Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!


Hundred-and-Eighteenth Session
503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


Show room on map
Friday 15 June 2001 - 09:30

Friday 15 June 2001


1. Report to the Credentials Committee
2. Approval of the Draft Minutes
CERN/2364/Draft English French
3. Approval of the Draft Minutes of the 117th Extraordinary Session
CERN/2373/Draft English French
4. Adoption of the Agenda
CERN/2375 English French
5. President's Report
6. Accounts for 2000:
   6.1 Accounts for the Financial Year 2000
CERN/FC/4417 CERN/2376 Englsih French
   6.2 Report by the External Auditors on the Accounts of CERN for the Financial Year 2000
CERN/FC/4418 English French
   6.3 External Auditors' Report for the Financial Year 2000 - Comments by the Management
CERN/FC/4419 English French
7. CERN Pension Fund:
   7.1 Annual Report 2000 of the CERN Pension Fund
CERN/FC/4420 CERN/2377 English French
   7.2 Report by the External Auditors on the Accounts of the CERN Pension Fund for the Financial Year 2000
CERN/FC/4421 English French
   7.3 Report by the External Auditors on the Accounts of the CERN Pension Fund for the Financial Year 2000 Comments by the Administration of the Fund
CERN/FC/4422 English French
8. LHC Progress Report (Director-General - Oral)
9. Proposal for Building the LHC Computing Environment
CERN/2379 English French
10. The Scientific Activities of CERN and Budget Estimates for the Years 2002-2005
CERN/SPC/793 CERN/FC/4424 English French
11. Tripartite Employment Conditions Forum (TREF) Report by the Chairman (Oral)
12. Proposal to correct the Discrepancy in the Net Salary Adjustment on 1 January 2001
CERN/FC/4427 CERN/2388 English French
13. Proposed Modifications to the Tenth Edition of the Staff Rules and Regulations
CERN/FC/4428 CERN/2378 English French
14. Resolution on the Procedure of Payment of Member States' Contributions
CERN/2385 English French
15. Accession to CERN Report by the Working Group on the Enlargement of CERN's Membership
16. Draft Timetable for Council Sessions and Committee Meetings 2002
CERN/2383/Final English-French

1. Senior Staff Appointments
CERN/SPC/794 CERN/CC/2384 (Confidential) English French
2. Elections - Composition of the Scientific Policy Committee
CERN/2386 English French
3. Elections - Council and Finance Committee
   3.1 Election of One Vice-President of Council
   3.2 Re-appointment of the Chairman of TREF and Appointment of the Vice-Chairman of TREF
4. Elections - Pension Fund
   4.1 Appointments to the Governing Board and to the Investment Committee
CERN/2387 English French