10–13 May 2011
Europe/Zurich timezone


Welcome to the 2nd annual meeting of EuCARD,

After one day (Tuesday 10th) dedicated to parallel meetings of Work Packagesand associated meetings (TIARA, ESGARD), the plenary meeting will combine summaries and highlight talks on the advancement of the work in fields as varied as high field magnets, collimation, linear collider technologies, novel accelerator concepts, networking of the community and open facilities. One day (Thursday 12th) will be dedicated to other European and French projects, to the preparation of the next FP7 project and to a visitto the CNRS and CEA R&D facilities. The meeting is open to external and local participants in the limit of the meeting capacity. 

Dates: (10th) 11th May'11  08:30   to   13th May'11   13:00
Location: CNRS-IN2P3, Paris (F). Amphithéâtre
Registration: a.s.a.p. and no later than 5th April'11
Agenda: Final .pdf