R2E Extended Project Meeting

864/1-D02 - BE Auditorium Prevessin (CERN)

864/1-D02 - BE Auditorium Prevessin


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As agreed, we’ve continued to follow the various R2E related work (packages) on an individual basis, thus avoiding long meetings where detailed aspects of specific activities are discussed and often not interesting to other parts of the project. Profiting from our last review’s ‘anniversary’, an extended R2E project meeting is scheduled aiming at:
- common information excahnge about the status and main achievements between the various project activities
- having a look on the review follow-ups and what’s still open (if any!)
- highlight the priorities for the coming months and problems to be solved urgently (if any!)
The idea is to keep the meeting small (in terms of participants), focusing on the following ‘presentations/discussions’ which are based on the review sessions we had, our main activities and current ‘highlights’ as listed in the presentations below. Respective discussions/comments are encourraged.
    • 14:00 14:30
      Radiation Levels & Monitoring 30m
      (status, P4/P6, DS/ARC activities, BLM data, RadMon v2
      Speaker: Marco Calviani (CERN)
    • 14:30 15:00
      Operation & Failures 30m
      combined RadWG and OP analysis/news
      Speaker: Giovanni Spiezia (CERN)
    • 15:00 15:30
      Relocation & Shielding 30m
      Activities, Preparation & Planning (xMas + LS1)
      Speaker: Anne-Laure Perrot (CERN)
    • 15:30 15:50
      Coffee Break 20m
    • 15:50 16:00
      Power-Converter R&D Part-I 10m
      600A, prototype of 4/6/8-kA
      Speaker: Yves Thurel (CERN)
    • 16:00 16:20
      Power-Converter R&D Part-II 20m
      FGClite Activities and prototyping
      Speaker: Arend Dinius (CERN)
    • 16:20 16:50
      QPS News 30m
      summary of the mini-review with main conclusions, status of developments
      Speakers: Jens Steckert (CERN), Dr Reiner Denz (CERN)
    • 16:50 17:20
      Radiation Tests & Facilities 30m
      campaigns, documentation, requirements: -Summary of radiation test campaigns (aim: showing the important number/groups, difficulties/challenges) split in o CERN (H4IRRAD, CNRAD) o PSI o Other - Availability of test reports and how they’re openly accessible - Upcoming requirements/requests and how they - Status of facilities and outlook towards PS-EA (clearly showing that we can’t do it without having PS-EA online in 2014) - a side-note to related conferences/forums and how well this is integrated in the RadWG (mentioning that groups should not get lazy in participation and driving the venue)
      Speaker: Julien Mekki (CERN)