11–12 Jun 2012
Europe/Zurich timezone
4/3-006 - TH Conference Room
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This workshop has been motivated by the recently published "Les Houches Recommendations for the presentation of LHC results", arXiv:1203.2489, which emphasize the important role of public fast detector simulators in maximizing the use of LHC results, and suggest the HEP community to take responsibility for providing, validating and maintaining tools for fast simulation.
The workshop aims to bring together the developers of the existing and upcoming tools, the experts from experiments, and the current and potential users in order to thoroughly discuss fast simulators, and address topics such as:
- current status and shortcomings
- object implementation, difficult topologies
- validation
- input/output formats, common analysis tools
These discussions are intended to result in concrete solutions to the technical questions and suggestions for overall improvement of fast simulators, and hence take a step towards realizing recommendation 2b which says:
"The community should take responsibility for providing, validating and maintaing a simplied simulation code for public use, reproducing the basic response of the LHC detectors. The validation and tuning of this tool should be based on comparisons with actual performance plots, and/or other inputs, made available by the experiments along the lines of Recommendation 2a. Limits of validity should be investigated and clearly documented."

Twiki for more info: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/edit/Main/PublicFastSimforLHC