16–20 Nov 2009
Europe/Zurich timezone
Broadcasting: http://webcast.in2p3.fr/hcp2009/

Registration fees - Accommodation

 The deadline for registration is 9 November 2009


Please use the following link to register:   Registration

The organizers have asked the Evian Tourist Office to collect the Conference fees and help the participants book their hotel room and excursion. Please use the link below to complete your registration.

Registration fees

The Conference Fee is 260€ for early registration (before 15 September 2009) or 300€ afterwards. It includes the conference material, welcome reception, coffee breaks, conference dinner, a concert, Web-published conference proceedings, transportation from Geneva Airport/CERN to Evian on Sunday, and return either on Friday late afternoon or early morning on Saturday.
It does not include accommodation, lunches, or excursions. Accompanying persons are invited to attend the welcome reception and the concert.


The offer for accommodation varies from appartments to 2 star hotels (40 to 65 €/night), 3 star hotels (70 to 80 €/night)and some 4 star hotels (180 to 230 €/night).

IMPORTANT - Should you require to modify your accommodation request, please send an e-mail to the following address: commercial@eviantourism.com

Please use the following links for further information and payment of fees, accommodation and other options:

 Accommodation/payment form in English

 Accommodation/payment form in French