • Allan Lerner
  • Bill Valdez
  • Daniel Levin
  • David Abshire
  • Deborah Derrick
  • Donald Shapero
  • Elizabeth O'Malley
  • Fred Bernthal
  • Graham Harrison
  • Homer Neal
  • Howard Gordon
  • Howard Nicholson
  • Kathleen McCloud
  • Linda Blevins
  • Marta Cehelsky
  • Marvin Goldberg
  • Michael Tuts
  • Patricia Dehmer
  • Peter McPherson
  • Randal Ruchti
  • Robert Berdahl
  • Robert Megginson
  • Robert Samors
  • Sarah Eno
  • Stephen D'Arcy
  • Steven Goldfarb
    • Introduction
      • 1
        President Lounsbery Foundation, Vice Chair, CSIS, Former U.S. Ambassador to NATO, President, Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress
        Speaker: Ambassador David Abshire
      • 2
        Nature of the Challenge
        Former Chair, HEPAP Subpanel Study on the Future of University High Energy Physics Programs, Former Member, U.S. National Science Board, Professor of Physics, University of Michigan
        Speaker: Prof. Homer A. Neal
    • Facility Examples with Anticipated Limited U.S. Undergraduate Student Access
      • 3
        The Large Hadron Collider, ITER and the WHO
        Professor of Physics, Notre Dame University, Former NSF Physics Program Officer, Former Outreach Coordinator, CERN CMS Experiment
        Speaker: Prof. R. Ruchti
    • Examples of Existing International Programs for Undergraduate Studies
      • 4
        Current CERN REU Program
        Speaker: Prof. Homer A. Neal
      • 5
        Study Abroad Programs in Switzerland (UCIC)
        Speaker: Dr. Allan Lerner, University of Illinois - Chicago
      • 6
        International Undergraduate Programs at the NSF
        Speaker: Graham M. Harrison, Program Manager, International Programs, NSF
    • 11:40
    • Interest of Scientific Community
      • 7
        American Physical Society Division of Particles and Fields
        Speaker: Prof. Raymond Brock
      • 8
        U.S. ATLAS Collaboration Board
        Speaker: Prof. Al Goshaw
      • 9
        U.S. CMS Collaboration Board
        Speaker: Prof. Nick Hadley
    • Benefits and Operational Challenges of Study Abroad Programs
      • 10
        University of Michigan Programs
        Speaker: Associate Dean R. Megginson, University of Michigan
      • 11
        University of Illinois - Chicago Geneva Program
        Speaker: Associate Provost A. Learner, University of Illinois - Chicago
      • 12
        Possible Impacts Beyond Science
        Speaker: Dr. D. S. Levin, University of Michigan
      • 13
        State Department: Host Country Issues
        Speaker: Representative from U.S. State Department / OSTP
      • 14
        A LHC Study Abroad Proposal
        Speaker: Dr. S. Goldfarb, University of Michigan
    • 14:55
    • Observations from University Consortia
      • 15
        Association of American Universities
        Speaker: R. Berdahl, President, AAU
      • 16
        Universities Research Association
        Speaker: F. Berenthal, President, URA
      • 17
        Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC)
        Speaker: Associate Provost A. Learner, University of Illinois - Chicago
      • 18
        Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (NASULGC)
        Former President Michigan State University, Former Director, USAID, President, APLU (formerly NASULGC)
        Speaker: Pres. Peter McPherson (TBC)
    • Possible Funding Strategies
      • 19
        General Foundation Perspectives
        Speaker: Dr. Deborah Derrick, Program Officer, Gates Foundation
      • 20
        Mangement Perspectives
        Speaker: Mr. Steven D'Arcy, PriceWaterhouseCoopers
    • Open Discussion on Next Steps

      Myron Campbell, Professor of Physics and Chair, University of Michigan,
      Associate Dean, LS&A;
      Homer Neal, University of Michigan