Meetings since 2010


Next Meeting: Febuary 2013

Preliminary agenda:  

1. Minutes and actions from the previous two meetings, Round table  
2. Synrad3D progress, Humberto Maury
3. Results from scrubbing run - the last fill, Octavio Dominguez


08.04.2013 Summary Notes,  Octavio Dominguez, Frank Zimmermann

 Possible explanations for saturation of LHC e-cloud scrubbing in 2012, Giovanni Rumolo

 E-cloud studies for HL-LHC and (V)HE-LHC, Octavio Domingue

E-cloud update from the SPS: results from 2012 MDs and studies for a possible scrubbing beam, Giovanni Iadarola

Update on photo-electron simulations with ECLOUD, PyECLOUD and SYNRAD3D, Humberto Maury


11.01.2013 Summary Notes,  Octavio Dominguez, Frank Zimmermann

Summary of e- cloud activity in straight sections during the scrubbing run 2012, Octavio Dominguez

Scrubbing run 4-TeV heat-load benchmarking & SYNRAD3D plan, Humberto Maury

Electron Cloud and Scrubbing in the LHC, Giovanni Iadarola

News from Frascati, Roberto Cimino


01.10.2012 Summary Notes,  Octavio Dominguez, Frank Zimmermann

Plans and goals of the scrubbing run, Giovanni Iadarola

Injection schemes proposal  for  pressure benchmarking during the scrubbing run 2012, Octavio Dominguez

Ecloud Simulations Update, Humberto Maury

PS e-Cloud Experiment and Simulations, Chandra Bhat

EC Simulations for HL-HLC Beam Scenarios, Chandra Bhat


10.08.2012 Summary Notes,  Octavio Dominguez, Frank Zimmermann

ECLOUD vs PyECLOUD at 450 GeV, Octavio Dominguez

 ECLOUD vs PyECLOUD- LHC scenario at 7 TeV, Chandra Bhat

The mystery of the missing photoelectons, Humberto Maury


29.03.2012 Summary Notes,  Octavio Dominguez, Frank Zimmermann

Update on e-cloud simulations, Humberto Maury

Update on e-cloud map studies for scrubbing optimization, Octavio Dominguez


15.02.2012 Summary Notes,  Octavio Dominguez, Frank Zimmermann

Fast scrubbing optimization: e- cloud maps, Octavio Dominguez

Bunch spacing scan for two different bunch profiles at 7 TeV, Humberto Maury

PyEcloud simulations for the LHC, Giovanni Iadarola


28.11.2011 Summary Notes,  Octavio Dominguez, Frank Zimmermann

Sensitivity studies, heat load benchmarking, heat-load quadrupole oscillations, some pending actions, update on multipacting thresholds for different beam pipe radii, Humberto Maury

Update on bunch profile studies, Chandra Bhat

Update on pressure benchmarking, Octavio Dominguez

PyECLOUD, Giovanni Iadarola


28.10.2011 Summary Notes,  Octavio Dominguez, Frank Zimmermann

Arc simulations - a bug in ECLOUD?, quadrupole heat-load oscillations, Humberto Maury

Heat-load data from Laurent Tavian for 25-ns MD, Frank Zimmermann 

Status of SEY-R benchmarking from pressure rise for 25-ns MDs, Octavio Dominguez

HP and Water-Bag distribution, Chandra Bhat


30.09.2011 Summary Notes,  Octavio Dominguez, Frank Zimmermann

Final transverse emittance due to e-cloud fast instability, Elias Metral

Update on LHC e-cloud simulations (density vs Nb, heat load, profile, 25 and 50 ns), Humberto Maury

E-cloud simulations for LHC LPA scheme, Chandra Bhat

Update on LARP-CERN feedback plans, Wolfgang Hoefle 

E-cloud highlights from IPAC'11, Octavio Dominguez

Report from MulCoPim2011, Frank Zimmermann


29.08.2011 Summary Notes,  Octavio Dominguez, Frank Zimmermann

Update on LHC scrubbing-run benchmarking, Octavio Dominguez 

Progress on PS e-cloud simulations, Chandra Bhat

Brief Summary of SPS HEADTAIL Simulations, Kevin Li

SPS e-cloud feedback simulations, Kazuhito Ohmi

US-LARP+CERN project/simulations on feedback to control e-clouds and TMCI in SPS (movie), Claudio Rivetta


29.07.2011 Summary Notes,  Octavio Dominguez, Frank Zimmermann

A surface study on the origin of SEY reduction on accelerator walls, Roberto Cimino

New results on LHC scrubbing-run benchmarking, Octavio Dominguez

ECLOUD svn repository, Giovanni Iadarola

E-cloud simulations for 5-ns spacing, Giovanni Iadarola

Progress on PS e-cloud simulations, Chandra Bhat


27.06.2011 Summary Notes,  Octavio Dominguez, Frank Zimmermann

Fixing an ECLOUD bug for tall beams, Giovanni Iadarola

Update on SPS e-cloud feedback simulations by Kazuhito Ohmi, Frank Zimmermann

SPS e-cloud instability scaling with Qs and rho_e - an update, Kevin Li and Hannes Bartosik

Update on LHC arc simulations, multipacting threshold, aperture scan, Humberto Maury

Update on PS e-cloud studies, Chandra Bhat


16.06.2011 Summary Notes,  Frank Zimmermann

SNF Project "Modelling microwave-electron interaction in the LHC" - intermediate results, Eden Sorolla

Comparing e-cloud instabilities in the SPS at nominal and at low gamma-t optics - first observations, Kevin Li

Update on LHC arc simulations, aperture scan, parameter scan, and "missing sawtooth" chambers, Humberto Maury

PS e-cloud simulations, Chandra Bhat


07.06.2011 Summary Notes,  Frank Zimmermann

Tune shift due to e-cloud from Kazuhito Ohmi; issue of LHC inverted sawtooth chambers, Frank Zimmermann

Update on LHC arc heat load at 50 ns, sensitivity to parameter variation, aperture scan, Humberto Maury

Simulation of SPS e-cloud feedback by Kazuhito Ohmi, Frank Zimmermann 

PS e-cloud simulations (pdf), Chandra Bhat


16.05.2011 Summary Notes, Octavio Dominguez, Frank Zimmermann

e-cloud heat load simulations for LHC arcs with 50-ns spacing (update), Humberto Maury Cuna

Scrubbing run 2011 (update), Octavio Dominguez


09.05.2011 Summary Notes, Octavio Dominguez, Frank Zimmermann

Ecloud FB simulations – Update from LARP, Summary of a PAC 11 Contribution, Wolfgang Hofle

e-cloud heat load simulations for LHC arcs with 50-ns spacing (update), Humberto Maury Cuna

Scrubbing run 2011, Octavio Dominguez


28.04.2011 Summary Notes, Octavio Dominguez, Frank Zimmermann

Parameter studies of the e-cloud build up (update), Octavio Dominguez

e-cloud heat load simulations for LHC arcs with 50-ns spacing, Humberto Maury Cuna


25.03.2011 Summary Notes, Octavio Dominguez, Frank Zimmermann

Follow-up from CERN-GSI e-cloud workshop, Giovanni Rumolo

SPS  stripe movie, Giovanni Rumolo, Mauro Taborelli, Christina Yin-Vallgren

Plan for scrubbing run, Gianluigi Arduini

Parameter studies of the e-cloud build up, Octavio Dominguez


25.02.2011 Summary Notes, Octavio Dominguez

e-cloud simulations update, Octavio Dominguez

Stripes in SPS and LHC arc dipoles, Giovanni Rumolo

e-cloud 75-ns build-up movie for IR3 drift (one batch), Ubaldo Iriso

e-cloud 75-ns build-up movie for LHC dipole (3 bunch passages), Ubaldo Iriso


11.02.2011 Summary Notes, Frank Zimmermann

List of actions from previous meeting, Frank Zimmermann

Draft note on "Electron Cloud Thresholds with 75 ns Bunch Spacing", Ubaldo Iriso

e-cloud simulations update for SPS and LHC, Octavio Dominguez


21.01.2011 Summary Notes, Frank Zimmermann

Where are the electron-cloud stripes in strong dipoles?, Giovanni Rumolo 

Solution of e- motion in a dipole field (photo1, photo2), Daniel Schulte

IR3 simulation update, Octavio Dominguez

e- densities at 50 ns spacing, Humberto Maury

Electron-cloud simulations with 75-ns bunch spacing, Ubaldo Iriso


17.01.2011 Summary Notes, Frank Zimmermann

Single-bunch instability thresholds at different bunch lengths, energies, with & w/o dipole field, Kevin Li  

LHC electron-cloud simulations, Octavio Dominguez


07.01.2011: Summary Notes, Frank Zimmermann

Single-bunch instability thresholds at different beam energies, Kevin Li  

Multipacting Threshold in the Arcs and Magnetic Field effect (Re: Humberto's simulations), Frank Zimmermann

Multi-Bunch Wake Field in ECLOUD, Frank Zimmermann  

E-cloud Study Visits, Frank Zimmermann  

Plan for EuCARD-AccNet CERN-GSI e-cloud mini-workshop, Giovanni Rumolo


Meetings in 2010


14.12.2010: Summary Notes, Frank Zimmermann

Electron-cloud observations, Tatiana Pieloni

Electron-cloud simulations update 2, Humberto Maury

SPS benchmarking update: energy spectrum & effect of emittance, Octavio Dominguez

Questions and simulations, Gianluigi Arduini

Electron-cloud and vacuum observations, Gianluigi Arduini


26.11.10: Summary Notes, Chandra Bhat

Electron-cloud simulations update: LHC arcs with 50 and 75-ns spacing, Humberto Maury

HEADTAIL simulations and work plan, Kevin Li

SPS benchmarking, Octavio Dominguez